She is it

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This is it, my big moment; I'm finally killing somebody today. I already have a plan, but I won't spoil it for you, not yet at least. I need to trust you enough to tell it to you. You are my diary, the most secret diary ever. I do live a pretty normal life, exept for being famous, and most wanted person of U.S.A., I life undercover. Not that anyone knows my name exept for you.

Okay that is confusing. Let's start again and a bit less complicated.

Hai I'm Clara and I am 13 years old, and I go undercover by the name Kayleigh. My bestfriend is called Rose, just like that girl from titanic. My undercover life is normal, but my real life isn't. I am not gonna tell you everything. Well specially not yet at least. I am gonna tell you about my new assingment (A/N please correct my pronounce if it's okay I usually don't write English. So pleaaassssse correct me)   

I need to kill somebody, again..... I did that kinda stuff when i was 7 already. I wonder when i will get an assingment wich does challange me next time. About the kill; it's a guy he is 24 years old goes by the name Jack ironic isn't it.... he is really fast so i've been told, and an very smart person.
1 go to his house
2 kill him
3 make sure that no innocent people are involved
4 clean everything but the body needs to be foud
5 make sure that there wheren't any withnesses.
(A/N reaaaaally hope that i spelled everything correctly)

And than go home and get some sleep i have just like other kids a test tomorrow. It's P.E. we need to run a marathon. Nothing serious, and i also have a test russian, but i needed to talk over 275 languages to be enterd in the agency so no big deal. I also needed to learn more than a thousends way to kill someone, i know at least six of them with a pencil. If my test goes bad i always can kill my russian teacher with my pencil right??

I yawn (A/N yes i admit, i looked on google translate for that word) damnit! It's so frustrating to do nothing, alright there i go, jumping to action and conclusions. He never is gonna beat me, not even when i wouldn't try to kill him. I mean serious look at him he has no muscles at all! But time to kill 🔪🔫

As soon as my coworker rings the doorbell I make sure that i am in a place that he can't see me. While agent  W664 keeps him talking i am moving like a shadow to Jack, when i am so close, agent W664 ensures that he comes out of the doorway so i can slip inside his house. So easy! I wonder why he is still alive when he's so dumb........ or i am just really smart! much self-esteem over here.  I'm in! know i need to wait. Wait until the time has come to kill the poor guy, i hope that this one does fight back.

So this is my first chapter and i am just gonne throw it online and hope that somebody reads it🤗 i'll see when i post next it can take months or days. I am doubting about a couple words so i am just gonna ask, assingment withnesses

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