What's Happening To Me?

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I think I may kill a character....VOTE IF YOU DO OR DON'T WANT ME TO!


Chapter 5 (OMG!)

Amber's pov.

Where is Blake?

I can't find him anywhere! I have been searching for hours! "Blake?" It was 8 in the morning and I woke up at 6:40. I don't know why I was up so early. I think it was because I slept so much yesterday. But I can't find Blake! I think I'm going to search his room again. Maybe he is in the shower? I go into his room and look under the bed and in his closet. Nope, not there. I open the door to the bathroom and gasp at the sight.

"BLAKE!" I yelled. No! He can't be...

There was a huge pool of blood by his body. A large streak of red that was oozing on his wrist. "No no no no no no no no no!! Please no!" I begged and cried. "HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" I screamed. "RILEY! HELP PLEASE!" I screamed again. I heard rushed foot steps and saw Riley come to me. "Amber what's wr-AAAAHHHH! OH MY GOD! NO! WHAT HAPPENED?!" Riley screamed crying. "CALL AN AMBULANCE! QUICK!" I scream breaking in uncontrollable sobs. Riley rushed out of the room and I heard her on the phone. "Please Blake, don't leave me!" I whispered to him, dropping to my knees and holding him. I kissed his forehead with shaky lips before breaking down again.

I soon heard the sirens but I never let go of Blake. "Ms you need to move." I voice said behind me. I shook my head. "Mam if you want to keep him alive, you have to let go of him!" The voice said again. This time more urgent. I slowly slipped away from him. They put him on a stretcher and wheeled him out of the house. Once he got in the large van, I hopped in. I held on to his hand. "Blake, please don't let go. Please. I...I can't lose you! Not after we just became friends. God. I love you so much! Please!" I begged shaking. I can't lose him. No matter how many bruises he left me. No matter how many harsh words he may have said. I can't lose him now.

We arrived out of the van and were rushed into the hospital. They dragged his lifeless body into a room and shut the door. Riley and I were left out side to wait. "This can't be happening. This is a dream. This isn't real. This has to be a dream." I whisper to myself. I slide to the floor and put my head between my knees. I put my head up to look at the ceiling. All of the memory's of Blake and me flash in my bed.

When we slept in the same bed. Waking up in Blake's arms. When we watched the movie together. When he kissed my neck. When I kissed his... Everything hit me like lightning. I screamed in hurt and sadness. This can't be happening. This is just a dream, it isn't real. Who am I kidding? This is real and the breaking feeling in my chest is real as well. Riley rushed to my side and rubbed. I looked up at her and she was balling her eyes out. Much like me!

"Ms. Moore?"

I heard a women say. I looked her up and down. She had caramel coloured skin, dark brown eyes, and pink Angelina Jolie lips. She looked down at us with pity. "He's, um, awake. But only one of you can go at a time. He is very weak and he lost a lot of blood, but we manged to save him." She told us, nodding her head, then leaving. "You go in first Amber. You are having a heart attack, go first.:" Riley said. I shook my head. "He's your brother..." "Yea, but we both know he will be happier to see you." I sighed but nodded.

I walked into Blake's room slowly. "Amber..." I heard him whisper happily. I looked over his weak body. His skin looked way paler then usual. There was no colour to his face besides paleness. He eyes had an almost glassy look, but still looked their usual stunning blue. "Blake..." I whispered back. I rushed to the side of his bed, but didn't touch him. "Are you really gonna be a wimp and not even give me a hug?" He ask opening his arms.

I didn't wait for even a moment before I jumped in his arms, crushing him. He grunts in pain and I scrabble to get up, but he only hugs me tighter. "Don't go..." He whispered in my ear. "Never..." I reply, honesty dripping from my tongue. I jumped off him and frowned at him. "What?" He asked confused, trying to reach me to drag me back. I slap his hand and point a finger at him. "DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN! YOU KNOW HOW SCARED I WAS? FUCK BLAKE! I can't lose you!" I was crying. Tears followed out o my eyes like a river.

