Introduction To Amber Green

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Once upon a time there was a beautiful unicorn named Bobina. She had long, rainbow hair and pretty eyes. One day she met a handsome unicorn named Bob. He was perfect for her! Vote and Comment if you want Bob and Bobina to be together!!!

Chapter 1

Hey! My name is Amber Green. I am 17 years old and I'm in senior year of my high school, KCU. My hair is long, going down to my ribs, and blond. I have bright blue eyes and I am a short 5' 7. I am a self proclaimed bookworm, I can read a 300 page book in 3 hours. I am not very popular in my school but that's okay. My world revolves around books and music. To top my awesomeness off, I have the best friend a person could ask for!

Her name is Riley. She is also a bookworm, the second biggest book worm in the school to be exact. Can you guess who is the biggest? She is also 17 years old and goes to the same school as me. She has long, ginger hair, shimmering green eyes and is 5'6. I always bug her about me being taller then her. She and I have been best friends ever since I moved to this neighbor hood. I am her neighbor, have been since we moved here when I was 7. We moved after... THAT... happened.

Just thinking about that horrible time made me clutch my necklace for dear life. It was the most beautiful necklace I have ever seen. It had two dolphins with small, blue diamonds as eyes. In the middle of the two gold dolphins was a medium sized blue diamond. This small necklace may not seem like a lot to many people, but it means everything to me.

The only real problem with my amazing friend was... her adoptive brother. I hate him with all my heart, and I hate that he is also my neighbor. He is 17 as well. They adopted him when Riley, him and I were 13. At first I didn't mind him, since he didn't talk to anyone around him. He was a quiet child. But when he talks... God help us. He does nothing but hurt and yell at Riley and me.

His name is Blake. He goes to the same high school as Riley and me. But he hangs out with more... interesting people. His black hair is long so his bangs hang in his eyes, his eyes are a bright blue... but more deep then mine. He always wears black, like always. He is 5'10", tall, I know. He wears guy liner, I usually don't like guy liner, but on him... it works.

It would be a HUGE lie to say that he isn't hot. But it would another huge lie to say that we got along. He is nothing but a huge jerk that tries to get attention. He never talks to anyone, besides yelling at Riley and me, he even doesn't talk to Mr & Mrs. Moore. Mr & Mrs. Moore never push him to do stuff that he doesn't wanna do. See, attention getter!

I didn't even tell you the worst part out of all of this, our family's get along so well that we have dinner together each night. Riley is the second oldest. She also has two younger siblings. They are one boy and one girl, but they are twins, so they're both 7. And I have a younger sister named Sarah. She is 6 years old and so cute! With her short blond hair and amazing hazel eyes. She gets her eyes from dad... that's why I never look her in the eyes.

"AMBER!" Sarah's cute voice brings me back to real life. "YES?!" I yell back. "IT'S WINNER!" She yells. She can't say 'd' yet so when she says 'winner', so means 'dinner'. "I'LL BE RIGHT THERE!" I yell back. I change into grey track pants, a black t-shirt, and I leave my hair down. It is a mess but who am I trying to impress?

I run down the stairs to our dining room. Everyone is there... even Blake. I take my usual seat beside Riley. "Hey girl!" She greets me. I laugh and put my lips to her ear so no one else can hear. "Hey, bitch!" She laughs and then her dad clears his throat. "Good bread, Good meat, Good Lord let's eat!" Mr. Moore always says this before we eat. I giggle and look down at my food.

I think I may have died and went to heaven. We were having steak, mash potatoes and caesar salad. I'm skinny, weighing about 110 pounds, but I eat like a pig! I put guys to shame. I quickly dig into my food, always seeming to be the first to finish my plate so I have seconds. I finish my dinner and everyone looks at me with faces of disgusted and amazement. What? Haven't they ever seen a 17 year old girl eat 2 and a half steaks, 3 servings of mash potatoes and 4 bowls of salad before?

