Chapter 10: Magic

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I step out of the shower and Jackson places my clothes on my bed to make it easier for me to get dressed. I wrap the towel around my body and lay on the couch in my room to avoid my clothes from getting wet. I try lifting my arm but it was sore from the magic i used yesterday. My whole body aches as i sit up and reach for my clothes and my towel falls down on the floor and i'm bare. I shrug and get dressed putting on boots and leggings with a warm sweater on. I stagger to the doorway and wince and bang my hand against the wall tired of being so weak and not able to walk normally. Jackson pops his head around the corner and looks at me. "Is everything ok miss?" He asks me curious and i look up at him and reach my hand out for him but i fall to my knees and he catches my arms. "Here let me help you up. I know what might help you in this state of yours." He says having me lay all my weight on him as we walk into the living room. 

He sets me on the couch and sigh in relief to be off my legs and feet and watch him disappear into the kitchen. I lay my head back on the back of the couch and close my eyes wondering why just using so little magic takes so much out of me. Scatty comes in the room and sits next to me and i slowly open my eyes to her gaze. "Are you ok?" She asks worried how i'm doing. I look at her with a 'what do you think' look and she nods in return. Jackson comes back in with a mug and i see the steam drift from it and it passes my nose and i take a whiff of it and a sickening feeling of nausea comes over me and i bend over holding my mouth. "Yuck what is that?" I ask disgusted from the smell. He looks at me taken back and sets it on the coffee table in front of me. "It's my family recipe to recover energy loss. Please drink it and you'll thank me later." He says and i look at the mug then him then over at scatty wondering if it's safe to drink. She chuckles at my reaction and bends over to sniff it and leans back away. "Yeah it is kinda foul isn't it?" She says and Jackson stomps off irritated that we disliked his cup of revive juice that smelled like carrion. She leans over to me and smirks pressing her lips close to my ear. "Let's not drink it, he might think it helps but it really doesn't. I'll help you get your energy back." She said and helped me to my feet. I waver for a few seconds as she helps me up and guides me to the library leaving the foul-smelling cup to sit in the living room till Jackson came back to retrieve it, saddened that i didn't drink it. 

We walk into the enchanting room and she sits me at the couch as she walks off to find something. "Don't you dare move from that spot, or you'll regret it missy." She warns from far away and i stay put. I hear rustling at the back of the library and look behind to see scatty climbing a sliding ladder to a pile of books that looked ancient from my view. She slides down and places the books on the table and searches through them. I wonder what she was looking for till she flips half of one of the books open and it seemed to me the book was cut inside giving a secret hiding place for something special. She picks up a amulet from inside the book and holds it up to the light. It shines a light blue to teal color as the light shines through it sending sparkles of light around the room. She lowers her hand and walks closer to me to put it around my neck then steps back admiring it around my neck. "It suits you." She says and smiles. I feel this wave of energy come from the amulet and seep into my skin and it feels...reviving. Like the energy that was lost was being replaced by the magic inside the stone. As the cold stone lays against my bare skin, it's cold outside relax me as i sit on the couch feeling relief from the pain earlier. I look up at scatty slightly confused what was happening to me. "It's called a energy stone." She replied and i still look confused. "A energy stone gives you energy when you have run out in your body.  Your aura automatically regenerates if it doesn't get below a certain level, you were feeling that level earlier. So with this stone you'll feel reenergized and you'll be able to walk again in a few minutes without any struggle. I assume you read a lot from theses books but there is so much more for you to learn." She says as i soak in the information and energy from the stone. I get up and feel the strength return to my legs and feet as i stand. Scatty smiles and nods putting the books back on the shelf. I look at her and grab her arm when she climbs back down. "Can you show me more?" I ask curiously and interested in the arts of magic. She looks at me and nods. "I thought you would never ask." She says and we both chuckle slightly looking at each other as i let go of her arm. "But you need to recover fully in order to continue your training." She says and i sigh slumping back onto the couch and look over at her. "Patience young one. Eagerness will be your downfall. That will be your next lesson." She says and smirks and i groan in response.  

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