Grenade 11

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In this one Chloe has wrote grenade and I know ariana didn't Bruno Mars did so yeh so just pretend people mwahhh

Harry's POV

Tonight we've decided to go to a club. Clo has chose her last two songs the vamps year 3000 and the one she wrote grenade. We're all at the recording studio right now and Chloe is just finishing of her own song. "Chlobear come while me and Li Li warm your voice up" Louis screamed. He thinks she will date him but she is with me. I've never had a proper girlfriend before and I'm not letting Louis ruin it. "Harry Harry Harry Harry HARRRRREH !!!" Niall screamed. "What !?" I asked with a bit of shouting. "We are out of CUPCAKES !!" He yelled. "Niall we are in a studio not the house now check the food buffet over there" I said and he ran of? A food buffet in a studio that's unusual. Chloe went into the booth to sing the songs but the man for her own song turned it off so we couldn't hear her. Then she came out. We all went home since we're going out tonight. We entered the door and threw ourselves on the couch. Louis and Chloe on one. Me and Niall. Liam and Zayn. Chloe started laughing at Louis. Louis interrupted everyone's conversation. "Guys I'm not clubbing tonight" he said. "Anyone wanna stay". "I'm gonna go it's my first time" Clo said. I just nodded to say I'm going. Niall and Zayn waited a while then said yes. "Well I'll have to come to drive since I don't get drunk" Liam told us. Just Louis then. Everybody went off to get dressed and Louis was left in the living room. Once us boys were dressed we waited for Clo. She came out in a tight black dress, high heels, loop earring, red lipstick and her hair out curly. We all said bye to Louis then left.

*at the club still Harry's POV*

I ordered a few drinks for me and the boys. Clo had one shot then decided to stick to water otherwise she would feel sick. I ended up drinking a lot then going to the dance floor. My vision was blurry. I saw a girl with a tight black dress and assumed it was Clo so I danced with her. "Chloe" I said. "Yes" the girl said but she didn't sound like Clo oh well. "Follow me" I held her hand and dragged her to a wall. I kissed her then I heard a girl start crying and run out.

Oh no

Chloe's POV

None of the boys could find Harry so I decided to look. I saw him with a girl kissing her. I felt tears then I ran out of the club. I sat on the curb and in my bag were converse. I swapped them from my high heels into them then ran. I could feel all of my makeup dripping. The club wasn't far from our house. I opened the door and Louis looked at me.

Louis's POV

I was getting bored watching movies. Suddenly the door burst open. I saw Chloe standing there crying with make up dripping down her face. I held my arms out and she ran up to the couch and laid down. She burried her head in my top crying. "What's wrong petal ?" I asked. "I saw Harry kiss a girl Loubear. "Don't worry Clobear you will find someone better" I told her. I lifted her chin up and stared into her eyes. I kissed her and surprisingly she kissed back. "I'm sorry" she said. "No there's nothing to be sorry for" I told her. "Come on let's go get dressed into pyjamas." She went into her room and I went into mine. I just left my boxers on. I walked in the living room and she was sitting there with two drinks and a big bowl of sweets. I joined next to her. She laid her head on my chest. We eat a few sweets while watching funny movies to take her mind of. She fell asleep on me. The door then opened. All the boys ran over to us two. "You prick" I whisper shouted at Harry. He just looked confused. Niall followed me to our room. I lied her down on mine and Niall's bed. "Please sleep with Harry tonight" I told him. He nodded then left. I got in the bed with her and she cuddled close to my chest.

*the next morning*

Harry's POV

I woke up next to ... Niall ?! I stormed into Louis room to see him and Chloe awake talking. "What is going on !?" I yelled. Chloe flickered backwards holding tight onto Louis. "What does it look like talking" Louis said in a duh tone. "Well it looks like you've been making out" I shout. Before Louis could talk Clo stepped in. "I weren't the one at a club kissing a stranger against a wall now was I !! Louis saw me last night run in crying because of you Louis helped me !!" She screamed. "Chloe I'm sorry" I said. I walked near her and held her wrist. "Please don't hurt me" she muttered,p but I caught onto it. I let go and walked closer. Louis stepped in front. "Give her some space mate" Louis said. She then walked out. I've messed up.

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