Chapter 15: The promise

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Hey people! So I am sorry I havent updated in a while, I dont really have an updating scedule so I dont really know when Im going to write my stories or not. Im not able to write and update as much because of school and homework. I have a huge english project due on Monday so this might not even be posted after I hand my project in, and my parents have been on my case about my marks and all that so I really need to focus! I really wished it was summer right now so I could update much more but I cant so Im very sorry about that! Anyways Im really hoping your liking the story and I may of mention this already but I am also doing a creepypasta boyfriend scenarios. I actually updated that on friday so you guys should check it out if you are really liking this story and my other stories too. Anyway you people know I dont really like doing these boring author's notes, I mean who does so enough of my boring talking and lets get on to the story.

Jeff: Yeah Skull you really need to stop talking or ill make you GO. TO. SL-

Skull: *Punches Jeff in the neck"

Jeff: *Falls to the ground coughing*

Skull: Dont do that Jeff! Or do you want me to get Tiny out here?

Jeff: *Cowers in fear* NO-

Skull: OH TINY!

*Tiny walk in* Tiny: Yep? Need some help?

Skull: *Points to Jeff* He's all yours

Tiny: *Evil grins* yay! *Pulls Jeff away dragging him across the floor*

Jeff: *Clawing at the floor* HELP ME!

Skull: *Smirks* BEN CARE TO JOIN ME


Sorry just really had the urge to do that!



Maskey and me walked home, laughing at each other. We were just doing random things so it just made it funnier. We finally reach the house and when we get to the door I say "I really had a great time tonight Maskey. Thanks for bringing me."

He smiles at me, his blue eyes sparkling. "No problem Ella. I'm happy I brought you."

I give him a quick peck on the cheek, then go inside. I head to the kitchen for a bottle of water. I head to the fidge and open to it. As I'm searching for a bottle of water, I hear someone clear their throat. I back out of the fridge and turn around to see Slendy standing there.His expression seems angry, but I shrug it off. I smile and say "Hey Slendy. Haven't seen you for a while. How was that kill you went on?"

His expression softens and he says "Not bad, I finally caught them. They were really hard to catch, kept moving from place to place but I finally caught them when I figured out their pattern and caught them. They had a very...horrific ending."

I shiver slightly. I can't even imagine being one of Slendy's victims. That must be very scary. I look at him "Well 'm glad that everything went well in the end."

He nods, then ask "So what have you been doing lately?"

I stare at him staying as calm as possible, but in the inside, Im freaking. I really like Slendy, so I really don't want him to know whats been going on lately. Okay, I know what your thinking, I got to make up my mind, but I just can't. They all have features in them that I love so, so much. If I pick one, the others hearts will be shattered and I just can't do that, but...

A Demon Love Triangle{A creepypasta fanfic} || Rewrite in Progress ||حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن