Ales Pov~

I run my hand through the flower bed with a smile playing on my lips. After the talk with my dad I felt so relieved. Even though I was still not 100% normal I did feel a lot better. So I decided to take a walk through the vineyard out back. Then I saw the flower bed and couldn't help myself.

As I continued to walk down the vineyard path I saw a figure sitting underneath a large tree. It was massive and overpowered him. As I approached I saw it was Raf. I smiled slightly and walked up to him. He knew I was there but was stuck on the view infront of him. So I took a seat next to him and leaned against the tree.

I nudged him with my shoulder "Hey. What are you doing out here?" "Thinking." Was his smart reply.

"I see that.....what you thinking about?" I asked. He finally looked down at me and shrugged. "About my decision." He said and then froze for a couple seconds. He continued  "I don't want to leave the family. This is my life, this is what I chose. And I knew what my decision entailed, what I would do. When I have to get a job done, I shove those feelings in a box and do what I have to do. Because I would murder anyone who dare hurts my family." He said, his face turning stoic and hard.

"You're the one who saved me yesterday. You got Kale and stopped him." I said trying to let him see the good he has done. "Yea but yesterday is what scared me. The emotions in the box never went in the box. They were there in the forefront. I almost killed that guy with my bare hands. And I wanted too Ales........I don't know if that's the kind of person I want to be." He says weakly, as he drops his gaze to the floor.

i sighed, and couldn't help but feel horrible that my cousin was going through this pain. He was so confused and I didn't know what to say or do. He cares so much about those he loves, and yet his heart is still so honest, it's crazy.

"Look," I started "I can't tell you what to do. Only you know the answer, but I can tell you that you are an amazing man. You are what every person aspires to be. Loving, caring, respectful, and happy, always helping others and sticking up for the right things. Even if it makes you feel like this at the end of the day. Think about all the good along with the bad. Don't just derail yourself, you will never get anywhere."

He nodded and sorta smiled. "You're right." He muttered. "Aren't I always." I joked, he laughed and shook his head. "Far from it."

"What about you? How are you doing?" He asks while picking at the grass beneath us. I shrugged "I'll live." I muttered. He nodded and smirked "Cugino Forte." (Strong cousin) He says. 

I look at the vast vineyard and slightly nodded whispering"Cogino Forte." 

Matteo Pov~

"Matteo you haven't changed one bit." Clara says with a smile as she sat in the chair opposite the metal table. I tilt my head and just stare at her. Her smile broadens "Your wife is very beautiful. Quite the fireball if I do say so myself. Never thought that would be your type." She says with a forlorned look. 

I scoffed and sat up in my chair. "Adriano is here." I mutter and get up from the chair as Adriano walks in right on cue. He huffs heavily as his eyes land on Clara. He looks at me and nods slightly before he unbuttons his jacket and sits on the empty chair. 

"Clara." He says his voice void. "Adriano." She imitates. "Where have you been for the last 20 years?" He asks, sitting straight as a pin. Staring right into her eye. No hesitation. "Okay I guess we cut to the business." She says scoffing. 

"If you don't answer you are going right back into the cold prison." Adriano threatens. She challenges him still but sighs defeated. "I left to be with Andros. We both were traveling the world for about 5 years. Spain, England, Netherlands, Ireland, name it we were there." She started reminiscing with a small smile on her face. 

The Capo and His Queen (Book 2 In PTMM Series)Where stories live. Discover now