Chapter 7: Unanswered Questions

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Song: A Non-Love Song - dodie

Only a few weeks until finals. Three after today. The whole school has changed demeanour. Usually on Fridays, the school is wild with loud teenagers. However today, it's pretty quiet. I think the administration is grateful for the upcoming calm.

First period. Math. I rest my head down on the desk, barely paying attention to the lecture. A girl next to me taps on my shoulder and smiles when I look at her.

"Can you draw?" She asks. I look down at her desk and notice a canvas. There's a sketch of a shirtless man but he doesn't have a face. I look back up at her.

"Kinda. Why?" I tell her. I can draw but I never promise that it'll turn out good. She hands me the canvas and a little book. The book is turned to a page that has a man's face on it. Upon closer inspection, I can see that she's erased several attempts at the face.

"Can you draw his face?" She asks with a pleading look. I smile and pull out a pencil.

"Sure I'll try." Anything is more entertaining than this lecture. She smiles and thanks me while I get started. I study the face in the book and begin working on the mouth of this man.

In only a few minutes I've finished. I give the finished sketch back to the girl and she examines it for a moment.

"This is great! Thank you." She looks at his face and smiles. I smile too, feeling accomplished. I have to admit, it does look pretty good.

I scribble on my notebook, passing time. I appear to be working but I'm just drawing random lines on the paper. I glance up at the board a few times to look like I'm copying the notes. In reality, I couldn't care less.

"I finished the tattoo!" I hear the girl exclaim. Turning to her, I see she's drawn a large tattoo of angel wings on the back of the man. It looks pretty good.

"That's cool." I compliment her, genuinely thinking so.

"Thanks. I hope I date someone with a tattoo like this." She says while looking longingly at the drawing.

"You like tattoos?" I ask to make conversation. The damn lecture never ends. Might as well entertain myself.

"Yeah I want one so bad. My parents would never approve though." She seems down about it. "I'm giving myself a stick and poke though. It's a cactus." She pulls up her sleeve a little to show me a little tattoo of a cactus on her wrist. It's pretty cute.

"That's awesome. I want a tattoo too." I say, looking at my bare arm and imagining the things I would get.

"I want a cactus on my wrist, birds on my hip and a quote on my collarbone." She uses her hands to show me exactly where she wants them. I smile, she's so planned out! "What do you want?" She asks me. I haven't really given too much thought into it. I know I want words on my left forearm and a rose somewhere.

"I definitely want something on my arm here." I motion with my right hand. "Maybe She or something like that. I also want a large rose on my thigh right here." I motion to my outer right thigh with a smile. She nods in response. "I don't know I think sleeve tattoos are awesome but I'd never get one myself. That's more pain than I can handle." I smile while thinking of Elizabeth's sleeve tattoos.

"Yeah that's true. My friend has a sleeve tattoo." She says to keep the conversation going. I hear the door open and watch it in my peripheral vision. My heart rate soars when I see the face of the woman entering the room.


I feel my face heat up and the smile that inevitably forms on my lips. I quickly take out a book from my backpack and hold it to my face to hide it. Below the book, I see Elizabeth walk past my desk. Basically hyperventilating, I play it off as a laugh. I lower the book so it looks like I'm actually reading but I'm mostly paying attention to Elizabeth.

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