"Hey, did you get in safe?" Mark asks, and I roll my eyes.


"Can I come in?"


Mark soon comes in, and sits down beside the bathtub, and looks at my face. "Are you feeling any better? Did you eat something??"

"I ate plenty of things yesterday Mark. Like air, and your face."

"No, I mean out of the fridge."

"No, I only ate breakfast." I say. 

I understand why he thinks It'd be food poisoning. 

I smile a little. "I ate a lot of toothpaste and drank a lot of bleach though, good for the soul."

Mark chuckles a little. "Jeez, okay." He says.

I nod a little, and I sigh. "..I'm gonna head to the store later today."

"I could go for you."

"Why would I wanna stay home alone, sick, with the chance your 'Twin' shows up? You should just come with me."

"Why would he show up? He hasn't have since the last time I saw him, when I saved you from him."

Oh yeah, did I mention that part where Dark knocked me out was a part of the dream? It pisses me off too, in all honesty. Mark doesn't even know what Dark's doing to me.

I frown. "He's fucking my dreams and I don't wanna be alone."

Mark sighs a bit. "Fine, I get it. I wouldn't want to be alone either.." He says, and he smiles at me.

He rests his arm onto the side of the bathtub, I would grab his hand with mine, but.. Y'know, covered in bubbles.

I nod a bit, and I sink myself into the warmth of the water a bit more.

If I go down far enough, I could drown right in front of him. Watch how much he cares. (Mega oof)

I sit back up, I don't want to have those thoughts right now, I really can't afford to have them. If I am... Pregnant that is.

"...(Y/N), You do remember that one night, about a couple weeks ago.." Mark says, and I look at him.


"..Do you think you could be.. Pregante?" He chuckles a little, as serious as he is.

I stare, and I glance away to look at the sparkling bubbles. "..I mean, I could be... You wouldn't hate me for being.. A whore, would you?" Not saying pregnant women are whores, just saying that If I ever got pregnant, I'd be a whore, and look at me now. I could be one.

"A whore? Why would you be one of those? You'd only be one if it might not be mine... It's mine, right? If it's there.." He tilts his head to my sight, and I look at him. 

"...I mean, probably... Unless.. My d.." I pause, I don't want to bring that up.

He stares, and shakes his head a little, and stands up from the ground. "I'll be outside the room if you need me, always." He says, and he leaves the bathroom.

(I'm not gonna ever say sorry for this story and what is to come. Thought you should know. But hold up I'm gonna eat some chicken noodle soup.)

(I'm back with my chicken noodle soup.)

I've gotten out of the bath, I'm wearing a towel and I walk out of the bathroom, I hardly got my hair wet, so I don't worry about that much. I walk past Mark and to my dresser, grabbing some clothes and putting them on. Mark is already clothed, 'cause why wouldn't he be? I drop the towel as I quickly put on my things, and I reach over to my bag. 

I turn around and look at Mark. "I'm ready to go." I say, as Mark stands up and looks over. 

He waves his phone a bit. "Alright, well can we wait for a moment? I want to make today a van vlog." He says.

I shrug. "Sure." I say, and I walk over, and sit down on the bed.

So far all I've been today is light headed, dehydrated, and on the edge with my vomiting issue, It's almost clear that I'm pregnant. I feel bad for Mark, but feel oddly happy about myself. I thought about it a bit, and the baby is very clearly Mark's, so I'll be happiest to tell him.

(I'm still not done eating my Chicken noodle soup.)

Soon me and Mark walk outside with Chica, the guy who wears the camera on his face for the videos is there, and walks over. 

"Hey." He says, as he puts on his head thingy I forgot the name of. Like.. Whatever.

"Hey (Guy's name). Thank you for being able to show up." Mark says, and the guy nods.

"Ready when you are." 

"Alright, wait till we get into the van." Mark says, and he grabs my hand, and we walk into the Van.

I sit down in the passenger seat as Mark sits in the drivers, (We're gonna call him C/D for camera dude from now on.) C/D in between the seats, and Chica in the back. Mark counts down, as soon as it hits one He starts talking about some random shit about Gas stations, how they're all bullshit or something. I roll my eyes a little at one part, and Mark notices.

"What? Are you judging my profession?"

I look at him, and nod. "Yeah."

There's a pause. "...W-Well I'll have you know I went to college, so I know what I'm doing."

"Oh, right." I roll my head back, laying my hand on my knee. "I forgot, only dumb people don't go to college." I look at the C/D in the lens, and Mark nods.

"Right. Like you." He looks at the lens. "You went to college right?"

C/D shrugs, and Mark frowns. "Stupid.." He groans jokingly, and looks forward.

We begin driving.

(Still not done. As much of a fat pig I am I'm still eating.)

(Nevermind Just got finished)

We arrive, and so I walk in, looking around. "Grab as many snacks as you can." Mark tells C/D, and C/D nods, walking off as I start walking off as well.

"(Y/N)." I turn around to look at Mark. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" Mark asks.

"Yeah, Don't worry. I'll be one hundred percent fine." I say, and I smile at him, in which he smiles back.

He walks off to grab the candies and other things off the shelves, as I grab a pregnancy test. After a bit we pay for our things, and I pay for my test separate so it won't show up in the video. We carry on the rest of the day. 

Please Don't Leave (Markiplier x Suicidal/Depressed Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now