He hung his head in shame and I crawled back on his lap, hugging him. "I'm so sorry Amber..." He whispered. "Don't you dare leave me!" I warned him. He nodded and I pulled back to face him. "I." I kissed his forehead. "Missed." I kissed his chin. "You." I his right cheek. "So." I kissed his left cheek. I looked on his eyes, "Much." And with that, I kissed his cute button nose.

His eyes were large, staring at me like I was crazy. Maybe I was. But I had Blake back, so I had every right to be crazy. He smirked before cupping my face. "I." He kissed my forehead. "Missed." He kissed my chin. "You." He kissed my right cheek. "Way." He kissed my right cheek. Then he looked in my eyes, before closing his and whispering. "More." And kissed my nose. I widened my eyes and my breathing stopped.

I flew off him only for him to open his arms pouting a few minutes later. I rolled my eyes but layed in his arms. He layed back so his head was on the pillow and mine on his chest. "MMmmm..." I heard him moan. "What was that?" I asked. "Whenever I hug you a feeling comes to my stomach and it feels really nice. So I moan in delight...no big deal." He said with a shurg. I shurgged back and cuddled into his chest.

"If you ever try anything like that again Blake, I swear to god you will be yelled at each day. I am not going through that again, if you make me... I don't know what I would do!" I whispered, crying into his chest. "I missed you so much it hurt. Like there was a giant hole ripping at my chest..." I explained. He hugged me tight and looked down to look me in the eyes. "Amber, I promise I will never do anything to hurt you again. You are...you are my world. My only real friend. You don't know how good that makes me feel..." I nod.

"I can't lose another person Blake. You need to know that. If I lose you...I lose me. Another one gone...another one died. It hurts so much!!!" I broke into sobs. "Shh..." Blake cooed. "I know...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." I snuggled closer. Should I tell him what happened? No, I don't think I am ready. Only my family and Riley know. I don't if her parents know but, I don't think so...

"My life wasn't a walk in the park either. My dad was a bad man and my brother was his assistant...they beat me everyday...always. Even on my fucking birthday!" He said, his voice raising at the end. He put his hands on my waist, pulled me up by side him, and hid his face my chest. "AAAAAAHHHHHH! Why did they do it?!" He cried, his voice muffled by my shirt. "Blake...they are gone. You have me and the Moore family. You are safe...I promise." I said with a soft voice.

Blake started to hum a song and I looked at him. "Whatcha humming?" I asked. I got my answer when he started singing it. I knew this song, my dad use to listen to it so much. He was singing 'A Team' by Ed Sheeran.

"White lips, pale face Breathing in snowflakes Burnt lungs, sour taste Light's gone, day's end struggling to pay rent Long nights, strange men

And they say She's in the Class A Team Stuck in her daydream Been this way since 18 But lately her face seems Slowly sinking, wasting Crumbling like pastries And they scream

The worst things in life come free to us Cos we're just under the upper hand Go mad for a couple grams And she don't want to go outside tonight And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland Or sells love to another man It's too cold outside

For angels to fly Angels to fly

Ripped gloves, raincoat Tried to swim, stay afloat Dry house, wet clothes Loose change, bank notes Weary-eyed, dry throat Call girl, no phone

And they say She's in the Class A Team Stuck in her daydream Been this way since 18 But lately her face seems Slowly sinking, wasting

Crumbling like pastries And they scream The worst things in life come free to us Cos we're just under the upper hand And go mad for a couple grams And she don't want to go outside tonight And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland

Or sells love to another man It's too cold outside For angels to fly An angel will die Covered in white Closed eye And hoping for a better life This time, we'll fade out tonight Straight down the line

And they say She's in the Class A Team Stuck in her daydream Been this way since 18 But lately her face seems Slowly sinking, wasting Crumbling like pastries

They scream The worst things in life come free to us And we're all under the upper hand And go mad for a couple grams

And we don't want to go outside tonight And in a pipe we fly to the Motherland Or sell love to another man It's too cold outside For angels to fly Angels to fly To fly, fly Angels to fly, To fly, to fly For angels to die"

I closed my eyes and listened to him. His voice soft and beautiful. After, I got up, and heard Blake whine. "Riley has to come see you!" I said. "NO!" Blake whined. "RILEY!" I yelled causing Riley to run in the room. "Can you get the sign out sheets?" I asked Riley. She nodded and turned to Blake. "I'm fine!" He said raising his hands then letting them fall. "As soon as we get home, we are watching a movie. And I pick!" I said proudly. "Why do you pick?" Blake whines. "Because you scared the death outta me and I deserve to cuddle up and watch a romantic movie!" I explained.

He got out of bed and walked to me, hugging me. "I said I was sorry...pumpkin." He said with a smirk. "Ya, I am gonna call you pumpkin from now on!" He said still smirking. "Ok, then I'm going to call you...BB!!" I said happily. "Why BB?" "You like the song Boulevard of Broken Dreams, and it's written by Green Day. The lead singer of the band is named Billie Joe Armstrong. Billie and Blake equal BB!" I explained. My knowledge was awesome but Blake shook his head. "No!" "Fine! Um...KITTY!" "NO!" "YES! Kitty from Monsters Inc. People always call me boo so..." I explained.

Riley came back in with the sign out papers and we got our asses out of there!!! I hate those places! We pulled into the Moore's house and went in. "We are watching LES MISERABLE!!!!!!" I yelled. I freaking loved that movie and I am not afraid to show it!!!! "YES!" Riley yelled jumping up and down. "I kinda like Les Mis..." Blake said quietly.

"Come on Kitty and Cupcake! Lettuce leaf!" I shouted pointing to the TV room. "Ok muffin." I heard Riley say, but Blake said "Ok pumpkin," at the same time. We walked, or gangster walked, into the TV room and on Les Mis. Blake was a kill joy and didn't gangster walk OR didn't sing with us. It was shameful really! "A heart full of love!" Riley and I sang in a high pitched voice. We were trying to go as high as Cosette in the movie. We hit pitches that were out there. When Riley and I tried to copy it, we sounded like screeching idiots! "Love- LOVE!" We screeched with her.

"Look at her, with her silky perfect blond hair. Perfect eyes. And my teeth aren't even that white!" I complained. It's true. My blond hair was always a mess. My eyes were a dull blue. And my teeth weren't white. "Oh muffin, your beautiful. She is a wanna be blond!" Riley said flicking her wrist. "She's a natural blond!!" I almost shouted. She is not fake! "Was that her in pitch perfect?" I asked. "Um...I don't know actually. Was she? Who do you think she played?" Riley's asked. We paused the movie, grabbed our imaginary mustaches and thought.

"She would be the ginger!" I explained. Riley nodded her head and thought more. "No, she wasn't her. She was played by someone else I can't remember now but wasn't her." Blake spoke up. We both looked at him in shock. "You've seen Pitch Perfect?" Riley asked, shock clear in her voice. "I was in the kitchen while you guys were watching in the living room so I was watching it too..." Blake said, clearly embarrassed. "Aw! That's so cute! You watched a girly movie with us!" I said pinching his cheeks. He slammed my hands away and glared at me playfully.

Riley's cell rang and went out of the room. "That's weird..." I said to no one particular. Blake looked at me with a funny expression before pushing me on my back and trailing his hands up my waist. He then bite his lip to hid his smile. What is he doing? My question was answered when he begin to tickle me. He only started to tackle me for a few minutes before tears start to flow from my eyes, my face was red and I couldn't breathe from laughing to much. "S-S-Stop B-Blake!" I cried between laughs. "Never!" He shouted dramatically and tickled me faster. "STOP! I WILL DO ANYTHING!" I shouted defeated. He stopped for a moment and sat up to straddle me. I would have blushed from the position but my face was already red. "Anything?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Anything!" I said trying to catch my breathe.

