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"They want 3 million dollars and a clear path to the airport with a airplane ready to go with 4 hours" Cortez informs the team as they pull up.

"I say we form a perimeter and wait for the demand time to be over" Hondo says.

"Can I make a suggestion, my parents have money, I can ask if we can borrow it so no one gets hurt I just need to go ask" Harley says.

"Street go with" Hondo says.


"Harley my baby" her mother says answering the door.

"Mom, dad, I need to ask a huge favor?" Harley asks.

"What do you need sweetie" Her father asks.

"We have a hostage situation, we need 3 million dollars, I'll get it back to you I promise" Harley says.

"You know the account number, good luck" Her mother says.

"Thank you so so much" Harley says getting up grabbing Streets arm pulling him out of the house. "Can I drive"

"Fine" Street says throwing Harley the keys.

"Your parents seem nice" Street says.

"They seem nice, but they aren't, when I woke up were they there, nope, besides we don't really have a good relationship, so" Harley snaps. "It's so stupid anyway"

"I'm sorry" Street says as they pull up to a bank.

"Are you coming" Harley asks.

"It Hondo I'll be in in a second" Street says.  "Sup Hondo"

"They are gonna do another heist, they snuck out threw a tunnel" Hondo says informing Street of a new development. "Street"

Street runs into the bank to find Harley.

"Harley we gotta go" Street says.

"Street what is your problem" Harley asks as Street leads her towards a side door.

"Everyone down on the ground" They hear a man yell, followed by innocent people yelling.

"In here" Harley says pulling Street into a bathroom. "What the hell, what are we gonna do"

"I don't know ok" Street says.

We are stuck inside 2 known  assailants

"We have a situation, Owens and Street are stuck inside." Hondo says to his team.

"We do whatever it takes to get them out" Chris says.

"Guys can you hear me?" Harley asks putting in her ear piece.

"Loud in clear how you doing" Luca asks.

"Honest to god I'm fuckn scared I've never been in a situation like this and Street isn't helping" Harley admits.

"We're coming for ya just hang in there" Hondo says.

"Don't do anything stupid" Cortez orders.

"We are 7 minuets out" Chris says. "Harley you wanna get drinks after this is over"

"Sure, I'll buy, just hurry up" Harley pleads.

"Please no not my baby, don't take my baby" A women yells Harley lunges for the door.

"Harley we need to wait" Street says.

"I became a cop to protect kids from what I went through. Also we knew we were gonna be in harms way when we signed up for this job, it's time we start acting like it." Harley says drawing her weapon.

"I thought you said you got everybody" one of the hostage takers says.

"There are so many places to hide I didn't find everyone" The Guy replies.

"LAPD SWAT let the girl go" Harley says.

"Don't you guys work in teams? Not pairs." One hostage taker asks.

"Yeah we're right here" Hondo says as he shoots the guy and the girl runs over to Harley as her mom is hit with a stray bullet.

"Street the Mom" Harley yells as he begins to put pressure on the wound.

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