Chapter 10: Training

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Finally training is going to start Ive been trying to get it to it but I kept having to add some stuff on but now we start! I wonder whats going to happen read on to find out!

Ok enough chit chat from me lets get to the chapter!

-Skullgirl99 XD



I run away pulling Jeff with me laughing. You can still hear Maskey screaming and can tell he got away from Hoodie. I spot a cave near by and pull Jeff towards it. We get inside the cave and hide in the shadows. I see Maskey running and he stops to look around. "ELLA GET OUT AND FACE ME YOU CHEESECAKE THEIF!"

He looks around a little more then runs off. I see Hoodie running after Maskey screaming "MASKEY CALM DOWN WE CAN GET MORE CHEESECAKE!"

Hoodie runs after Maskey and I sigh in relief. "Oh my god! Did you see his face when he saw I ate his cheesecake! Priceless!" 

Jef face is still in shock. I stop laughing and looked at him confused "Hey whats wrong you seem to be in a state of shock."

I look him in the eyes and it seemed to calm him down. "Sorry its just I've never seen Hoddie's face before."

Now its my turn to be shocked. "What? Your telling me that out of all the years you've known Hoodie you havent once seen his face?"

Jeff shakes his head. "Nope. He never let his Hoodie out of his sight. Im surprised Maskey got it off of him without losing a finger."

I laugh at that statement "True. I think thats the first time I've seen Hoodie without his hoodie."

We both laugh and then I look around the cave. Its actually pretty large It doesnt go that far but its pretty wide. It would make a really good practice area. Then I got an idea "Hey Jeff why ont we do trainning here?"

Jeff comes over to me and looks at the cave. "Wow this is a very large space it would be great for training!" 

I smile at him and he smiles "Great." I say

"Ok then lets get started." Said Jeff

I nod and pull out my knife. He then says "Come at me." 

"What? No I might-" I start

"Ella Im a creepypasta remember you cant kill me or hurt me only other creepypastas can hurt me." said Jeff to relieve me from my stress.

I sigh and say "Okay."

I charge at him and aim for his heart, but he quickly dodges away and grabs my free arm. He then flips me and I land on the ground. "Rule number 1: Never let your enemy in your blind spot."

I grunt and he helps me up. "Try to get a better stance of balance so they cant flip you like that, then spin around and stab them in the shoulder of the arm there grabbing you with."

I nod and charge again, but the same thing happened again. "You didnt protect you blind spot." he said

He helps me up again and says "Here let me show you."

He charges me slow enough that I can get out of the way and grab his arm to flip him. I try to flip him he gets into a stronger stance and spins around, using my own weight against me, bringing his fist to my shoulder. "If I had my knife just now you wouldnt be able to move your arm anymore."

I smile and say "Okay." 

I charge at him again and grab him again by the arm, at first I make it seem I dont have a good stance and he goes in for the flip, exactly what I was hoping for. Right when he about to flip me I get into a better stance and bring his weight against me using his own weight against him, and spin around. I stab him with the knife in the shoulder. He looks at his shoulder to me in shock and I realize he let his guar down. I smirk and use my leg to kick his feet out from under him. He falls and why he falls I pull the knife out of his shoulder and get over top of him pinnning him to the ground of the second time today and have the knife up to his throat. He stares at me in shock and I smirk. I get close to his ear and say "Rule number 2: Never let your guard down." 

A Demon Love Triangle{A creepypasta fanfic} || Rewrite in Progress ||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant