Chapter 1

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I know I'm sorry I'm trying.


I am give me a break.

Kiera was shrieking at the top of her lungs. Ace shook violently around her. They were caught in some sort of tractor beam and Kiera definitely didn't want to be captured. Not right now. She had been on her way to get information on someone and had been intercepted. She really really really didn't want to be captured. Especially not by the people who currently had her trapped in their tractor beam.

Kiera reached forward and flicked a few switches, turning in a communication device so she could yell at the people.

She screamed at them through the mic "ROLO I SWEAR IF YOU DONT LET ME GO RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO-"

His voice crackled back at her and she could just imagine that pointy nosed motherfucker cackling at her patheticness "You're going to what, Kiera? You're in my tractor beam, there's technically nothing you can do."

She punched the wall and said "Wanna bet, asshole?"

"Sure. I mean I'd win." Rolo snickered.

The tractor beam got stronger and Kiera felt Ace shudder around her as he was yanked up towards the rebels ship. Simplicity popped in fear. Kiera patted his head in an attempt to comfort him and only managed to knock him off his little ledge and send him tumbling down one of Ace's legs. He popped in surprise and anger and seemed to be telling her off.

She growled into the mic "Rolo, Nyma, let me go."

"Yeah no. There's someone who is going to pay a hefty price for you and honestly, who are we to pass up a deal?" Rolo said "You should understand that."

Kiera rolled her eyes "Fine I'll board your ship. But if I can bust my way out, you don't follow me. Got it?"

Rolo chuckled (Kiera despised that word) and said "Got it."

Kiera shut off the intercom and half groaned half screamed in frustration. She leaned forward and her head connected with one of Ace's walls and she closed her eyes. She really really really really really really REALLY REALLY REALLY didn't want to be captured or sent somewhere in exchange for money. Sure it had happened before, but it never really ended well and she always ended up with at least three new grudges against her and at least four new people who wanted her dead. The joys of being a criminal it would seem.

"Ace, stop trying to get free." She muttered.

He jolted What? But you just-

"I know what I said and I know what I'm saying now. Stop trying to get free." Her jaw was clenched, eyes still closed.

Right sorry. Ace released his jets and they started to glide up to the rebels ship.

Kiera frowned and stayed quiet. She was not in a good mood. She hadn't been in a good mood for a while now and she couldn't figure out why. Maybe she hadn't eaten enough? Ever since her couple weeks with Voltron, eating well everyday, she had had more trouble with hunger than the five years before Voltron. Sure, she was grateful for it, but she wanted to go back to not having to spend so much money on food and water and any kind of sustenance. Maybe she was tired? Nah. She was still able to go for days upon days upon days with little to no sleep. And, yes, she did function better when well rested but didn't everybody? Hm...

She sat up, opened her eyes and snapped her fingers.

That was, probably, it!

Maybe she was lonely!

Then she frowned and deflated. How the hell was she lonely? She liked being alone. She was a loner, an alone loner who walked a lonely road, the only road the she had ever known!

She snickered at the song reference.

The truth was, she tended not to get lonely. Sure everyone gets lonely sometimes, but she certainly didn't get lonely as much as the next person. She liked people well enough, but she also hated people. (She had stopped using human and started using people because let's face it, she is in space and there aren't that many humans out here)

Anyway, people. She didn't really like people. She could people very well but didn't like peopling. Catch my drift? She could do fairly well in a social setting and was quite good at reading social cues and all that stuff but she didn't actually enjoy it. Every once in a while she would force herself to go do something with people so she wouldn't turn into a hermit. But being out in the open was becoming more and more dangerous for her. Secrecy was a girls best friend in a world where people were searching for her to kill her. And, of course, the fact that she had spent time with Voltron had spread and now people could just follow Voltron and wait for her to show up.

That was part of why she had been avoiding them a little bit. She loved the Voltron folks, one of them in an actual family way and another one in a way more than platonic way, but she couldn't spend much time with them because she was putting them at risk. She had only checked in with them a few times in the months she had been gone. She had had to convince herself on multiple occasions that she wasn't being rude, just being safe.

She wanted to stop being safe about things though. She was a rebellious little bitch and enjoyed stirring up chaos. But she couldn't. A war was brewing. And she didn't mean the one between Voltron and Zarkon. She meant the newly unified coalition and all the crime bosses who didn't give enough fucks for that type of thing. The coalition was growing quickly and more and more people joined everyday. From what Kiera had seen so far was that it was tearing the black market apart. More and more people were self righteous and trying to be good. She had watched several thieves meet their dooms courtesy of a coalition member. And no the coalition member hadn't killed them, they had reported them to the space mall representative. Ugh.

Ace landed with a thunk on the rebel ship floor. Kiera sat up and pulled down her mask and said "Alright let's hope this goes better than I'm expecting it to."

Still as positive as ever I see. Ace grumbled.

"Shut up." Kiera said.

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