Chapter 5

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Kiera was frozen stiff, paralyzed, however you want to say it.

Four out of the five Paladins of Voltron and their princess had just walked in.

Kiera's brain felt like it had short circuited. It just wasn't processing what her eyes were seeing. How in the name of blue filled pastries did they get here?

Kiera squeezed her eyes shut and curled forward "Nope nope nope too weird. This is all a dream and I'm gonna wake up now and-"

She was cut off when a leg swung and hit her dead in the stomach.

The air rocketed out of her lungs, her eyes shot open and she crumpled forward to the floor, arms still being wrenched behind her as she coughed like a dying smoker and heaved for breath. Some blood from her nose dropped into her open mouth and she nearly started to choke on it before it came shooting out of her mouth when she coughed.

When she had recovered, rage took over her features and she turned her head to the leader as she screamed "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?"

The leader was calm "Based on how you've been reacting since you showed up, I told them to hit you if they feel the need."

Kiera shrieked at him, blood dripping into her mouth and staining her teeth "YOU ARE AN ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE AND I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO WORK WITH YO-" Another kick, this time to her side. Her body snapped to the side and she yelled in pain as she felt one of her shoulders threaten to fall out of place.

"Kollivan what is this?" Kiera recognized Allura's voice. It was filled with outrage and disbelief and yet it was calm and authoritative "Why are you doing that to Kiera?"

Kiera looked up "Greetings Your Highness, sorry about how awful I look. Some idiots that call themselves the Blade of Marmora who say they work for peace have been beating me up. How are you doing? Catch any bad guys recently?" Someone punched her in the shoulder and she yelled before calmly saying "Alright this is getting old."

Willing to risk her shoulders, she heaved with all her might. The Blade soldier behind her was flung from behind her, Kiera's shoulders cracking horribly as she heaved. The soldier crashed into several that had their knives raised, effectively taking them all down in one swoop. Kiera stood, wiped the tears of pain from her eyes and started massaging her shoulders.

When a soldier started running up to her, she reached under her cloak and whipped out one of her guns and held it up to their face. She growled "Don't you dare."

The room was silent.

And then the soldier backed down, putting their knife away. Kiera kept the gun in hand.

The leader (Kollivan) sighed, shook his head and said "That's not entirely true. We have been trying to recruit her to our forces. She is being difficult."

"And you expect me not to be? I'm a thief, Kollivan. And I don't have enough patience to deal with your bullshit right now." Kiera said and spat out some blood "Could someone, I don't know, get me a tissue or something? For my nose? So I don't drip all over the nice floor?"

Kollivan waved at a soldier and they handed Kiera a small wad of fabric. Kiera ripped one arm from the soldier's grip and took the fabric and pressed it to her nose with a grunt. The soldier gingerly grabbed Kiera's wrists so as to not have her hurting anyone. Kiera went along with it grudgingly. She was tired.

The leader continued "Anyway, we have been watching her for a while and we have realized that she has some real potential. She is an excellent fighter and has Galra blood so she would make a perfect new recruit. I have stated this offer to her already."

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