"Hogsmeade visit this Saturday."He told me.

"Oh, that's nice, have you finished your essay for defense against the dark arts, Gregory?"I asked him, as I set up to get started on my homework.

He sighed,"I forgot."

"Lucky for you Im about to get started on it, go get your stuff."I gave him a look and he sighed but got up,"Thanks Eliza."

I was starting to read my file on vampires that I had stuck together to make writing my essay easier when Draco sat down on the coffee table,"So- Hogsmeade."

"Yes, Im going, yes we'll go see shrieking shack, no I won't write your essay."I said without looking up.

"How do you know what I'm going to ask?"He questioned as Goyle sat besides me.

"You're predictable, sweetheart, no Gregory, not that book, that's from last year, here just use mine."I gave Goyle my book, he listened to me more when I called him by his first name, I'm sure cause it made him scared I was gonna go ballistic on him.

"Vincent."I called as Crabbe tried to sneak up the steps.

He sighed,"Do i have to write the essay?"

"If you want to fail no, but if you want to pass and get somewhere in life, I recommend you do."I said flatly.

He groaned,"I'll be back."

Draco sat down on the ground with his parchment, soon enough Pansy and Blaise joined with their books.

I laughed,"did nobody do their essay?"

"Hate that professor."
"I Always leave it till last minute."
"I was waiting for our usual sit downs."

"Okay, well, go to page 294, it says some information on what happens to people who have been injured by vampires."I said to the group and a shuffling of pages was heard throughout as our essay writing session started.

The day came and we were walking through Hogsmeade, we walked about going in and out of shops, the funniest part was we saw our picture was up in that shop we took our picture last year. The day was fine and breezy, so we decided to visit the Shrieking Shack, the most haunted dwelling in Britain. It stood a little way above the rest of the village, and even in daylight was slightly creepy, with its boarded windows and dank overgrown garden.

"Looks just like divination classroom."I muttered making the group laugh.

"Oh the hearing was yesterday,"Draco told me,"I should have an owl from Father any time now. He had to go to the hearing to tell them about my arm...about how I couldn't use it for three months..."

Crabbe and Goyle sniggered, and I rolled my eyes,"I can't believe how long you played that for- as much as I disagree-Props for dedication."

"I really wish I could hear that great hairy moron trying to defend himself...'There's no 'arm in 'im, 'onest --'...That Hippogriff's as good as dead --"

"You're keeping your promise to me though, right?"I asked him as we stepped down the slope to the shrieking shack.

"Of course, Im a man of my word-"

Draco suddenly caught sight of something. His pale face split in a malevolent grin.

"What are you doing, Weasley?"

I looked up to see Ron, I sighed,'oh no'
Draco looked up at the crumbling house behind Ron.

"Suppose you'd love to live here, wouldn't you, Weasley? Dreaming about having your own bedroom? I heard your family all sleep in one room -- is that true?"

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