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Chapter 9

Amber's pov. 

Waking up in Blake's arms felt amazing. But what scared and surprised me was the spot on my neck. But what scared the shit outta me was the urge. The uncontrollable urge that was killing me. The urge to kiss him. I wanted to feel his soft, gentile lips on mine. I know it's wrong to want something like that. I am being selfish and I know he probably doesn't like me like that. But I could still want...right? It's not wrong to want things!! But what if that want is love? Is it still not wrong? I am so confused. My chest hurt because of the determined, fast beat my heart was going. Is it possible that I love him? Nah. 

I walk down the halls of my horrible school and go to my locker. I wore a v-neck today because I want to show off what Blake gave me. Of course, it was his shirt so it was baggy. But if he wanted people to know i'm his best friend, then I'll show them. After he yelled at me saying, 'BECAUSE YOU ARE MINE AND NOT THEIRS! BECAUSE YOU ARE MY PUMPKIN AND THEY CAN'T HAVE YOU! I WANT YOU ALL TO MY SELF!' He quickly explained after that he meant as a best friend. I understood completely, I get overprotective of Riley too. I just don't give her love bites, well once but I was high off sugar and completely out of it.

I found my locker and smiled when I saw Riley standing there. "Hola Muffin!" "Hey cupcake!" We greeted each other and we walked to class together. We joked and laughed just like old times, before Blake. Before boys. I missed her. I know I'm living with her and a sleep with her almost every night but we haven't hung out me and her in so long. I miss her so much. "Muffin? Is something wrong?" I heard her ask. I nodded and pulled her into a tight hug. "Let's hang out tonight, just you and me. And I want to sleep in your bed tonight. I miss you." I whispered. She nodded and I let her go, but she pulled me right back in. "I missed you too." She said and finally let go. 

School flew by and before I knew it, it was lunch. Riley and I bought our lunch and started to go towards to go towards our loner table. But, people were already there. Blake, Jake, Nick and Kevin to be exact. Kevin and Nick sat far away from each other and looked pissed. Jake and Blake were just sitting there awkwardly. We went to the table. "What's wrong with you two? Did your hamster named Hamster die and one of you didn't make a proper grave? Because that happened to me before and it sucked." I asked. Everyone at the table looked at me like I had three heads, so I stuck my tongue out at them. "But really, what happened?" Riley asked, smiling lightly. 

"Well," Nick spoke up. "This idiot thought it would be funny to fake break up with me to see my reaction." He said, glaring at Kevin. "It was a joke!" Kevin screamed back. "A joke? You call breaking my bloody heart a joke?" Nick screamed back, letting his English accent in. "It wasn't suppose to hurt you that badly!" Kevin grumbled. "Well I hope that your happy with my reaction!" Nick said, getting up and leaving the table. "Baby, come back!" Kevin begged, running after Nick. I looked at Riley. "Well that was...interesting?" I said, shrugging. "Those two will be back together before we can blink." Jake said rolling his eyes. 

Blake got up and walked out where Kevin and Nick ran out. A few minutes later he came back and throw his phone to the table. There was a picture of Kevin pressed against the wall and Nick attacking his lips. We all chuckled. They got back together in a split seconded. A few minutes later, they came back holding hands and their lips red. "Wow, that was quick!" Blake laughed. Nick and Kevin gave each other loving looks before sitting down again, this time closer. "FAGGOTS!" A jock yelled walking past our table. Bad move by him. Riley 'Oooo'ed as I got up. 

I walked up to the jock and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and smirked at me. "Well hello, sexy. Where have you been?" He purred. "Go say sorry to my friends right now before you regret it!" I said, pointing to Kevin and Nick. "Nah, they're faggots. Everyone should know." He said, then he put his arms around my waist. "You know, your way too hot to hang out with those fags. Come hang out with me." He purred, pushing his head between my shoulder and neck. I tried to pull away but I couldn't. "Go. Say. Sorry." I growled at him. "Or what?" He purred again. Geez this guy couldn't take a hint. "I'll make you wish you were never born." "How would you do that, princess?" He purred.

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