"Ok! You have to sleep with me tonight!" He said smirking. "WHAT? NO!" He did not just ask to take my innocence!! "Not that way! Idiot! I mean actually sleep, in my bed. Not Riley's." He said smirking. He probably thought I wouldn't agree. That idiot! "Ok!" I said, I'm the one smirking now. The smirk fell from his face and he looked embarrassed and shocked. "I-I- you- I- um- we-er-" He started to stutter so I gentility sat up. When I looked up our faces were close. My stomach twisted in knots and my heart ached. What the hell? I have been this close to a boy before.

'Not Blake though...' A voice in my head reminded me.

His eyes flashed from my eyes to my lips. He isn't. Is he? He couldn't. Could he? Just when I was about to find out-

"LET'S WATCH THE REST OF THAT MOVIE!" Riley yelled jumping into the room. Blake and I jumped apart, faces flushed. Blake nodded and moved as far away from me as possible. Jerk! We were just really close, so what? We were just as close at the hospital. What's different. Throughout the movie I kept getting closer, he kept moving back. Finally he was stuck at the end of the couch and I sat closer to him. My leg was touching his and something was sending sparks through them.

It was like lightning in my leg. It was shooting through my leg and around my body. I went into a endless time of shivers. And to make it worse the knot in my stomach grow from gum ball size to basketball size. There was a fuzzy, warm, glowing feeling too. I wonder if he felt this too. Did he feel this in the hospital too? I felt it. He quietly took my hand and moved me so I was cuddled to his side. I hummed my answer to this in a delighted tone. I looked over at Riley, she was too into the movie. She was mouthing all of the works to the songs. I kept my self by his side throughout the movie.

When it finally ended, Blake and I split apart. I looked at the clock on the oven and it read 1:48 am. Shit. "Let's go to bed. Cupcake, I lost a tickle war and I have to sleep with Blake. Sorry." I said taking Blake's hand and leading him to his room. I took one of his shirts and boxers and went into his bathroom. Once in there, I took off my top and jeans. I put on his shirt and boxers and went back out to his room. I climbed into bed and laid down. "No touchy!" I said coping the Empires New Groove. If he thought that he would cuddle with me or anything like that, he was really stupid. My only snuggle muffin, or should I say cupcake, is Riley!

I stayed on one side of the bed when Blake got out of bed and went to the other side of the room. "Um...you wanna look away?" He said awkwardly. I barred my red face in the pillows. I felt the bed dip beside me and the blankets left. "Amber?" I heard his husky voice whisper. "Yes?" I asked back. "I'm glad we're friends..." He whispered. I felt tears spring up in my eyes. "Me too..." I trailed off. I turned to face him. His back was to me, so I could the outline of his pale back. He wasn't wearing a shirt, was he trying to kill me, and was curled in a ball. His shoulders were moving and my eyes went wide, Was he...was he crying?

I moved over from my side of the bed, to his. "Blake...?" I asked quietly. "Go away Amber! You know what? Get out of my room! Leave! Now!" He growled at me. I flinched but didn't go anywhere. He isn't fouling me at all. "Blake," I said turning him so he was facing me and placed a hand on his cheek, "What's wrong?" He closed his eyes, leaned against my touch and let out a shaky breathe. Once he opened his eyes again I almost gasped. The clear blue colour was piercing through the darkness and almost seemed to glow.

"What's happening to me? Why am I suddenly happy and not broken? And why do I love laying with you so much? Your just one person. You aren't even the nicest or prettiest person out there! But why is it that I can't seem to find anyone more perfect then you?" He whispered, his eyes never leaving mine. I closed my eyes. What is he doing to me? The little words he said plucked my heart strings. I bite my lip and sighed. "I don't know..." I kept my eyes closed. "And why do I have the urge to always be near you?" He asked. God, why can't he see that each word is causing my heart to stop beating and then beat faster?

"Amber?" He asked. "Yes?" I answered. "Open your eyes..." He asked. I slowly opened my eyes and went breathless. He has gotten closer since my eyes were last open. Our noses were only touching and his minty breathe blowed onto my lips. "Blake?" I asked. "Yes?" I moved closer to him and placed a kiss on the corner of his mouth. I lingered for a second before moving back. "Thank you." I whispered.

