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"I'll take her to the hospital behind the ambulance, Street ride with" Harley yells with the little girl in her arms.

"She's a natural born leader" Deacon says to Hondo.


"She's outta surgery and should make a full recovery but will spend the next few nights here as we need to make sure no infections occur and she is healthy " The doctor says.

"Can we see her" Street asks.

"Go ahead she's awake" The doctor says before turning and walking away.

"Momma" The girl says jumping ur of Harleys arms running over to her mom.

"Thank you for protecting my baby girl" Her mother says. "But I need a favor"

"What is it?" Harley asks. 

"Can you two watch my baby while I'm in the hospital. I don't have any family, she's all I have left and she seems to like you and you guys work well together and make a great couple" the mother says.

"We aren't dating" Street and Harley say in unison.

"Well you too act like it" the women says.

"You guys are cute together too" The little girl says.

"Yes we will watch her" Harley says.

"Thank you so so much" Her mother says.

"We gotta get to work tho so say goodbye, we'll bring her by later" Harley says picking up the girl.

"So what's your name sweetie?" Harley asks the little girl.

"Jade" Jade replies.

"I'm Harley, nice to meet you" Harley says.

"Can we go get food" Jade asks.

"My boss Hondo can make a mean spaghetti" Street says.

"Oh he can now" Harley says

"Just kiss her already" Jade says looking at Street. His face turns a bright shade of red as the same happens to Harley's.

"We are just friends" Harley says.

"You keep acting like more so" Jade says.

"What does a 6 year old know about relationships?" Street asks.

"Enough to know your hitting on me" Harley replies.

"Ok, your point" Street asks.

"It's true that you like me" Harley retorts. They pull in to the SWAT building.

"Why isn't she still with her mother?" Hondo asks.

"Her mother asked us to babysit while she's still in the hospital" Street says. 

"You and Harley babysitting, have fun" Deacon laughs.

"Harley you wanna spar" Chris asks.


That night Street and Jade went with Harley to her place. They ordered a pizza and soda and ate on the couch in her living room while watching Animal Planet.

"You know if you like me you could just ask me out, I'm just gonna say that" Harley states

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