In celebration of Billie-Mae's arrival, we ordered ordered pizza from Papa Joe's Pizza Shack, the local pizza joint in Jameson, and by far one of the best places to get pizza in the entire state of North Carolina. We ate our own pizzas and watched re-runs of The Golden Girls on TV. We laughed at all of Betty White and Bea Arthur's jokes and banter, told each other stories and eventually ended up falling asleep on the couch. I was woken up at midnight to the house phone ringing in the kitchen. I looked over to see Billie-Mae fast asleep on the couch, the TV still playing the re-runs. I carefully got up from the couch, in hopes not to wake Billie-Mae. I quickly made it to the kitchen to answer the phone before the ringing stopped. Whoever was calling at this time better have a good reason. 

"Hello." I answer as quietly yet as audibly as I can. The kitchen was illuminated with the white light of the full moon that shone through the window. In the distance, I a faint light on in the living room window of the Taylor's house. 

"Hey." said a familiar voice. My heart beat picks up slightly, and I feel a smile spread across my face. "I didn't wake you did I?" Chase asks. 

"Uh, yeah, actually you did. Don't worry about it though, we fell asleep on the couch. I probably would've woken up on my own to move to my bed anyways." I try to assure him. "What's up?"

"I couldn't sleep. I figured maybe, if you were up, that if talked to someone for a little bit, it would help me fall asleep." he tells me. His voice sounded just as soothing and husky on the phone as it did in person. 

"Why can't you sleep?" I ask, trying to make conversation. I jumped up on to the top of the island so that way I was facing his house and sitting in the moonlight. 

"I'm still on military time. I'm not used to a regular sleep schedule yet." he chuckles quietly. I heard him moving around on the other end, so I assumed he was laying down on the bed. "So what are you up to?" he asks. 

"Well, my cousin and I were watching re-runs of The Golden Girls before we passed out. Billie-Mae is still passed out actually. She sleeps like a rock." I said jokingly. Chase let out a chuckle as well. 

"What's your favorite movie?" he asked. I was little caught off guard by the random question. 

"Pardon?" I answer.

"I want to get to know you a little better. I don't just wanna be that guy that pissed you off the first day we met, and made amends by helping you move a damn hay bale." he jokes. I laughed, forgetting that my cousin was still asleep on the couch. I heard her stir around behind me, but I looked back to see her still asleep. I quickly and quietly walked out of the back door so that way I was sitting on the step of the back porch. It was nice enough outside that I could sit out in my tank-top and sweat pants without getting cold or hot. 

"The Magnificent Seven." I answer. 

"Pardon?" he asks again. I laugh a little. 

"You asked me what my favorite movie was. It's The Magnificent Seven." he answer again.

"Ah, so you're an old Western fan?" he inquires. 

"Yeah. I'm a sucker for the action, the classic American hero and whimsical romances of Old Western movies." I confess. "What about you?" He didn't take long to respond. 

"My favorite is Good Fellas. I've always liked mafia movies." he tells me. "Favorite song?" he asks his second question. 

"That's a hard one." I say with a chuckle. "I think that would have to be. . ." I took a moment to think about what my favorite song was. "Everybody Wants Happiness by Dolly Parton." I answer him again. 

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