Back to School

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Hiiiiii!!! So... I decided to drag the book on for longer, cause I can. There will be new problems now and I know that you all will hate me when I happens so here is a fluff chapter that make you want to curl up in a ball and cuddle with your cuddle buddy.

Chapter 23 (see why I must continue?)

Jake's Pov.

What the fuck?

Why is it so bright in here? What the fuck is on my chest, why is it warm? is it a puppy?! OMG ITS A PUPPY! OR A KITTIE! AAAAHHHH! A KITTY! I WANT THAT KITTY! I open my eyes a bit and try to find the kitty. I have to squint because of the light but I still search for the big ball of fur. I lift my head up and.... it's not a kitty. FUCK! But it is an Avery. And those are better cuddlers then kitties for sure. I snake my arm around her and pull her closer to me. She's a cat. She's my cat. Wait, no, I have to adopt her first. Oh my god can we actually do that?!

My movement must have woken her up because she groans and moves her head up to look at me. "J-Jake?" Her voice is lower, her hair some-what ruffled and her lips pouted. "Yeah?" I answer in my raspy morning voice and she shivers. Why do girls find that hot? we don't find it hot when they're voices go higher! So why is it hot?! "Morning..." She yawns before resting her head on my collar bone and falling back to sleep. I smirk but look at the time, 7:14 am, fuck. We have to go back to school today. I slip out from underneath her and go to the kitchen. I grab pot and pan, go to the living room and start banging them together. I look around the room whilst I do so.

Kevin and Nick were pressed together, trying to hide from the noise in each other's necks. Blake had this middle finger up at me, but had an arm wrapped around Amber. Amber was laying on top of Blake and was trying to hide in his neck. Riley and Rayne were doing the exact thing as Kick. And, my poor, Avery was shivering on the floor groaning into a pillow. "EVERYONE UP! WE HAVE SCHOOL! UP, UP, UP!" I yell and put the noise making weapons away. "JAKE, YOU COCK-SUCKING TOOL!" Kevin yelled at me. "Oh you should speak! You've probably sucked more dick then a stripper named Candi! Spelt with an 'i'! So you know she's EXTRA slutty!" I say back. Everyone groans at my How I Met Your Mother joke, but I love that show. Like so much. Like if that show was a person, I would bring that person back to my place and I would do things to that person. I would rock that persons world. "Oh shut up! Your just jealous you never get any! I can get some whenever I want!" Kevin says back, making everyone else groan again while I cheer. "You go big boy! Get some ass!"

"Alright!" Nick starts, "Don't worry about Kevin getting any, because he isn't for awhile now." Everyone ooed and this caused yet another fight between Kick. While they were fighting, everyone else got ready. By the time we were all ready and back down stairs, Kevin was only in PJ pants and Nick was just in boxers. They were laying on the couch, going at it. Those horny motherfuckers. "GET OFF EACH OTHER AND FUCKING GET READY! YOU GROSS HOMO MOTHERFUCKERS!" I scream at them. Nick smirks at me and says, "You're just mad cause I fucked your mum last week!" Blake cheered, Kevin frowned and I slapped both Blake and Nick. "Come on man, your mums hot." Nick and Blake said at the same time. I growled and gave both of them the finger. I heard a sharp yelp and looked up to see a very funny scene. Nick had a blush on his face and was covering his head with his hands while Kevin yelled at me. It was like Nick was a puppy and Kevin was scolding him. And the exact same thing was happening with Amber and Blake.

"So, Avery and Rayne will meet us at the coffee shop at lunch but 6 of us have to go! Bye!" Riley said and we all went out the door. We all climbed into my car and I drove us to school. Once we arrived, we walked together, until Amber and Riley left us and we were once again the 4 emos. But, we are happy this time. Kick was hiding hands and looked like they didn't give a fuck what others thought. Blake limped on his crouches but looked proud too. And I? I looked around and smiled. The year was gonna end soon and then we are all free. Which actually scares me. Shit. Shit. Shit. I don't have a collage I want to go to. FUUUUCCCK! I slapped myself and told myself to pull it together.

I walked to my locker and struggled to get it open. "Do you, uh, need any help?" I heard Nick squeak. I nodded my head and told him my code, "29, 1, 25." Nick nods his head and easily gets the locker open. "Erm, there you go... bye!" He says, planting a kiss on my cheek and skipping away. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him weirdly. What the dick? He's never kissed me before. Weird Nick. I shrug and grab my first period books before heading away. I can't wait for lunch to come.. I really like Avery. She's funny, charming, cute, and Irish. I love me some Irish women. I walk into drama class and take my usual seat, let the torture begin.


Finally! Lunch! I'm starving! I get in line and grab a burger, fries and a spongebob square pants gummy pack. My and spongebob that a lot in common, he's my main man. I go to the back of the school and meet up with everyone else. I look over and see Amber sitting on Blake's lap, Avery, Riley and Nick talking, and Rayne and Kevin chatting. I look at the weirdly... why aren't they in their couple forms? isn't it like couples unit or something? I go over and sit with them.

"Hey guys." I say, picking up my burger and taking a savage bite. I get a string of 'hey's and 'hi's back. "So, why aren't you guys in your couple forms. You know like Blamber, Riayne, and Kick?" They all look around and shrug. "I just wanna say, that we are being Blamber right now!" Amber speaks up, kissing Blake's lips quickly. "And, I guess we are being Riayne?" Said Rayne before giving Riley a big, sloppy and amusing kiss on the lips. She squeals and hits Rayne on the shoulder. "We don't like PDA at school, it draws too much attention." Kevin says, sitting beside Amber and Blake. "You can sit beside each other you know?" I said, smirking. Nick gets up and plops down beside Kevin. "Happy?" He asks. And, though they try to hide it, I see them sneakily take the others hand.

I look over at Avery and she's giggling at everyone before she takes one of my fries. "Hey!" I exclaim, faking a pout. "Sorry!" She smirks at me. I pick at the grass for a second before looking over at her. "Hey Avery? Would you maybe wanna go see a movie with me some time?" I ask, and I feel my cheeks heating up. The group 'ooh's and 'awe's at me and I flip them off. Avery giggles before laying her head on my shoulder and saying, "So what's the purposely exactly?" "Well, I was thinking we can go and see the movie Divergent? I read the book and I'm all excited now." Avery squeals and then plays it off cool, leaning back on her hands. "Yeah, I guess that would be cool." I grin at that. "Great, it's a date then." "Hey, I saw it! It's actually super awesome! They barely changed anything!" Nick says, smiling and letting go of Kevin's hand. Kevin's smile flatters for a second but it's still there.

"Oh Nick, by the way, what's with the random cheek kisses today?" I ask him. "You got one too? He just randomly threw his arms around me and kissed my cheek!" Blake said, looking at Nick as well. "Well I love Nick kisses!" Amber says, smiling. And all the girls agree. "Why didn't I get a cheek kiss?" Kevin said, faking hurt. Nick giggled before answering. "Because! I was scared you guys wouldn't be ok! And I never really got the chance to hug you and, you know, be happy your alive! So you all got cheek kisses!" He said happily, actually making some sense. "And you know why you didn't get a cheek kiss!" He said to Kevin, narrowing his eyes. We all laughed, though confused why he didn't get a kiss, and continued eating lunch until the bell rang.

We all hugged, except the couples who randomly made-out, but Kevin and Nick. They were oddly distant. I placed a kiss on Avery's temple and she clung her self at me, knocking me into a hug. I hummed and before letting her go, smiling. "I have to go to class now, lovely." She pouted but nodded and headed off with Rayne. I can't but think she's beautiful, and funny, and... and... so fucking sexy. I've never been so in love before. Wait! In love??!! Jake, pull it together. You're a man. A man that can't love.



My Best Friends Emo BrotherTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon