Chapter eight

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I was cleaning up the trash of used bottles when a voice scared the shit out of me. I've not heard that voice for a long time. Please don't tell me it's him. I breathe in before turning to look who it is.

Kim Taehyung...

Minji's pov

I turned around and just like what I've guessed...

Kim Taehyung

He gave me his iconic rectangular smile. Why do you have to appear when I'm trying to forget you completely???

"Hey" he said with his deep voice. Gosh please don't cry, Minji-ah.

"Ummm... Hi?"

"It's been long since we've met. How are you?"

"Sorry do I know you?"

"Stop pretending, Choi Minji," he stared at me. I gulped and looked down. I was about to speak up but-

"Jagi? What are you doing here? Oh? Taehyung sunbaenim? Why are you here with my girlfriend?" He approached. I heaved a sigh of relief. Finally my precious peach is here~

"Daniel~" I went to throw the trash before running to him. We hugged before kissing.

Taehyung's pov

I saw them kissing and a part of me broke. Did she really forgot about me? Did she really move on? Should I... Move on too?

Daniel's pov

After we kissed, I told her to do her work while I talk to him. She seemed reluctant but gave in anyway. I've been wanting to tell this guy that she's mine and she had fully got over him.

I went to him to talk about it. After a few minutes...

"May the best man wins then," I smirked at him before joining the rest of the members at the waiting room.

1 week later

Daniel's pov

Today is Minji's birthday and everything had been planned out properly. Daehwi and Guan Lin managed to distract her while the rest of us did our part.

But that Taehyung keeps on being a busybody. He always wants to know how is she and what she's doing. It's starting to annoy me A LOT.

Minji's pov

"Daehwi, can we like go back now? I'm tired..."

"Ani, noona! We still haven't gone to the arcade" Guan Lin dragged me along with Daehwi. I would really want to play but something tells me I should go home.

Time passed and we were on our way home when a man in full black clothing approach us.

"Hey, happy birthday," he wore a mask which is even harder for me to recognise. He handed over a gift and I took it.

He walked off. Lol, rude. We went off, heading to the van that's waiting for us.

The three of us are in the van and decided to open the gift. It was a necklace and a birthday card.

Dear Minji,

Happy birthday!!! I know I've been a jerk for the past few years and up till now and I will forever seek for your forgiveness. I'm really sorry. All of you didn't believe me but I've tried to get Jimin hyung and Jungkook to help me. (Please don't be mad at them.)

It's been awhile since we last celebrate together as besties... Can we be like how we used to be,Minji? I really miss the old us. I can even try to ask you to be my girlfriend. You know I love you,right?

I won't stop trying to get you back... There's a thumbdrive at the back of this card. It's the evidence of what happened in the past. I hope you forgive me.

Once again, happy birthday shortie! ;)

Sincerely with love,

Kim Taehyung

I closed the card after reading, still shocked and confused. Just having mixed feelings. Thankfully, we've reached their dorms.

Suddenly, a pair of hands covered my eyes. It's Guan Lin. Daehwi hold my hand to lead the way.

"Guys, this better be useful- "

"Just shut up noona, you can open your eyes now..."

"Dammit Daehwi-" I smacked off Guan Lin's hands and Daehwi's. I cursed before looking up to a beautiful scene that I'll forever remember...

"Surprise~ Happy birthday!!!" I'm freaking touched. There's my favourite flavour of cake, chocolate. Balloons everywhere. I love it!!!

Best birthday ever. We celebrated and all but sadly, things have to end. Everyone started to clean up while I went up to change.

After shower, I sat on my bed with my laptop on my legs. I breathe in before putting the thumbdrive in it.

A video popped out. I click on it. And watch the whole scene. The truth behind what I saw 5 years ago... This isn't real right?

I text both Jimin and Jungkook and they convinced me about it.

He was right all along... I was stupid enough to believe what I see...


Chapter 8 ended~

How u think bout dat? Oh yeah, do the drill y'all~~~

And one more important thing I have to tell y'all. I'm trying to end this story as quick as possible like next chapter probably be like Minji trusted V and became besties again.

Daniel found out and broke up with her because he can tell that she's starting to like V more than she loves him. She denied and all which lead to a fight.

The following chapter may be Minji then quits her job there and worked for JYP instead and luckily she got a job as a overall manager for GOT7.

News of them breaking up went viral. Her friendship with Wanna One is weak and V starts to bring her out on a date.

With that, the last chapter will be V surprised her and ask to be his girlfriend after trying to make her fall for him.

There MIGHT be an epilogue okayyy.??

I'm doing all this 'cos I have a great Jimin fanfic that imma gonna do. Based on true story with additional info and edits. ;) WINK WONK

So I hope y'all can support my last few chapters and my upcoming stories!!!

Lurp yall~

This has been AUTHOR-NIM. Thanks.




Falling for my best friend - Kim Taehyung [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now