Incentives and favours

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"Oh god, he's smiling." I can hear Rome whisper.

"We might have to run for it." P'Forth's telling him.

"Kit came to see Ming." P'Maprang laughs. "He said you would look cute, as a bunny."

"So, we decided a theme." P'Prae smiles.

They get a call and leave in a hurry, telling us to keep up the good work.

"Stay calm Yo." P'Forth tells me.

"I'm sure he has an explanation..." Rome starts, but changes direction, when I glare. "I'm sorry Yo, don't hurt me."

It isn't long before Ming shows up, he sits next to me complaining, and starts eating my ice-cream.

"So..." I start. "P'Kit chose these outfits?"

He stops eating and stares at me, he's about to run, I push him to the ground, and put my foot on his back.

"Yo!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" He shouts.

"Now you got caught, of course you are." I snap.

"He said you'd look cute in that outfit, and... you do."

"What did he offer you?" I ask.

"He said I could reuse three tickets from the book!" He whines.

"You bastard." I shout. "I gave him that, because you begged me to!"

"What book?" P'Forth asks.

I hand him my phone with pictures of it, him and Rome stare at them.

"I know..."

"And now I'm in this outfit, because he wants revenge on me... when it's your fault."

"I know... I'm sorry."

"We're done." I tell him moving my foot. "Go find another best friend."

"Nooo yooo!!" He whines getting up and grabbing my leg. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"We need snacks for things like this." Rome whispers.

"You want lemon bonbons?" P'Forth offers him.

I glare at them, they stop talking. Ming looks at me ready to cry, the bastard!

"Yooo!!!" He cries. "I'm wearing it too... yooo."

I try to move, but he won't let go of my leg, near tears saying he's sorry. When P'Forth tries to get him up, he won't let go, giving me sniffling looks.

"You sold me out for favours."

"To be fair Yo." P'Forth says stepping back. "For some of those I would too..."

He stops talking, when I glare.

"Your forbidden to eat kitkats." I tell Ming.

He gasps, his eyes going wide. "You're that mad at me?"

"Want me to make it both, KitKat??" I snap.

"No!!" He grabs me again.

He's near tears, mumbling about not eating his favourite chocolate. I really need to be angrier at him! He gets away with too many things!

"You look cute Yo!" I look up at P'Yut and Himi smiling at me.

"I'm finally getting to see this." Monty laughs. "I sent it to everyone."

Parks standing behind him, shaking his head, he didn't do anything.

"Yo, you're a universal keycode." P'In says smiling and hugging me, while Oh, looks me up and down.

That's it universe! You did this, you made me do this! I will kick a puppy.

"Ouch Yo!" Ming shouts. "Why kick me?"

I quickly take out my phone, and snap photos of the three couples, P'In poses. I send it to the chat, with a caption 'Look who's dating!', hah take that! Monty has some things to say, but they all put money in, take pictures, before leaving.

P'Bright arrives with P'Maprang and P'Prae, and precedes to laugh his head off, before giving us money, and carrying Rome off, literally over his shoulder. Ming grabs his bucket, as he's taken.

"P'Artith." P'Maprang yells into the phone. "I'm going to end P'Bright! He's meant to help sort the donations and take the money, but he ran off with Rome! Now we don't have a ride."

P'Artith sighs, and tells her he's beyond all control, but he will send Knott to help.

It's hot, I want to go sleep, Ming's going on about a nice cool shower, P'Forth kicks him before I can. The seniors went in to grab drinks, but once P'Nott is here we can leave.

P'Nott arrives, trys to hide his laughter but takes pictures, before taking the girls, and the donations back, we head for Ming's car.

"Why the hell are you wearing that Forth?" P'Beam shouts.

We turn and see the illegal doctors, P'Pha is grinning, ear to ear, walking towards me. P'Kit is smiling, trying not to laugh.

"It was for charity Beam." P'Forth tells him.

"Did you have to look sexy?" P'Beam snaps. "And a tail?"

They argue as they both wave, and leave together.

P'Pha smiles, as he stokes my cheek. Dam, that look in his eyes, I know where this is going... Ming you ...

P'Kit you'll pay for this! If I'm going down... I'm taking you with me...

"Oh Ming." I smile.

He runs and hides behind P'Kit.

"The back cover, has an extra card." I tell him.

He perks up and looks at me, but P'Kit stops smiling, and shakes his head at me. I nod yes. Ming grabs P'Kit, and rushes towards his car, but P'Kit's trying to grab the lamppost, to escape.

"What card Yo?" P'Kit shouts.

I smile and wave, as Ming manages to get him to let go, and they leave.

P'Pha kisses me, as he helps me put on my seatbelt.

"Yo..." He whispers, kissing my cheek. "Why are you cute, no matter what you do?"

"Secret." I tell him.

He chuckles as he pulls back, he's trying to be calm right now, but I can see the way he's looking at me. I can't help but smile, I pull him back and kiss him, he says my name in surprise, I deepen the kiss, the way he always does.

"P'Pha." I whisper, when we pull back in inch. "The dorms too far..."

I chuckle as I hear him groan, he's never driven this fast before. The guy at the shop, suggested the idea of a secret card, good luck P'Kit. I wonder which they will chose? Student/Teacher, Officer/Badboy, Doctor/Nurse...

2 Moons - Moon Courts Moon or StarUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum