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Okay! Well, hey guys! Its glad to talk to you guys! Its been REALLY REALLY LONG. As I told you guys earlier, my wifi kind of got cut at the end of May, and since then I haven't had wifi. I still DO NOT have wifi, and no I DO NOT know when I am getting wifi back, but Actually This week I am going to be living at my grandparents because of a volunteer job I'm doing. So, that means, I can update and jack! YAY!!!!! So, I have a couple of announcements to tell you guys, just to let you know what is happening for the future. So, on with the Announcements!

1. So as you guys know this book has ended, and you all probably want to rip my throat out for doing that. Please don't. I love my throat. Its my bae. *strokes throat* (God, that was really creepy) ANYWAY! So, with this story, you are all probably like "What the f*ck Skull, why the hell do you mess with all the feelz!" Well! I ended that way to build suspension because.... *Drum Roll*

There's a sequel! :D *Crowd applauses and cheers as I bow* thank you, thank you.

So yeah, There will be a Sequel, and its going to be a LITTLE different, because before I can tell you what's going to happen with this part of the story, you guys kind of need Shock side of what happened to her right? I mean, better than some boring long chapter of her explaining, so, why not turn it into a story! Yay! Don't hate please. So yes, the sequel will probably be up by this week.

2. Due to the fact I started writing this story last year, and back then I was a REALLY crappy writer, I really want to change it so, I'm going to be rewriting the beginning of the story as well! Yay! You get to experience it all over again, only it will be better, and less horrible spelling mistakes and shit like that. You are all probably like "WHAT THE HELL I DON'T WANT TO READ THIS SHIT AGAIN. F*CK THIS SHIT *Flips table and leaves" but I would love it if you did, I'm not saying you have too I'm just hoping you guys do <3 <(^.^)>

3. SINCE, I am going to be on this week, I'm going to be trying to update everything and rewriting some crappy shit I did before. So, please go and look at my other stories as well and enjoy them! :D

I think that's about it about what I want to tell my skullies. (YES I'M CALLING MY FOLLOWERS SKULLIES, DON'T FREAKIN JUDGE ME!) because I really love all of you guys, and really love that you guys enjoy my stories! So please! Keep clicking all those buttons! Vote, Comment, Follow yeah! All of that!

So ill talk to all of you later my little skullies, and get ready because, You are all going to be in for a shock. *smirks* see what I did there? Shock? you know cause Sabrina is called- Oh nevermind... *Walks off awkwardly*


~Skullgirl99 XD

A Demon Love Triangle{A creepypasta fanfic} || Rewrite in Progress ||Where stories live. Discover now