Chapter 1-New,Well-Everything

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Song:Crystal snow-Bts

"Can you please give me that box?"My mom asked me nicely.I nodded,grabbed the heavy box under my feet and gave her it.I continued to put away anything and everything.It was weird moving,It was weird my first time I ever moved and I moved across the world.My mom has been to Korea more times I have.Because this is my first time ever actually stepping foot in South Korea.And I moved here...My life is a actual mess.Maybe we should have visited here before we moved for my sake.But of course we didn't.

"Can I meet them any time soon?"I asked when my mom entered back in the room.She smiled and continued to unpack.

"Yes,If YG will let you.I don't see the problem with it though;You're a good fan of theirs."She remarked,getting every hope I have up and happy.I smiled and went to my new room, Then I started to unpack rather quickly.Mom and I didnt have a lot of stuff.Plus the apartment we moved in isn't massive or anything.So, we are already almost done.

"Hey Daisy the school shipped the uniform to the dry cleaners around the corner.Can you pick it up please?"My mom called out.I didnt mind going because I need to start getting to know the area.

"Sure."I said.I put on some clothes because I didnt want to look sloppy in my new neighborhood, Plus, well its cold outside.I put on black leggings,a plain dark green sweater ,Lastly I put on my boots-Slapped on some foundation and put my hair in a braid.

When I exited the room, I grabbed my phone.My mom gave me money and I headed to go pick up my new uniform.I never had to wear one so I hope they are comfortable.

The cold air kissed my skin and I felt my face already turning a pink color because of the cold.First thing I'm going to invest in is those cotton mask they wear here.I quickly walked down the street because its oddly a cold Fall day.The leafs fell around me and the wind blew,it made me colder.The street was busy but I'm a city girl so I'm used to that.People thrived and ate from the sidewalk vendors.I also should hit that up for experience soon.I saw the cleaners and I entered right after.

The lady then smiled at me.She was pretty and looked like sh e was around my age.Maybe she goes to my school?

"Hello are you the new student-?"She smiled and I nodded.

"Daisy Wallen?"

"Yes thats me."I said politely.She grabbed two bags and handed them to me.I gave her the cash for holding them and she nodded in a nice manner.

"Thank you have a nice day!Good luck!"She said in broken English.I said thank you back to her in English.Practice I guess?


I woke up early so I have about two hours before school starts.I was tired I got to admit.I first did all my personal hygiene stuff ,Then slid on my uniform.Just what I wished for it was comfy actually.After so,I did my hair.I did a bun with two braids leading up to it.After so,I did my makeup.I still stuck to westernize makeup because I just wasn't feeling going simple today.I gathered up everything and went to my living room/ kitchen.

I saw a note on the table which said:Breakfast is in the fridge!Good luck!

I don't know where my mom could of went.Maybe she's meeting up with her new Job...

I went to our fridge and saw scrabbled eggs.My favorite along with some type of meat.I then heated it up.I nibbled on that while I thought of the possible thing that will happen today.I looked down at my ring.Which shined a beautiful Blue while the old silver was dull.It really showed off the gem.A other year without letting anyone touch this ring.I knew people were going to ask to see it so to avoid that, I went to my room and put my ring on a empty chain.I tucked that into my shirt.

The Rare Two-Jimin ~(COMPLETED)~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz