Chapter Thirty-one

Start from the beginning

"No!" He bursts out, his hand reaching out to hold the door open so I can't close it. "You have every right to be mad at me but now you need to liste—"

"Skills!" Bear yells from behind me, interrupting Shills mid outburst. I turn around to see him run down the hallway and push past me.

"Hey little man," Shills smile doesn't reach his eyes, but he smiles at Bear nonetheless, reaching out a hand to rub Bear's head.

"I told you to go eat," I scold Bear.

"I was getting something to drink," Bear shrugs ignoring me as he turns back to Shills. "Did you come back to play with me? Did you want some dinner? It's really good I can get you some!"

"Bear, go finish your food." I pull him back inside before he can say anything and push him back down the hall. "Shills isn't staying for dinner."

"Bu—" he tries to convince me otherwise, but I'm not having it.

"Now, Reagan." My tone doesn't allow him any room to argue, and I glare at Shills as I listen to Bear stomp down the hallway and back into the dining room.

Shills and I just look at each other; his eyes seem apologetic but I'm not buying it. I can't just forget about what he told me on Tuesday. Does he even know how humiliated I feel? He had to bet his friends that he could get with me? I mean, I know I'm not one of the most popular people at school, but I didn't think I was so bad Shills would be embarrassed to even be seen me with. And the fact that he is the one that started calling me Kil—

"Listen Killer I—"

"Just stop right there," I hold up my hand to stop him as I close my eyes, no longer able to keep looking at him. "I don't want to hear any of the sweet excuses you've probably prepared."

I take a few deep breaths before I finally open my eyes again, but I don't look up at him. Instead I stare at his shoes, clenching my teeth at the expensive Nikes on his feet.

"Do you know how stupid I feel?" My voice drops as I ask him. "Over the past couple days all of my friends have told me that you were bad news. That literally nothing good could come of associating with you. Hell, even some of your friends told me nothing good could come of this.

"But I ignored them." I can't help but laugh at that, just now realizing how stubborn I've been over the past week. "I thought I could help you. I really did, but I think you need to just help yourself at the moment. Or go to someone who really knows what they're doing."

"No, no, this isn't how this was supposed to go." Shills rakes a hand through his hair as the other waves back and forth between us. "I know what I did wrong! I know how I messed up! You're supposed to forgive me and things can really start between us."

I smile sadly at him, crossing my arms over my chest as I shake my head. "I'm happy you figured out some of the things that you did wrong and this is probably a really big step for you. But right now it's not enough. I can't just forgive you."

His entire face drops, along with the hand that was drifting between us. "You don't mean that."

"I do," I rebut. "I mean, hanging out with you wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but we should probably take a step back for a while."

"No," He refuses, taking a calculated step toward me. "I don't want to take a step back."

"Well right now this isn't about what you want."

He frowns at that but all I can do is shrug, moving back so I can swing the door closed.

"So, what now?" He questions, some untold emotion making his voice sound gruff. I stop shutting the door, my hand gripping the cold wood as I look at him closely. "I mean, I said I'm sorry. What else am I supposed to do?"

"Now, we just go back to the way things were." I try to smile at him, but my lips barely pull up. Why is it so hard for me to smile? This shouldn't be that difficult!

"And if I don't want to?" He asks.

A genuine smile crosses my face at that. I finally look up at him, staring into his clear blue eyes as he glowers at me.

"Then you'll just have to figure out some way to make me change my mind."

A/N Hey Y'all!! Thanks for reading this chapter! I know I'm posting way earlier than I normally do, but I have stuff to take care of in the morning so I got to get to bed early tonight. Sucks right? Hahahahakillmenowhahaha

So anyway, what do you think about Killer's reaction to Shills showing up at her house? First of all, have y'all ever had to deal with some random sliding up to your residence without an invitation? How would you handle that? Because I don't know about y'all, but I have no tolerance for an invasion of my privacy. 

But anyways....Do you think Killer was justified in still being upset with him, or should she cut Shills a break and let him off the hook? 

What do you think Shills is going to do to get back in Killer's good graces, if he does anything that is?

What are you hoping to see in the next few chapters? 

Wellll, you'll just have to stick around and find out! Thank you for the dedicated readers and commenters! I love y'all and thanks for sticking around!

Much Love,


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