"F-F-Fo-For w-wh-what?" He stuttered. I felt a small smile creep to my lips. "For not hurting me anymore. For believing in me and trusting me. I am so glad that I have you in my life in a good way. I never knew what a sweet person you really were, Thank you for showing me the real you." I whispered. I gave him a sweet smile before closing my eyes and resting my forehead to his. I was drifting to sleep when Blake put his arm my waist, pulling my body to his. My legs tangled with his and my arm around his neck. My hand was barred in his soft, black hair. We are basically hugging.

We fell asleep like this. Legs tangled, breathe mixed into one, arms around each other, foreheads pressed together. Perfect.


Riley's pov.

I sneaked into Blake's room to see if they were still asleep and smiled at the sight of them. They were pressed up together and mixed up in the sheets. I closed the door quietly and ran down stairs. They have gotten really close, good. Blake needed someone there for him when...THEY...come after him.

That call almost ruined everything! If they heard me, there would be hell to pay! I heard my iPhone ring again and I jumped for it. I tucked and rolled across the floor and jumped up in the matter of seconds. I may as well show off to no one. I did I front flip so I was right in front of my phone and picked it up. "Hello?" I answered. My voice wasn't even breathless. Neither was I.

"Riley! Blake can't in harms way again. This is your family and your jobs! You need to pay attention to the little things! If something like this happens then I am afraid I have to reprehend Blake and take him to a safer home. Do I make myself clear?" Commander John's voice rang through my phone. "Yes sir! I am sorry sir, I thought muf- I mean Amber was with him." I said in my serious voice. "I don't care! Just keep him safe! Your parents informed me that you are alone, so be on an extra look out!" "Yes sir! Good bye sir!" I said and hung up.

Ok, let me explain something to you. My family and I aren't normal. We are trained to protect and keep Blake, or others, safe. We have been trained by the top karate couches in the world. We are all black belts. I am the best out of the family, and the most flexible. Here's the thing...we are ninja's. The government sends people in need of protection from major criminals to a special family, such as mine.

Blake's dad and brother are the top drug dealers in the state! They need Blake because he is a witness of their deals. He was suppose to be in the 'family business' but he got saved by the police and sent to us. Blake is a special case where he must be protected at all cost. That's also a reason we need Amber and him to be friends, he needs someone he can trust. Also, his 'friends' at school are assigned to protect him at school as well. He is a very special person who's life is in danger.

Only problem is, that if Amber and him get romantically involved and they split up...it can be dangerous. He can go out his hinges and run away or worse. They must stay as friends, or the worse will come. Hopefully Blake will be able to just stay friends with her...she is beautiful. I am not gay, I just love her. Also I can tell beauty when I see it. Amber can really catch the attention of a boy. Her slightly wavy blond hair, crystal clear blue eyes, pink lips and fit body.

That's why I am worried about them. Maybe I should go wake them up from their state...nah. They are cuddling, so what? Muffin and I cuddle almost every night, and we're not in love! But, we are two girls. They are cuddling as a guy and a girl and that only spells romance. What if I am to late? What if they are already together? I should wake them up....but I can't. This is the happiest I have seen Amber in forever. She's always either upset about her father, we don't even know what happened just that he is out of her life, and about Blake hurting her.

I am surprised she can act like nothing happened. Like he never hurt her. It's surprising. But honestly, I am still keeping an eye on him. Making sure he won't hurt Amber again. I saw what happened in his hospital room. About the kisses on his and hers face. I know they care about each other, but how far will that caring go? How long will it last? I'm not sure, but it better go pretty damn far!

But I am totally sure they care. I mean Blake have Amber a nickname. Pumpkin. I wonder where he got that...? Like did he just think of it or was it from some where? Why am I putting so much thought into this? Whatever. I heard my stomach growl like a lion and I went to the kitchen to make food. "Food, food, food, food!" I sang from the tune of the spoon song. I watched Adventurous Adventures with Amber a few days ago. It's so funny! I like Louis better when he didn't have the quiff. I hate how they all have quiff's except Harry, who has a bush for hair, and Liam, who has a buzz cut.

