Chapter 18: A night under the stars

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Hi guys.....wassup?! So Im sorry i havent been updating i have been trying to work on my boyfriend scenarios which is finally up! YAY! Plus i had exams and shiz like that so now lets work on this shit and get ready! This is going to be interesting! Lets do this! FOR PANCAKES!

-Skullgirl99 XD



After that interesting dinner, Slenderman teleported us home. I smiled at him and started walking back to my room when I hear "Miss Ella?"

I turn around and see Slenderman standing there looking down at me. "I wanted to apologize for my siblings behaviour, I should of kept a better eye on you, I sincerely apologize for it."

I stare at him for a second then smile "It's alright Slendy, really. I actually really had fun."

Well that wasn't a complete lie it was fun, but, it wasn't as fun as hanging out with Jeff. For some reason I can't get him out of my mind. Every time I think about him my heart pounds. It's weird but for some reason I only feel like this when I think of Jeff.

"Ella?" I hear Slendy say as I snap back to reality and look at him. "Sorry I zoned out for a second there." I say with a smile on my face.

He smiles back and nods "Well goodnight Ella."

I go up and hug Slenderman, kissing his cheek. "Goodnight Slendy."

Slendy face turn pink and he nods quickly teleporting away. I head to my room and quickly change out of my dress, switching to a regular t-shirt and baggy sweatpants. I tied my hair up in a messy bun and quickly brushed my teeth, then I went downstairs to the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

I open the fridge and start looking around for a bottle of water when suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. I freeze for a moment but quickly recognize the arms around me and lean back into the person hugging me, smiling. "Hey Jeff."

Jeff smiles and hugs me tighter "Hey Ella, how was the dinner thing?"

"It was fun." I say, blushing as he pulled me closer but hiding my face so he doesn't see it "I got picked up by every Slender brother in the household that was an exciting adventure."

He laugh at my joke and says "Well they are the slender brothers."

I nod and before I realized I said it I blurted, "But, honestly its wasnt as fun as hanging with you Jeffy."

His face goes bright pink, and to hide it he nuzzles his face in my neck staying silent. Finally after a couple minutes, he speaks. "I missed you too."

Now it's my turn for my face to heat up. My heart starts pounding in my chest. Did Jeff really just say he missed me? Me just a regular girl turning into a creepypasta? I feel really special now.

Suddenly Jeff speaks out of nowhere breaking the silence. "Hey Ella?"

My brown eyes meet his black ones and I say, "yeah?"

At first he doesn't speak. He just sits there, holding onto me. Then he whispers at the beginning gradually getting louder with every word. "I want to redeem my thing you promise me. I want go out on a date with me!"

I freeze. Did I hear him right? Did he just say what I think he just said? Did Jeff the Killer...just ask me out? My heart starts pounding in my chest. I can feel it practically jumping to my throat. I turn my head to look at him his eyes tilted up to stare at me as he continues to nuzzle into my neck. "Um..." Was all I could say until I managed "You want to go out on a date" I ask nervously

A Demon Love Triangle{A creepypasta fanfic} || Rewrite in Progress ||Where stories live. Discover now