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I wanted to thank you all for more than 1.5K reads. You're amazing and I love you ♡♡

I held Jungkook in my arms, we both were crying. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes till I heard his calmly breaths, he fell asleep.
I laid him carefully down and covered him with a blanket before I kissed his cheek..... wait..... I DID WHAT?

I shook lightly my head and wiped my tear away. "I will be back tomorrow Jungkook and your best friend is always by your side, no matter what he is there." I whispered and put my hand for a short moment on Jungkook's chest where his heart was. "He is there." I whispered before I left the room and the asylum. I had an idea, I didn't know if it was stupid or not, but I didn't care, it would be the best..... I guessed.

Next day in the asylum:

I walked into the huge building and searched for Kira. I needed to talk to her. When I finnaly found her I waved at her with a smile. She greeted me with a hug, I hugged smiling back. "Hey Jeanna." She said happily as she let go of me. "Hey." I said still with a smile. She suddenly came closer to me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I just wanted to talk to you about something." I said and she nodded before she pulled me with her to an office, closing the door behind us. She seemed like she knew that I wanted to talk about something serious.

"Don't worry Jeanna you can talk to me about everything. I know we don't know each other that long, but you can trust me. I promise I won't tell anyone what you tell me except for when you want it."

I smiled at her and pulled her into a tight hug. "That was everything I wanted to know. Thank you Kira."
She hugged me slowly back and smiled. I guessed she was a little confused about me, but it was enough for that moment. "See ya later." I said smiling and waved at her before I walked to Jungkook's room, leaving a confused and giggling Kira in the office.

When I opened the room two cold eyes looked at me. "Good morning Taehyung." I said and sat down beside him on the bed. "Morning Jeanna..." He yawned and leaned against the headboard. "So you know what happened to me now..." He raised an eyebrow. "Yeah.... Taehyung-" I got interrupted by Taehyung who started to talk.

"You know that I'm not a ghost or something like that who is in Jungkook's body, don't you." He asked and looked at me like I was stupid. I giggled lightly and ruffled his hair. "Of course I know that Taehyung. I have some theories about you and why you are here, but I would like to hear what you say about that?" I said more as a question and looked hopefully up at him.

Taehyung's POV:

I sighted but nodded before I started to talk. "Well.... Everything what Jungkook said about me was right, but like I said I'm not a ghost or something like that..... Jungkook was again alone after my death, but the memories of me were of course in his head. Everything became harder for him, because he hadn't anyone who was there for him. That's why he started to believe that what his parents did was right and that he deserved it. He thought it was his fault that I died and he thought that that was his punishment. All that led to me.... so I came out of all his memories of Taehyung and all the pain. He wanted Taehyung back, he wanted me back..... You should know what happen then, I already told you the rest. It didn't happen immediatly, but after a while it happened." I told her, but I didn't let Jungkook hear what I said. Yes I could decide if Jungkook heard what I said and what she said, like he coud do the same, but we both let each other always hear what was happening.... Well except for that moment. I didn't want him to hear that because I wanted to protect him. I always tried to protect him.

Jeanna's POV:

I listened to Taeyhung and nodded. It was exactly that what I expected. I had a theorie and Taehyung confirmed that. Well of course I didn't know the background story and stuff like that, but I expected that Taehyung was there because of all the things which happened to Jungkook. Taehyung confirmed also that he was a good guy and just wanted to protect Jungkook. I always had the feeling that Taehyung wanted to protect Jungkook even if it wasn't clear sometimes.

I then pulled him into a hug and he hugged me surprisingly back. "Taehyung?"
"We will leave." I said and he pulled back to look at me. He seemed confused. "Leave? What do you mean?" He asked as he tilted his head a little. 

"What I just said. We will leave, leave this asylum." I said with a smile. His eyes widened and I guessed that he didn't really realize what I said. He seemed very shocked and I never saw him like that any time before.

"Huh? How? and why? and huh?"
I giggled a little because he looked like a lost puppy. "Trust me I will get you and Jungkook out of here. I know that they won't let you go that easy but I don't care anymore. You and Jungkook don't deserve this, you don't deserve to be here. The people who were here before me were so blind and stupid. I can't believe how stupid, cold and horrible humans can be."

Taehyung laid down on the bed. "You know that many people would say the same about me.... anyways forget about that. I already thought about breaking out of here, but it's almost impossible. You can't do that don't hope that it's easy and that you can do that. Don't be so stupid you can't okay!?" 

I didn't understand why he was suddenly so pissed. He was so confusing sometimes. "But-" He cut me off before I could finish my sentence. "I'm tired, now go." He said and turned to the other side, facing the wall. "But Taehyung-" He again cut me off. "I said go! Or do I have to make you!?" He almost yelled.

I sighted and stood up from his bed, before I left his room without a word. He really confused me but I ignored what he said. I knew I would get him out of the asylum.

I was still early so I walked around as I searched for Kira and after a while we bumped into each other.

"Oh Jeanna you again? I'm sorry I didn't see you." She said smiling. "It's okay, I actually searched you.... can I talk to you again? It's important." I said and smiled lightly at her. "Of course." She said before she grabbed my hand and led me to the office where we also were earlier when I asked her something.

We sat down on a couch which were in the room. "So what is it? I hope everything is alright." Kira said and looked wooried at me. "Yeah everything is alright... well I guess so. Anyways I wanted to talk a little about Jungkook."

"Yeah sure. Is there a problem with him?" Kira asked but I shook my head. "No but before I talk with you about this you need to promise me that you won't tell this to anyone else.... please Kira I'm begging you." I looked into her eyes. "I promise. Don't worry Jeanna I'm your friend I won't tell it to anyone you can trust me."

"Thank you so much Kira." I believed that she wouldn't tell it to anyone. I could saw that she wasn't lying. "You're welcome."

"So.... Where do I start?" I asked myself and thought a little about it. I wouldn't tell Kira everything like the things which happened in Jungkook's past. Not because I didn't trust her just because Jungkook and Taehyung trusted me and I thought that they wouldn't want me to just tell it anyone.

"Well I think everyone thinks completly wrong about Jungkook. He isn't like everyone thought and said. I saw his real side and he is so nice and cute. He wouldn't hurt anyone... you already know that he has a dissociative identity disorder. I found out why and many more things about him but I don't want to tell to much about that. I can tell you that he isn't dangerous. I know that 'he' killed some people but he had reasons. I also know that it isn't an excuse to kill someone but you need to trust me Kira. I don't think that it's good for him to be here, this asylum really isn't good for him. He isn't sick.... he isn't dangerous and he isn't crazy and a psychopath..... I hope that you believe and trust me even if all the people before me said these things about him. Even you said that it's not right what they said on my first day here... I still remember your words." I really hoped that Kira would believe what I told her. I wanted her to help me and Jungkook.

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