I hate Larry fan fictions! Harry and Louis hasn't said it's real so DREAM ON PEOPLE! I have no problems with boyxboy's but I really hate Larry boyxboy's!!! They haven't said its true, so I won't believe it until they do! Plus Louis has Eleanor. And they are really cute together. I heard the rumor that they were engaged and I freaked out! Louis has always been my favorite. It's kinda weird that a boy named Louis, said the same way, likes me. And he kinda looks like him too. It's weird...OMG WHAT IF THAT IS LOUIS TOMS?! Yea, I say instead of his actual last name. He always wears toms so I call him Louis Toms.

But back to the main thing here. What if Louis from school is Louis Toms? He can't be, he's too old for high school! I actually bad for him because he never went the collage or university. I mean, sure, he is really famous and has million's of girls around the world falling to his feet. But he doesn't have a proper education. Well, I mean, he doesn't have a full education. He really should go to community collage or something!

"STOOOOOOOOOP!" I heard Amber scream. What is Blake doing to her?! "I'M COMING AMBER!!!" I yelled. I jumped over the couch and raced up the stairs. I tried to open Blake's bedroom door but it was locked. "NO, PLEASE!" I heard Amber scream again. "No..." I whimpered. I have to open that door! Time to put my training to use. I backed up and kicked the door down. I raised my hands, ready to fight. But put them down, and laughed at the scene I saw. Blake was sitting on top of Amber, tickling her. "C-C-CUP-CUPCAKE! H-HEL-HELP!" She screamed laughing and smiling.

"You worried me si-" I was cut off by a very angry Blake. "YOU BROKE MY FUCKING DOOR, YOU BITCH!" Blake screamed and stormed up me. I didn't know he was going to slap me until I felt the stinging sensation on my right cheek. I lefted my hand to my cheek and winced when I touched it. It hurt, A LOT! "BLAKE! Why would you do that?" Amber screamed at him. "She broke my door!" Blake screamed. "SO? We can get it fixed! You can not hurt people because they did something you didn't like! Say your sorry right now!" Amber order. "Your not my mother!" Blake hissed.

"If you don't tell Riley your sorry for slapping her...I will not be your friend any more." Amber said in a serious tone, crossing her arms. I stared at her in shock, she would put her friend ship at risk...for me? I looked her Blake, he looked hurt and upset. Amber just stared at him with a blank face. "She broke my door, she should say sorry to me!" Blake mumbled. Amber turned to me and smiled softly. "I'm sorry I broke your door Blake. I will fix it myself." I said. Amber nodded and hugged me. I hugged her back. "Blake?" Amber ask after we finished hugging.

Blake turned to me and was staring at the ground. "I don't wanna..." He mumbled. "Then I guess our friend ship is over. Come on Cupcake, let's go to the mall or something." Amber said taking my hand, leading me to the door, er, hole in the wall. "Wait!" Blake said taking Amber's free hand. "I'm sorry Riley. I over reacted and I am sorry I hit you." He said looking me in the eyes. Them he turned to Amber, never letting go of her hand. "Don't go..." He whispered. Amber let go of his hand and mone and hugged him. "I knew you cared about me!" She said smugly.

"Ok Cupcake, let's go now." Amber said smiling at me. I nodded and smiled back. "Wait, WHAT? You just said you wouldn't leave me and your leaving?" Blake screamed angryly. "I wanna spend some time with my Cupcake alone. Like we use to, before you and I were friends. Ok? We will see you...tomorrow?" Amber said shrugging before taking my hand and heading to the, er, hole. "What? Tomorrow? You will be gone for that long? I..." His voice trailed off because we were already out the door.

