Chapter 4

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"So. You're the fabled Kiera? I'm feeling cheated. I expected someone bigger." The leader of the Blade of Marmora hadn't shown her his face yet. All she knew was that he was an asshole and she wanted to knee him in the berries.

Kiera growled from her place kneeling on the floor, gag in her mouth and hands still cuffed together. She was in the middle of two long lines of soldiers all standing at attention. The leader was at the end of the two rows, on a raised platform examining Kiera for all she was worth which apparently wasn't much. He was tall, beefy, intimidating and Kiera was hating every second she had to spend in his presence.

Kiera tried to swear and curse at him through the gag but only managed to get that fucking ball of fabric lodged farther back in her mouth which caused her to choke. She fell forward over herself and caught her body with her hands. Then she hacked through the gag, tears stinging her eyes. She coughed hard enough that the ball of fabric in her mouth went back to the front of her teeth and she looked up again, glaring daggers at the leader. He just watched, seemingly impassive and unaffected by her choking episode just like every other soldier in the room.

"If you promise to not attack us, I'll unchain you. How does that sound?" His voice was deep, filled with something that she couldn't make out.

Kiera was about to shake her head and spit at him when he said "If you refuse, we'll tie you up more."

Kiera swallowed her attempted scream. Then she looked up and nodded at him.

The leader waved a hand to her and one of the soldiers broke ranks and knelt in front of her. They sliced right through both handcuffs and had just enough time to put their knife away before Kiera punched them right in the face.

Almost instantaneously, every single soldier was on alert, knives in hand and pointing them at Kiera.

Kiera groaned before falling back to her knees and putting her hands up in the universal sign of surrender.

The leader growled "I told you not to attack us."

Kiera sent him a look that said I AM GOING TO KILL YOU.

He chuckled and waved another hand "Someone take that gag out of her mouth. But have it ready to be shoved back in. If she doesn't cooperate we can just drop her back where we found her."

A soldier walked over. The one who had been punched stepped away, rubbing their jaw. The new soldier grabbed Kiera's arms, pulled them behind her and untied the gag. Then they reached forward and wrenched Kiera's mouth open before reaching into her mouth and pulling the ball of fabric out.

Kiera sucked in a sharp breath, head getting yanked back by her hair by the soldier. She huffed for air for a minute. Then she spat toward the leader and said "Fuck you."

The leader only said "Maybe you are wondering why we invited you here."

"I'd hardly call having a bounty put on me, then having me delivered by some bounty hunters and then dragging me here against my will, all while tied up and gagged an invitation but I guess we all have different definitions for different words right?" Kiera growled "Cut to the chase and tell me what you want. I'd be happy to provide and then be on my way."

"Fine I will explain. We have been doing research on you for the past while and we have discovered your Galra blood. We believed that if you joined the Blade then people would stop looking for you." The leader explained, walking forward to be about fifteen feet in front of Kiera.

Kiera snarled "So you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart? How utterly touching. Now tell me why you really brought me here."

"We wanted to see if you were good enough to be a Blade. You were a part of Voltron a while back, were you not? You would make a fine addition to our team." The leader crouched in front of her "Or is that against your morals?"

"I don't want to join your stupid organization and I most certainly don't want to be a test subject again. So let me go." Kiera demanded.

"Feisty aren't we?" The leader joked.

Kiera spat in his face.

The leader flinched and wiped at his mask before he regarded her for a moment. Then he stood and said "Well, you're confident to say the least."

Kiera yelped in pain when the Blade behind her jabbed her in the ribs "Yeah, well, I try."

"We had one other reason for bringing you here. Someone else wanted to see you." The leader said, walking back to his platform. He waved a hand absentmindedly behind him "Release her. She won't try anything."

The Blade behind Kiera obliged. Kiera elbowed them right in the face. They flew backward. Kiera nearly smiled at her handiwork before she was tackled from the back by another soldier. The new soldier slammed her into the ground, wrenched her arms behind her to the point of almost snapping her shoulders and stood on her back. Another soldier brought out a knife and pointed it at her neck while a third stood on her legs.

Kiera huffed, nose bleeding because her face had just been slammed into the floor "Well, that was fun." She laughed. The Blades on top of her tightened their grip on her and she hissed in pain.

The leader said "I do believe you must have learned not to try anything with us."

"Eh not really. I hardly ever learn." Kiera used every ounce of strength she had and kicked her legs. The Blade on them was launched away.

The one on top of her leaned down and she cracked their nose with the back of her head. The second before her neck was sliced by the last one, she swung her legs around and swept them to the floor. The soldier landed with a thud. Kiera almost stood up, only to have another soldier run up and kick her in the head. She flew and rolled upon impact, colliding with a soldiers legs. The soldier grabbed her hair and yanked it up and held their knife at her neck. All of the ones around the soldier drew their blades as well and held them out like they were ready to stab her at a moments notice.

For a moment it was all silent. Then the soldier with the knife to her throat got a little more confident and put their knife away. They grabbed Kiera's arms and yanked them behind her, effectively incapacitating her.

Kiera coughed, choking on the blood running from her nose. Then she laughed "I find it hilarious that you need so many people to restrain me."

"I hate to admit it, but we underestimated you." The leader grumbled "Now, about those people that wanted to see you."

Kiera heard the door open but couldn't see it because she couldn't turn her head without a knife being shoved into her neck.

Then, a voice she recognized very much said "Kollivan, we need to- KIERA WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?"

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