Chapter 8

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"OH SHIT!" Kiera leaped off the floating roomba and landed with a graceful roll before standing up. Her eyes were open and wild, almost fear crazed. She started frantically pacing, rushing around the room.

Someone grabbed her shoulders and yanked her to a standstill.

Kiera looked up into an identical pair of purple eyes.

Keith said "What did it say?"

Kiera stuttered horribly "I-It said." She gulped "It said that in about a months time, someone in this room is... is going to." She gulped again, tears sparkling in her eyes "Someone in this room is going to be killed."

The Paladins and Allura and Coran all jolted, eyes widening in fear.

Keith's eyes widened before he said "Did it say who?"

"No." Kiera shook her head.

"But you're certain that's what it said?" Keith asked.

"Keith, read it for yourself." Kiera pointed at the floating roomba that had zipped down to hover next to her.

"How will I be able to read it?" Keith demanded.

"Just trust me." Kiera said "Now get on."

Keith gave her a weird look before stepping onto the roomba. It was a lot gentler with him when it floated him up. He arrived at the proper height and read over the words, clearly sounding them out. His eyes widened.

He said "I can read it."

"Of course you can." Kiera said.

"Why can I read it?" He asked.

"I think it's Galran." Kiera said cautiously, still really shaken from what it said "No one else in this room is Galra so I assumed..."

"Oh this is bad." Keith had his hands in his hair and was grabbing it in fists "This is really bad. We need to know who it is so we can protect them or put them in a pod or lock them up or something! No one in this room is allowed to die!"

Shiro spoke up, leader voice in action even though he must be as shaken as the rest of them "Keith! Calm down! We can figure this out. Come down and tell us exactly what it said."

Keith hopped down, landing just as gracefully as Kiera and looked like he might start shaking from fear "Oh my god oh my god oh my god."

Kiera grabbed his face and made him look at her "Keith, pull yourself together. We can't do anything about that note and protecting people until you calm yourself. Being stressed won't accomplish anything."

Keith breathed in slowly and exhaled at a snails pace. He kept careful eye contact with Kiera the whole time. When his breathing had slowly down and Kiera couldn't feel his pulse hammering through her hands, she let him go. The siblings stared at each other for a moment, having a silent conversation. Kiera raised her arms up and gave him a questioning look. Keith walked slowly up to her before leaning forward and putting his head on her shoulder. He was still taller than her. Kiera wrapped her arms around him.

After a moment, the twins pulled away and Kiera said "Better?"

Keith shrugged "Meh."

Kiera grinned lightly and turned to the group "Alright let's figure out how to keep everyone safe."

Shiro shook himself a little and his leader face was back on "Right. To start, everyone travels in groups, like a buddy system. And no, Pidge, I'm not phrasing it any other way." Pidge closed her mouth with a frown as Shiro kept talking "We need to keep everyone safe and if we aren't alone, then we can't get hurt and have no one to help."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2018 ⏰

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