Chapter 2

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Kiera hopped down gracefully from Ace's driving compartment and stood from her crouch. She glared at the purple and yellow aliens standing in front of her.

The purple one raised a hand and waved it at her head "Take your mask off. We already know you."

Kiera pulled down the hood of her cloak and yanked off the simple black mask and rolled her eyes "I know you do, that's why I was wearing it." Her purple eyes flashed angrily. 

She had changed since her stay with Voltron. A lot actually. She was more muscular, her arms were sculpted, her abs were clearly defined, her legs were muscular. She was a little bit beefier than she had been back when she was a scrappy little shit but not by much. She held herself with more confidence now, her head held high. Her hair was still the strange mismatched platinum blonde and dark black except the side of her head was shaved to make room for a scar that she had had to stitch up herself. The rest of her hair was down to her collarbone and usually tied up in a long braid going down that side of her head.

Nyma looked her up and down "Well that's certainly a new outfit. I like it."

Kiera grit her teeth. It was, in fact a new outfit. After her old catsuit had taken a massive beating (read: burned to a crisp) she had went shopping. Now she was wearing a pair of tight black leather leggings, a black tool belt of sorts, a dark purple long sleeved shirt that was a little loose in the arms but fitted in the body. The shirt had a strange silver design that started at her collarbones and looked downward to her lower back. She had a shorter cloak around her shoulders, it was black and went down to just below her butt. She was also wearing a pair of black fingerless gloves on her hands. She had a simple pair of black boots on her feet, they were heeled slightly, which had been incredibly annoying at first. She didn't like running around on eggshells.

Kiera clenched her fists and said "Could we get on with it?"

Rolo snickered "Right sorry. So someone wants you. Says they'll pay a pretty good price for you if you're alive."

"And if I'm dead?" Kiera asked.

"They said they won't take a body so we will try our best to keep you alive." Rolo said.

Kiera sighed "Wonderful. Am I allowed to ask who you're grabbing me for?"

"Not a chance. I wouldn't tell you even if you did ask." Rolo shrugged and spread his arms in a helpless gesture "I'm just the messenger. Don't kill me if I give you news you don't like."

Kiera sighed again and walked forward and held out her wrists "You're gonna want to tie me up."

Rolo blinked "Why are you giving yourself up so easily?"

"I'm at such a clear disadvantage I'm surprised even a blockhead like you couldn't figure it out. I'm outnumbered by people who are bigger than me, my weapons are in my robot over there, this isn't my ship and, as far as I can tell, your little robotic co pilot is already bringing us to where you'll be dropping me off." Kiera explained "There is no way I could win in this situation."

Nyma snorted "You're pretty smart." She grabbed a pair of handcuffs and snapped the high tech devices onto Kiera's wrists. Instantly they snapped together and Kiera knew she wouldn't be able to pull them apart.

Rolo inspected her work and said "Alright let's go. If you could kindly wait over there?" He pointed at a corner of the ship not too far from the main area.

Kiera bowed bitterly "Of course." She stomped over and sat down grudgingly, leaning her back against the wall.

Rolo and Nyma started talkings and went to their seats. They joked about the sum of money they were going to get and all the other stuff that came with turning someone in to the person you were giving them to. Depending on the person's certain market value and their value to the person who wants them, certain people can go for months and months and maybe even years worth of food and money. Others sometimes only go for maybe a few weeks. Kiera was fairly certain she was quite valuable based on how many people she had pissed off in her almost six years in space.

She curled farther into a ball and fumed. She missed Voltron. She wanted to go back and see everyone. Especially Keith and Pidge. She perked up momentarily. Maybe they were the ones looking for her!

Kiera sighed and deflated. Most likely it was some crime boss who wanted her. Or maybe even Prince Lotor. He was currently in charge of the empire, right? She had met him once or twice when he had been exiled and they hadn't exactly gotten along. He didn't like her all that much and she didn't like him. Maybe he was looking for her. That would be entertaining.

"Kiera?" Nyma's voice snapped her out her thoughts "Did you ever end up finding your brother?"

Kiera snarled "What's it to you?"

"I was just wondering. I mean, you enlisted us for help for a little while. I just wanted to check in, you know." Nyma said.

"Yeah I found him." Kiera said quietly.

"And was he what you were expecting?" Nyma asked.

Kiera snorted "Not at all. Now will you please stop talking to me?"

Nyma sighed audibly and said "Fine."

Kiera sank closer to the floor and raised her hands over her head. Man had she ever messed up this time. Why had she given herself up so easily? She could have easily beat the two of them in a fist fight now that she thought about it. She was small, smaller than the two of them, and she was fast and just generally really stubborn to the point of being unhealthy. To be perfectly honest, she had no idea why she had convinced herself that she couldn't defeat them.

Why the hell hadn't she just thrown herself at them? She would normally have just launched herself at them and just recklessly tried her best because that was what she did best.

Her eyes closed and she curled farther into the ball.

"Hey, cheer up, Kiera. We're here." Rolo said.

Kiera looked up and saw that she had completely missed their landing. She clumsily stood up and walked forward "So are you selling just me or Ace and Simplicity too?"

What? I am not part of this! Ace almost shrieked. Kiera heard Simplicity pop in fear from his place in Ace's leg.

Rolo shrugged lazily "I was just told to bring the thief girl with the mismatched hair. Any other bonuses would just mean more for us, right?"

Kiera frowned "Are you taking them or not?"

"Yeah I am. Sorry but those two will sell really well and I'm never one to give up a good trade." Rolo said and walked over, Nyma in tow. Even their little copilot robot named Beezer followed.

Nyma grabbed her elbow and started gently dragging her with them, Kiera's cloak fluttering gently behind them.

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