"So what do you want to do all day?" I asked Amber. We had the day to ourselves, I am so happy! "MOVIE! I wanna go see a movie!" Amber said jumping up and down clapping. "What movie?" I said laughing. Amber stopped jumping and put on a scared face. "I don't know..." She said, her eyes widened and she looked like she was about to die. "Oh Muffin..." I said and hugged her, laughing. "THE CROODS!" Amber screamed in my ear. "What?" I said confused. "I wanna go see the movie, The Croods." She said smiling like a five year old. "Ok!" I said smiling as well.

We went to the movies and sat in the back row. "SHHHH!!!!!! IT'S STARTING!" Amber yelled. An old man turned around to shush us and Amber gave him the finger. I hit her arm and laughed at her. The movie went on and when Amber laughed loudly. The old man kept looking over at us, each time Amber flipped him off. When the movie was over we went out to dinner.

"Where do you wanna go?" "FIRE SIDE!" Amber laughed happily. We went to Fire Side and got a booth. Amber sat beside me so there was an empty booth across from us. After a few minutes a REALLY hot came up to us. He put on a cheeky, yet sexy, smile. "Hi I'm Michael and I'll be your server today. Can I get you two ladies something to drink?" I smiled at him. "Can I have a coke?" I asked in a small voice. I am very shy at times. "Sure," He said writng it down, "and for you?" He asked looking at Amber. "Sprite?" She asked in a cute voice. Her eyes were bright and her smile was contagous. "Right away." He said and winked at Amber.

"He is so cute!" Amber giggled. "I know right! And he was so flirting with you!" I giggled back. "You think?" She said smiling. "Totally!" He came with our drinks. "Here you go." He said giving us our drinks. His hand brushed Amber's and he sent a suductive smirk to Amber and winked. Amber blushed and her eyes went wide. "Told you." I whispered in her ear. "Are you ready to order?" He asked. "I'll have a cheese burger and fries please." He nodded and looked at Amber. "Can I have a chicken burger?" Amber asked in an innocent voice and innocent face. "Of course." She smiled at him and when he left she turned to me.

"He is so hot!" Amber swooned. "I know! He so wants you, it's not even funny!" I laughed. We talked for a few more minutes before Michael came back with our order. Amber smiled at him and turned to me. He left our table and we begin to talk again. We talked about the movie, school that we are going to in two days, and then Blake some how got into our conversation. "How did you get him to be your friend?" "I don't know..." She answered looking down. "It just happened. I guess he needed a hug. That hug I have him changed him." She said with a shrug.

We talked more about Ambers miracle before our food came. I looked down at my cheese burger and looked my lips. It looked so good!! I looked over at amber and she had a huge but in her mouth. Her cheeks were puffed out like a chipmunk and her eyes innocent. I laughed so hard that people were staring at us. "Don't you people have lives?" I asked raising my hands then letting them fall to my side. Everyone stopped staring at us, but I knew they were talking about us. "Jerks..." I mumbled to my self and then went on to eat my yummy looking burger. We finished eating and waited for the bill. "I'm paying by the way." Amber said looking over her shoulder at me. "No I am!" "No I am!"

"I am Muffin!"

"I am Cupcake!"



"I'm paying!!"

"No I am!"

"No I am!" A random voice said. We turned from our argument to see Michael standing there with the bill in his hands. He put a card in and paid for our meal. "Uh...." I said not knowing what to say. "Thanks!" Amber said happily. "I am paying only if you go out with me." He said smiling at Amber. She blushed, giggled, and then nodded yes. "Ok then, I paid! See you Friday night here. Here is my number." He said, giving her a piece of paper. Once he walked away we turned to each other. "YAY!" we screamed together. We don't get asked out often, so this was awesome! "Wait..." I said stopping my happiness. "What?" Amber asked. "Blake, what will he think?" I asked. I am totally freaking out!

If Blake gets upset again he could hurt him self again. What if he doesn't want Amber to go out with this guy? What if he gets mad? Will he hurt her? No. Defiantly not the last one. He cares about her too much now to hurt her. Or does he? What if he does hurt her? More and more questions begin to pop in my head. What will we do? This could ruin everything! "Cupcake? Are you ok? You look pale..." Amber said, her face over concerned. "You can't tell Blake this..." I whispered.

