Meet Stacy .... 16

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The boys, Louise and I where sitting in the Hawaii living room when my phone started to ring. I was shocked at the name that popped up. Lauriela.

C- Chloe L- Lauriela

L- Chloe I need help she hasn't stopped crying so much since you left

C- Lau is she okay ?

L- No Clo

C- You still live in Hawaii ?

L- Yes I heard you were coming here please pick her up

C- Don't worry I'm on my way

L- Thanks

I had told Louise about Lauriela and Stacy when she found me crying a few months ago. "Babe what's wrong ?" Louis asked. I felt my face go white. "Nothing. Louise it's Lauriela and Stacy" I said. "Let me come" she said following me to the car. We got in and she drove. Let me tell you the story. My cousin when she was 16 got pregnant. Her name was Susanne. Her boyfriend wanted nothing to do with her. She died giving birth and Stacy always thought I was her mum but I am classed by doctors as her mother. Where does Lauriela come into the story ? She's Susanne's sister. I couldn't look after Stacy with school and Susanne dropped out if school when she was 14 due to family issues so she agreed to look after her until I definitely had to take Stacy.

We arrived at the front door and knocked. Lauriela answered and I ran straight up to Stacy's room to see the 2 year old crying on the bed crying. I picked her up and she instantly stopped. Louise held her as I helped Lauriela pack the clothes. "Thank you so much" I said hugging Lauriela.

We left and halfway throughout the ride to home Louise asked me a question I did not remember. "What are you going to tell Louis ?" Shit. "I don't know" I said as we pulled up.

We brought the stuff into the Hawaii house and saw the boys sitting on the couch. "Mummy" Stacy said hugging me. Louise took her upstairs while I sat next to the shocked boys. "She's yours ?" Louis said. "Not technically. Her mother, my cousin, died giving birth. Her name was Susanne. Her sister agreed to look after Stacy the baby but Stacy thought I was her mother and the doctors class me as her legal guardian. I'm sorry Louis I didn't know what to do I couldn't just leave Lauriela with her" I cried the last part. The boys left the room so it was just me and Louis. He hugged me tightly. "Baby don't worry. I'll look after her too and you will have the boys and Louise" he smiled. I smiled back kissing him.

We walked into the kitchen to see Louise and the boys talking to her. "Mama. Awnt Louise. Uncwil Hazza. Uncwil Li Li. Uncwil Zaza. Uncwil Ni Ni" Stacy said giggling. "Who wuh ?" She said pointing at Louis. "Should I ?" He said and I nodded. "I'm your dada" he smiled. "Dada" she squealed. He picked her up and spun her round kissing her. "Well I'm going to my room" Niall said. Zayn and Liam chorused me too leaving. Louise and Harry then left. We brought Stacy to the spear room and kissed her good night. That night me and Louis layed in bed hearing banging noises in the next room. Harry and Louise. "Do you think-" I said before he cut me off. "Yep they are" he said.

Next morning Harry's POV

I woke up next morning to see a worried looking Louise next to me. "Baby what's wrong ?" I asked. "I took a .... I'm pregnant" she said shakily. I jumped up spinning her round. "Your not mad ?" She giggled. "Of course not ! I would never leave you and come on we need to tell everyone !" I shouted. We ran into the living room and saw Niall, Liam and Zayn there and told them. They congratulated us then all 5 of us ran to Louis and Chloe's room. We saw the 'cutest thing' as Louise would say. Stacy was lying in between the couple while they were all cuddling. Louise snapped a photo. "So cute !" She squealed waking them up. "I'm having a baby !" Louise screamed. Then Chloe ran over to her while they talked while Louis congratulated me. Then there was a knock on Louis house door and we all went down to answer.

Chloe's POV

I answered the door with everybody standing behind me. It was Bradley. "Brad !" I screamed as he spun me round. Bradley William Simpson. My best friend who left seniors. There was a group me, Hannah, Brad, James, Tristan and Connor. Hannah's just a bitch now. "Hey Chloe Cat" he said putting me down. "Brad !" Harry said doing that man hug thing with him. We invited him inside and all came to the living room. Stacy then ran in. She ran up to Brad and he picked her up. "Braddy" she giggled. "Hey Stacy Lacy" he kissed her forehead then she sat on him. "So why are you in Hawaii Brad ?" Louis asked. "Well I started a band with 3 other members and we do concerts in some places so yeah" Brad answered. "Who is in it ?" I asked curiously. "Jems, Tris and Condora" he said. "Connor" I spat out blushing furiously. "Awwwww does Clo still have her crush on likkle ikkle Connor" he laughed. "Stop !" Now 1D and Louise was laughing to. "Anyway I must get going nice seeing you all" Brad said. I gave him a hug then he left. We all went back to bed seeing as we were lazy gets.

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