The Worst Birthday

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Not for the first time an argument broke out over breakfast, My father had been awoken at the early hours of the morning by Hedwig and Atlas.

"Third time this week!"He roared from the table as I walked over serving him his eggs,"If you can't control those ruddy owls they'll have to go!"

"They're just bored, they're used to flying around-for god sakes if you'd just let us let them out for the night-"my dad cut me off with a dirty look and bellowed,"Do you think I'm stupid?"

There was a bit of fried egg hanging on his bushy moustache, and I simply walked away into the kitchen after serving Dudley,my mother, and Harry, putting the dish in the sink,as he said,"I know what will happen if those owls' are out."

Just as I walked back serving my brother some juice, he belched obnoxiously loud and blew it in my face,"DUDLEY!"

I went to push him but stopped and he flinched at my extended hands, my father stood up, my mother yelped out and I rolled my eyes and cursed under my breath and slammed the orange juice carton on the table and stormed upstairs, Harry rushing behind me.

"Are you mad?"Harry exclaimed as I slammed the door open to our bedroom.

I turned to him bursting with anger,"He burped in my face! What was I supposed to do let him get away with it?"

"No, but you know how they get when you mess with Dudley, and I can't-"

"I don't care if I can or I can't, two weeks into summer and they're treating us like we're trash-"

"They're your family, they love you, they let me stay up here with you and they're-"

"They locked our stuff in the damn cupboard where they would've locked you up if you weren't too big to fit in it and you know that, Harry."I spat and sat on the bed, he sighed and shook his head at me.

"I'm gonna go outside, I'll be back when you're not like this."He rolled his eyes and walked out of the room shutting the door.

I rolled my eyes and threw myself back on the bed, I was angry. Angry because I could do any of my homework, I couldn't read any of my books, I couldn't write to my friends, speaking of they haven't really written anything to me, and I couldn't even go trough the day without being yelled at,Harry and I were being poked by sticks every day- and I was getting the bad end of the stick.

They were treating Harry better than me, not that that's a problem, but it angered me, I was treated as less and not equal.

I looked up at Atlas and sighed I felt bad for her, she was stuck in that stupid cage because they padlocked her cage.

I wanted to go back Hogwarts.

Things were different here, i would lose my temper a lot with Dudley, he was more of an annoying prat to begin with, and not to mention he loves to pick on me from the moment he sees me till the end of the day.

I've threaten time and time again to use magic on him and he runs to my father all the time making my father do what he does best, yells at me and hits me.

Never once did Dudley feel a sense of sympathy, nor my mother.

Still I don't change my ways.
My mother locked up all of my clothes. I don't get to choose anything I wear. She has completely control over me, they all have complete control over me and they make sure I know it.

Harry was angry with me for being angry, and cold towards him, but I was just fed up, miserable and annoyed.

Hedwig was looking at me and hooted softly turning to Atlas, I smiled slightly, she was louder than Atlas, she was more demanding than her too, Atlas was quieter, sweeter, and gentler.

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