"Why?" "He maybe crushed by it, just don't." "Ok...?" Amber said in a questioning tone. I know she wouldn't. We arrived back home and Amber got knocked over. "Uph!" Amber grunted. "YOU WERE GONE FOREVER!" Blake yelled at her. "I'M SORRY! WE WERE HAVING FUN!" Amber screamed back. "I missed you! You bitch!" Blake whined. "Thank you! Bitches are dogs, dogs bark, bark grows on trees, trees are nature and nature is beautiful. So thank you for calling me beautiful." Amber laughed. Blake didn't miss a beat with his answer. "Your welcome, pumpkin!" He winked at her and got up.

Blake walked away to the kitchen, and I turned to Amber. "I guess he doesn't mind winking at you now!" I shrugged. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Amber went to the kitchen so I have to answer it. I opened the door and gasped. "Louis?" I asked. "Riley...I don't think this...we...will work." Louis said in a gentil voice, looking at the ground. "What?" I asked. Did he really just say that? Did he really come to my house to break my heart? "I'm sorry, but I met this new girl and she is everything I ever wanted. I'm sorry. But we can still be fr-" He said but I cut him off.

"Don't say friends. You and I can never be friends after this! You come to my house, and break my heart? What a great guy you are! And we are breaking my heart, which has seeming fallen in love with you, for another girl. Awesome! Can I ask who the girl is?" I rant. "Anne..." He mumbles. I nearly laughed. "Anne? You mean the 10th grader that wears shorty shorts that ride up her ass, tube tops that shows her pale stomach, wears about 50 pounds of make up and 6 inch heels everyday? HA! Have have getting a STD from that bitch!" I laughed in his face before slamming the door on his face.

"Riley? Can't we talk abou this?" I hear his face from the other side of the door. I open the door and smirk. "I don't really talk to pimps. I find they are too into their selves and using hoes off the street is wrong. Wait...it's not wrong in Anne's case. She would love that ride your disco stick (Lady gaga baby!), give you a STD and move on to the next guy. Good luck as ass wipe!" I grin at him and close the door again. Alright maybe that was too much. But I was pissed off!!!!!

"MUFFIN!!!!" I screamed. My eyes brimmed with unwanted tears and I angrily brushed them away. "What cup- WHY ARE YOU CRYING?" She screamed and rushed to me. She wrapped me in a hug and I cried into her shoulder. "Why is Riley crying?" I heard Blake asked in a slightly caring voice. "Louis...left...me...for...Anne!!!" I cried. "Ok, where is my be-be gun?" I heard Blake ask. "Why?" I asked confused. "Because that bastard broke your heart!" To say I am surprised was a under statement. "What did Amber do to you?" I whispered. He never cared before, what did she do?

"I don't know..." Blake whispered. "I do!" Amber said. She went over to Blake and hugged his neck from the side. You when they hug around your shoulders? Then she kissed his cheek. "I loved you, so your cold heart changed it's cold ways." Amber said smiling. Blake smiled back at her and kissed her forehead. "You love me?" Blake smiled. "Yeppers! Your one of my best friends! I mean, besides Riley, I don't have any other friends." Blake hugged her by the waist and spinned her around. He, then, throw her over his shoulder and ran upstairs.

I smiled smally and out my hands in my pockets. "Well...I guess it's just me..." I mummbled to myself. I went to the living room and begin to watch tv. Big Bang was on. I was in the middle of the episode when I heard an angry male voice scream. "YOU ARE GOING OUT WITH ANOTHER GUY? WHEN WERE YOU GONNA TELL ME? HE SENT YOU A TEXT, IT SAID 'HEY BABE!!' YOUR HIS BABE?"

Oh no, he found out. Well fuck!!!!


I AM SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN EVER!!! I really am!!! I love you all so I tried to make it as long and good as possible!! So whatcha think? Blake is SO pissed at Amber! And Riley has no more Louis :(

Till next time!!!


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