It was way too long till we all slumped back and watched as Nott's chest went up and down fleetingly, all of us reeling with shock, cold, wet and scared until Crabbe said the words no one wanted to, but needed to, "We need to get him to the hospital wing."

A chorus of yes's greeted him, but none of us moved, I pressed myself more into Draco's side, needing his warmth to make me feel something but cold, wet and scared.

"We need to." Blaise said too, shifting Pansy in his arms as he took a shaky step to Nott's body that had been lying there for less than 2 minutes but it felt like too long.

"Before something happens to him," Draco said, from beside me, his voice unstable as he pulled me with him to Nott, "We've wasted enough time."

That seemed to get us to move and I watched as Goyle gently steered Daphne ahead too, before I stepped away from Draco and pulled her to me, but Draco brought his arm around my shoulders again, gripping his wand with trembling hands as he tried to levitate Nott's body.

It didn't work, ultimately making Daphne take over as she easily did it, leading him out of the bathroom, with stumbling strides.


I was shivering, but not from the cold, however that didn't stop Draco from holding me tighter as we sat leaning against the hospital doors, Daphne slumped on my other side, staring off into space, her face streaked with tear tracks. The only people who were able to sleep were Crabbe and Goyle and their soft snores echoed off eerily along the stone walls as I huddled closer to Daphne, "You should go get some sleep." I whispered to her, my voice raspy.

Her head shook ever so slightly and she turned to me with a crumpled expression, "I want to-"she hiccupped, fresh tears forming in her eyes, "I want to know what happened to him."

I gathered her in my arms, rubbing her back comfortingly as Draco shifted to the side to give us some space, the distant look in his eyes not fading at all. "I know Daph." I mumbled into her hair, "I'll come get you once he wakes up or we have some news okay?"

She shook her head again, but heavy footsteps were cracking against the floor and I glanced up to see a sleepy Goyle giving me a sheepish, sad smile, "C'mon Daphne." His heavy voice said, "Crabbe and I are going to the Common Room."

I pushed Daphne away from me, opening my mouth to tell her again that I would get her as soon as we had some news, but Draco beat me to it.

"You heard Pomfrey," he said in a hoarse voice, subtly clearing his throat as he raised his head to look at us, "we don't know when he'll wake up."

A stone pressed against my chest at that, again, just like it had a while ago when the patron had thrown us out and declared she needed to treat Nott without us sobbing around him. She had then proceeded to shut the doors on her faces yelling at us to inform Snape about this.

Blaise and Pansy had taken the silent lead of doing the latter walking off quietly as we all waited where we were left.

Daphne looked at me for a long time, her eyes sad and face down, and I knew she needed to go down, write to Milo about this and get some sleep. That's what always worked the best for her, she needed to write to Milo unloading the heavy feeling in her chest and he would respond with all the right words, making her lighter and happier, reminding her that after all the dust had settled he would always be there for her, waiting with open arms and a smiling face.

Yeah, they had that kind of a relationship. But I had honesty never seen Daphne happier.

Nodding at her, I gave her a small smile, nudging her up.

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