"I hear congratulations are in order." I smile.

"What..." He sighs. "Just tell me, I can't take surprises."

"Your brothers new love interest." I tell him.

"Tae and Tee? Yeh he seems a good hard-working kid, might be good for Tae." He looks through the papers.

"The other one is a swimmer".

"What other one Sing?" He looks near tears. "They say I'm a gangster, but family can bring me to tears."

"Oh..." I start.

"He's really worrying me Sing." Jay looks serious. "He needs a stable influence and that girl isn't one."

"I think he might find, In a little challenging."

"Who is that?"

"How busy have you been?" I laugh.

I tell him the most recent events, he puts his head in his hands and sighs. "I'm no longer surprised."

"In is a good kid, from what I know of him." He looks up curiously." He's a friend of my New."

"Your New eh." Jay smiles, then gets serious. "Wait till Poppy hears..."

"She met him already."

"Dam it! That girl gets everywhere so fast." He shouts. "Do you think he knows, about Oh's daughter?"

"From my sources, that hasn't come up yet."

"And you didn't tell your New?" He smirks.

"They will find out, its much more fun that way."

I open the door to hear soft music, and someone singing along. I never thought it would be so easy, to get used to having someone around. But it wasn't just anyone, it was New.

I hear a shout, and the smoke alarm go off, I can't help but smile, as I walk towards the kitchen. He still hasn't learnt to set the oven, I can smell the burnt bread.

"You evil machine! Why burn the garlic bread?? Why only the garlic bread."

I laugh, as I hear New shouting at the oven, it's a professional model, made to order, and runs a lot hotter than the conventional ones. I got used to it in Paris, and had one specifically made.

"Just use the other one New." I smile. "It's working now."

He's opening the windows and doors as I walk in, he sighs looking at the burnt bread that he will have to throw away.

"But then the bread won't be done in time." He looks sad.

I put another batch into the oven and set the timer, I kiss him before going to change. Its strange thinking how much my life has changed.

I can't help but laugh as New fills me in, between his team and Yo's angels, things are always interesting.

"p... you said you wouldn't laugh." He sighs.

He complains to me more, talks more and he's more involved in life with his friends. I can still remember the quiet New, who blushed as he tried to explain to me, why I shouldn't say Kit Kat in front of Ming.

I was sitting in the seat in the garden, hidden behind the big tree, when Yo had come outside, talking on his phone, it was obvious who he was speaking to. Then I had seen New, he seemed to want to surprise Yo, was trying to hide behind the tree, but had unexpectedly fallen into my lap.

If he tried getting up, Yo would see us together, so he had stayed quiet. I may have used the situation blatantly, when I kissed him, but I couldn't help it.

When I found out a few things from Yo, I wanted to do a little digging myself, but stopped. I wanted him to tell me. That was new to me.

He was sitting next to me, unconsciously rubbing the scar on my arm, he had done that often lately.

"Does it bother you?" I ask.

He looks at me, before realising what he had been doing, and moving his hand away.

"You can ask me things New."

The questions in his eyes, but he's scared to ask.

"I didn't do this." I tell him. "My step brother tried to hurt me, I fought back, in the struggle he got a hold of my arm. He cut it."

New's hand shakes, as he runs his fingers softly over the scar.

"It looks deep."

"It was." I look at it. "Good thing Yo wanted to sleep in my room, he found me and called for help."

"I have a lot of things to thank Yo for."

"I guess we do." I laugh. "Let's get him good gifts."

"I started saving up p, he wants a pirate ship."

I can't stop laughing, as New shakes his head. I hold him close as I listen to more of the latest news, this time with just us, is precious. He and I have both been hurt, by people who should have protected us.

But its okay, we still have great people in our life, who slowly become part of the family we have made.

I pick up New's phone when it rings, he's fallen asleep with his head on my shoulder. I don't recognise the number, and it doesn't have a name, I answer. But before I can say anything, the person on the other side begins to speak.

"New...... it's your mother." There is a pause, I'm about to wake him, he will be happy to hear from her. "Peach is going to ask you, to be godfather for her baby... we... your father and I... want you to tell her no."

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