Nick and Kevin!!!

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Ok, if you don't like boyxboy then you can just skip this WHOLE chapter. Because I love boyxboy and I wanted to write about a day for Nick and Kevin. There won't be anything too bad, and I'll warn you if there is. :)

Chapter 15 (and the story is literally just starting!)

Kevin's pov.




I groan at the sound of the unwanted noise and reach around until I turn it off. Who the hell sets an alarm on a weekend? Me. I do. BUT IM AN IDIOT! "Kevin! Turn the sinful thing off!" I hear my boyfriend groan from beside me. He stays here so often that he should just live here! He ready has half of everything! Half a dresser, half a closet, half the bathroom, etc. "It is off, babe. Go back to sleep!" I groan back to him. I usually don't like to cuddle in the morning, but it's the only way he will go back to sleep. I move my body to his and wrap my body around him. My arm is wrapped around his waist and my leg tangled with his.

Since I'm old enough, I live on my own. That's why Nick always comes over. Well, that and I'm his boyfriend. I've only been to his house to meet his parents and to visit. But he usually comes over here so we can have time to our selves. I nuzzle my nose into his neck and he shivers. I have such a strong effect on him, even when I do little things. I wonder how he must feel when we do bigger things? It's no surprise that we have made love before. I've been with him for awhile and I thought it was the biggest way to show someone you love them. It was our 6 month anniversary when it happened. Ever since, we've been a whole lot closer. I'm glad I have him in my life. I've always liked him, even before I had feelings for him. But I remember the first time I saw him, it was some what magical.

******FLASH BACK!******

Ugggghhhhh!!! Just kill me noowww!! Please?! I'LL EVEN PAY YOU! I was having another useless day of high school. And the reason why it was useless is because I knew everything ready! I turned from my locker after getting my stuff to the hallway. I was almost to my class when someone bumped into me. "Hey!", I whined in annoyance, "Watch it! I'm still a human being!" I wasn't much to complain but I was already having a bad day and didn't want it getting worse. I looked up to see the person who bumped me, but was met with a beautiful boy instead.

'Hey, do you know where the person who bumped me went? I really wanna talk to them." I asked, jokingly. "Aha, sorry mate." He said, helping me pickup my stuff. Once I had all my stuff, I stuck out my hand. "I'm Kevin!" I said in a cheery voice. "I'm Nick!" He said, equally cheery. "What's your next class and where?" I asked. "Chem in room 345.." He said with a pout. "ME TOO!" I nearly yelled in excitement. He beamed down at me and held out his arms in the direction of the class. "Well come on then!" He said and began to walk that way. "Er, other way!" I yell so he could hear me. He blushes and turns around to walk with me. "Um, I knew that. I was just testing you!"

******FLASH BACK OVER******

And ever since that day, I have sort every moment with this kid. I looked at the clock and it said 11. Time to get up! "NICK! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!" I shouted in his ear. His hand came flying out to hit, just like every morning. And like every morning I dodged it, crawling away from him. "No! Please my Kevin don't go!" He begged in a child-like voice. His pouting lip and huge eyes almost made me stay and pet him till he fell asleep again, but I knew better. "Nope! Come on Kevin's Nick, we have to get up," I said taking his hand in mine and kissing it a few times. "Ugggrrrrrhhh, ok!" He groaned and got out of bed. There was one thing about Nick that made me laugh and groan. Nick liked to be naked. Like ALL the time! But since I was a bad boyfriend, I made him wear boxers. But that's it!

"Kevin?", I heard a soft whine. "Yes, babe?!" I answered back. "Carry me!" Nick demanded. I rolled my eyes but picked him up bridle style and carried him down stairs. He ask me to do this every morning. Nick is not a morning person, like at all! One time, he actually said he would never kiss me again if I force him out of bed. Well, I forced him out of bed that morning and look who is still getting Nick kisses?! "Kevin?!" Nick asked from in my arms. "Yeah?" "Kiss!" He demanded pouting his lips. I shook my head no and looked straight ahead. I refuse to kiss him! Mostly because I'm a push over and I'll be under his spell just for kisses. He once got me to make eggs, bacon, toast and porgies just by making out with me for 3 minutes! I must resist the power! "Kevin? Why won't you give me a kiss? I always get a good morning kiss!" He asked and demanded. He was very needy and clingy in the mornings. Also when he was sick! I almost have him a kiss at that beg, but I didn't wanna make breakfast. "Ok, here's the deal. I'll give you a kiss if you make breakfast." I said, trying to make a deal with the devil.

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