"That is gross. You eat like a fucking pig! Sorry that is an insult to pigs everywhere!" Blake mutters to me. He sits across from me with Jamie, Riley's little brother, beside him. "Blake! That was rude! And how many times do I have to say no swearing?!" Mrs. Moore says in a soft yet harsh tone. "How many times do I have to say it, YOU AREN'T MY MOM! YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Blake yells to Mrs. Moore. "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" Mr. Moore yells at him.

Once Blake leaves, Mrs. Moore breaks down crying. "I-I-I have t-tried s-s-so h-hard!" She cries out. She is such a sweet woman. My hatred for him grows and takes over my actions. I stand up and run over to Riley's house. Once I get inside I go straight to Blake's room. I throw open the door to see him sitting on his bed.

"YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO HER! SHE HAS DOES EVERYTHING FOR YOU! SHE IS THE NICEST WOMAN YOU WILL EVER MEET, AND YOU MADE HER CRY! SHE IS CRYING BECAUSE OF YOU! Do you know how much it hurts to see her cry?" I scream at him. But I whisper the last part, because I'm on the cliff of crying.

He mumbles something but I can't hear him. "What?" I ask. My voice is cold and hurtful. "I SAID YOU DON'T KNOW ME! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT MADE ME THIS WAY! YOU THINK I WANNA BE THIS WAY? TO BE COLD AND MEAN AND TO HURT PEOPLE? I DON'T! I HATE IT, AND I HATE THE WORLD. And the world includes you! Your dad would be so proud of you!" He said with venom in his voice. "YOU SELFISH, ATTENTION SEEKING BASTARD!" I yell at him before leaving his room, his house.

I run up to my room, throw my self on my bed and cry my heart out. How could he? He knew what happened to me. He knew it! He is such a jerk! I hate him! "I hate you so much Blake!" I whisper into my pillow. "Boo, what happened?" I hear the sweet voice of Riley at my door way. "Blake.... he brought up my dad. He told me that he hated me and that..." I bite my lip to stop myself from sobbing. "He dad...would be so proud of me. But in a venomous tone." I explained to her.

Her face went red. You could almost see the steam coming out of her ears. "How dare he? That little...ASS!" She swore. She never swears. She is an innocent as a puppy dog. "Riley..." I say in the calmest voice I can. "Calm down..." I put my hands forward and walked towards her, "NO! I WILL NOT CALM DOWN! I'M GOING KICK HIS ASS!" She screams and walks angrily towards her house.

"RILEY DON'T!" I scream and run after her. But she is already out of my house. Well, shit!
Riley's Pov

That little crap head! He knows how much of a touchy subject Amber's dad is! Imma go all ninja on that jerks butt! I storm into Blake's room with steam coming out of my ears. "Why so upset, you look in a mirror and saw your self?" Blake says with a mean smirk. "HOW COULD YOU?!" I scream. "How could I what?" Blake says, playing innocent. "HOW COULD YOU BRING UP AMBER'S DAD TO HER? YOU KNOW HOW MUCH That hurts her! Why?" I scream at him, and whispering when I mentioned something hurting Amber. She is fragile, small and needs love. "She started it." Blake's voice brings me back.

"How? What the FUCK DID SHE DO TO YOU?" I scream the last part, getting mad again. Blake's face looks at me in amazement for a second then goes back to that blank look he always wears. It is probably because I swore. "She yelled at me for making April cry." He mumbled. Good for her! "You deserved it!" I said. I didn't yell because I didn't want to wake the little ones. "I don't care. At least I didn't hit her!" He says, his tone getting more angry. I shake my head in shame for him. "You disgust me!" I said, my voice full of venom and coldness.

"The feeling is the same. Now please leave." He said in his same old monotone voice. I left his room and went into mine. I don't know what he has against the world. Why does he hate it so much? What the whole world do to him? What happened in his life that was so terrible? It couldn't have been that bad. Why does he only wear long sleeve shirts? My thoughts were cut off by sleep trapping me in. With blurry eyes I look over at the clock; 11:30. Slowly,  I let sleep take over...

And that my friends is the end of the first chapter. You got to see a little of everyone. Can anyone guess what happened to Amber's dad? Or what happened in Blake's past? Vote and comment! Bye!

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