Chapter 9: The Figure

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I wake up and rub the pack of my head from hitting it and i sit up as my vision clears. 

'Where am I? I'M NOT HOME?! OH GOD!' I think in my head panicking. 

I look around and i get to my feet and brush myself off. I see that i'm just outside the perimeter of Scatty's house and i try making it back to the mansion. 

I run as fast as i can when a black figure rushes past me in front of me. I stop in my tracks and look around and pick up a stick. 

"Who goes there? Who are you? Show yourself!" I yell out terrified and hold the stick in a battle position like scatty taught me. 

"That's not how i taught you to hold your sword." I hear a familiar voice and i turn around and the figure is standing close behind me. 

It removes it's hood and it's death, i guess Max didn't kill him after all. 

"You're coming with me young lady. You're in for some real trouble when we get back to the house." He says grabbing my arm and i tug it away and hold up the stick. 

"I'm not going back with you!" I say to him as my hands shake and my balance flanders. He looks at me serious and holds out his hand.

 "You're coming with me." He says more direct and stern. I shake my head and back up. 

"No." I say bluntly. "This is my new home." I said and take another step back. 

"You little bit-" He says and was cut up from the blow of my stick to his face. 

And i stumble back surprised i hit him. He growls at me and he pulls out his sword and the dark aura surrounds him. 

"You're coming with me either way brat!" He says swing at me and i block with the stick as each hit breaks it more and more. 

I drop the stick and he puts the tip of the blade to my chin and makes my head go back as far as it can. 

"Now...listen to your master. Come with me!" He says and i growl and look at him. 

My eyes turn silver and a light aura surrounds me and silver gauntlets like his cover my hands and a silver sword forms in my right hand and i bang his sword away. 

"You aren't my master. You aren't my father. You aren't my guardian. You are a monster." I say glaring at him devilishly and swing at him cutting his cheek and he stumbles back. 

"H-how did you?" He stutters with his words speechless. 

"I read from Scathatch's massive library and learnt of magic that you used before. Using your aura to shape things such as swords, armor...magic." I say and slash at his other cheek and cut it as blood falls down his cheek. 

He falls backwards and grins. "Glad you're learning of your new skills, i'll be back for you some day." He says and disappears with one swipe of his cloak and he was gone. 

I sigh and fall to my knees as my aura around my body fades and the gauntlets melt like actual silver off my hands and drip into the soil beneath me. 

I feel my head get heavy and i fall back exhausted and pass out from the energy loss. 


I feel a rustle around me and my eyes slowly open and my vision is still blurry and i can't tell if i'm awake or i'm asleep. 

I feel strong arms holding me up, carrying me, walking me somewhere. I look up and see a face but i can't make it out. 

I turn my blurry vision to where we're going and i barely make out the entrance of the mansion as the person takes me into the house and through the mansion.

 I close my eyes as i feel the movement around me and the next moment i knew i was laying in bed being covered up by the sheets and blankets. 


I feel rested and i open my eyes my vision back to normal from before and i sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes. 

I look to my left and to my right and i'm in my bed like i thought i would be and i fold open the covers and get out of bed. 

I struggle to regain my balance and i make it to the bathroom just before my knees gave out. I grabbed onto the countertop and hoisted myself up and looked in the mirror. 

I had bags under my eyes and the color was faded from my face and it looked like i aged 20 years. I hold myself up and i turn on the water and my body aches. 

'God i feel like a little old lady.' I think to myself and i step into the tub filled with hot water and i sigh in relief as the aching pain fades away. 


I hear a knock at the door and i look toward it. "Hey sam, it's scatty. You alright in there?" She asks with a hint of concern in her voice. 

"Yeah i'm fine." I manage to croak out to her from the tub. 

"You sound horrible, mind if i come in?" She asks, more urging than asking. 

I sigh and nod, "Sure come in, i'm in the tub taking a bath." I said and i hear the door handle turn. She walks into the doorway of the bathroom and i look up at her and she rushes to the side of the tub. 

"What the hell happened to you?" She asks seeing my face colorless and energy deprived. I look up at her tired and in pain still. 

"I passed out on the balcony then the next thing i knew i was in the forest and i saw death and i fought him with a stick. Till i figured out how to use the magic from the books i the library to beat him. Then he disappeared threatening to come back for me." I said as her look of concern turn to a look of worry. 

"You used magic? How? And which book did you look at? What did you do out there?" She asks quickly wanting to know every detail.

 "I took one book off the shelf and read through it and read through a couple more and practiced a bit but not like how much i did it out in the forest. I guess anger took over and my skin had a silver aura around it and silver gauntlets formed at my hands and a silver sword in my right hand and scared him off." I said looking at her and she put her hand to my cheek. 

"I guess i have a lot of explaining to do huh?" She said with a faint smile. I smile at her and nod. "Lot's just....after i take a bath." I say and chuckle and she does the same. 

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