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Germany kicked Prussia out of the house, again, for annoying for telling how awesome he was all the time and Germany was just sick of it, so Prussia went to Canada's house, because, well, why not, right?

"Hey, the awesome me would like to stay at your awesome place because I am just that awesome!" Prussia exclaimed as Canada opened his front door.

"Um...hello can stay..." Canada whispered.

"Why like thanks dude!" Prussia yelled as he walked in Canada's house.

"Look at this link your brother, America, sent me dude!" Prussia shouted as he sat on the couch.

Canada sat by Prussia and looked at Prussia's phone while Prussia clicked the link. Prussia and Canada waited for ten minutes until pictures started to load on Google. Canada stood deadly still as he saw what was on the screen.

"You look totally unawesome right now, unlike me! The awesome Prussia!" Prussia exclaimed.

The screen showed pictures of PRUCAN yaoi fan fiction. Prussia clicked on one of the pictures and saw a drawing of Prussia and Canada kissing.

"Um..." Prussia said, obviously confused.

Prussia looked at Canada, who was blushing rapidly. Prussia got closer to Canada and gave him a soft kiss. Canada blushed even redder and put his arms around Prussia's stomach. They got closer and started to kiss again.

"So you want a piece of my awesomeness?!" Prussia shouted.

Canada nodded slowly. Prussia then carried Canada bridle style to Canada's bedroom.


For appropriate reasons, the rest is censored!

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