Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

**Valerie's POV**

"What are you doing here?" I stand up quickly, rushing over to Adam.

"I was heading back to school, and I remembered that your house was along the way. I was going to come to surprise you, but then I come to see you throwing this huge party. And now I find you in bed with some random kid." He looks past me, his eyes squinting and he points a finger in his direction, once he realizes it's Calum, "You." He snaps.

"Adam stop," I bring my hand to his chest keeping him from lunging at Calum, "He was just wasted. I was helping him, okay?"

"Whatever," He rolls his eyes. Calum shifts his weight, looking extremely uncomfortable as he watches the situation that is folding out in front of him. Adam takes my hand off his chest, clutching tightly to it as he yanks me in the other direction, "C'mon I'm taking you back to campus with me."

"Semester break isn't over yet, I don't want to go back." I snap back, trying to remove my wrist from his grasp, but it's no use, I'm too weak. I really need to join a gym or something because this is starting to get really pathetic.

"But Valerie I haven't seen you all weak, I miss you," He pouts, loosening his forceful grip to a much lighter and gentle one. As much as I wanted to stay and spend the last two days with Calum, Adam is right. Lately I've been a terrible girlfriend. I cheated on him, I lied to him, and I've been ignoring him. My friends always make it seem like Adam is the bad guy in the relationship, but maybe it's me.

"Fine," I oblige, sliding my hand down to Adam's, letting him intertwine our fingers.

"What?!" Calum jumps up from the bed, inching towards us.

"I'm gonna go back to school with Adam," I shrug, gripping tighter to his hand,

"B-but you can't go," He stalls, glancing around the room, "All your stuff is at my house."

"I'll have Adam stop in front of your house on our way out, and I'll run in and get my stuff," I sigh, shifting my weight to the opposite foot, "It's no big deal."

"Valerie," Calum whines. He reaches out to grab my hand, but then retreats.

"Calum." I roll my eyes. The quicker Adam and I got out of here the better, because I know if Calum keeps us here any longer Adam will cause a scene, "I'll see you Sunday."

Calum opens his mouth to speak again but before I could hear what he said, Adam yanked me out the door and down the hall. Adam leads the way down the stairs, his hand still clutched to mine as I follow shortly behind him. He pulls me along so quickly, that I bump shoulders with a girl heading up the stairs, both of us stumbling back.

"Watch where you're going, bitch." She hisses at me, before regaining her balance.

I open my mouth to say something back, but Adam cuts me off, "Valerie, ignore her," He says blankly, looking to the girl briefly and than back to me, "Let's just go."

✴ ✴ ✴ ✴ ✴

Friday soon turned into Saturday and Saturday into Sunday, and before I knew it semester break was over and everyone was returning back to campus. Adam and I spent the whole day yesterday doing absolutely nothing. He didn't pressure me or bring up the whole sex topic because he knew that it was a touchy subject for me.  It seemed as if the fact that I wasn't ready didn't bother him anymore, and that made me feel a lot more comfortable.

A light drizzle hits my cheek, as I stroll out of my dorm and through the crowd of parading young adults with bags upon bags held in their bags as they head back to their own dorms. I had already unpacked, since I got back yesterday. I watch as everyone scrambles around to get inside and out of the rain as quickly as possible. I looked at my watch to see that it's 3:15. I was supposed to be at Adam's at 4:00, but by the looks of the storm clouds up above this rain was only going to get worse and I did not want to sit at the bus stop in pouring rain.

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