(4) Intro

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Alternate Universe
Namjoon works as one of the staff at a local Target store where Seokjin lives. Seokjin heads over to Target almost Everyday because his roommates are lazy pigs who think he's their Mom(Seokjin loves and cares for them as his own children regardless, but that means he gets to boss them around the house, favour-for-favour you can say).
"Namjoon can you not say anything else except for "Hello welcome to Target, can I help you with anything" whenever you see that guy? Just talk to him you fucking idiot what the hell is wrong with you?!" Namjoon's co-worker and Best Friend Yoongi cried out in frustration. He's just been through minutes of Namjoon fanboying over that wink Seokjin sent him when they accidentally made eye contact for too long. Apparently, over the months, Yoongi's observant eyes noticed that whenever Seokjin stares at someone for more than 3 seconds, he'll instinctively wink at them. He's been a victim more than once.
"I don't know, I just can't! What do you want me to do, just slide over to him and say "hey, I'm a Super non-creepy dude who just randomly came over to you, wanna go grab some coffee later?" Like no? He'll probably think I'm one of those weird, mentally unstable employees. We already have enough of those," Namjoon replied, pointing at an employee whose wearing short shorts and skipping around the entire building.
"At least strike up some conversation with him! I'm so fucking done with your stupid crush on him. He's probably straight anyways," Yoongi sighed.
"No he's not," Jungguk slides in from nowhere, "do you see that pink hoodie he always wears? He's definitely gay."
"Shut up Guk no one asked you," both Namjoon and Yoongi yelled in unison. Jungguk pouts adorably, knowing the two Hyungs can't stay mad at him for Long. Just as expected, Yoongi patted his head and muttered a "sorry, just get back to work", before sighing again and turning back to Namjoon.
"Look, you're gonna get nowhere like this. I suggest you try talking with him or stop pestering me whenever he just looks at you OK?" Yoongi said before he went to tidy up a mess some kids made. Namjoon huffed, staring longingly at the beautiful boy as he made his way up to Hoseok to pay for yet another bag of items.

//ehuehue finally an idea for the forth story! Fun fact: I got the idea from watching a channel called  Humor Vault(or was it Comment Awards...I forgot). In case you're confused, no one knows about Seokjin's name yet. Happy reading lovelies~~//

//OK, this is something serious. 18/12/17 Jonghyun from SHINee passed. May his blessed soul rest in peace in a better place. I don't know him all too well, but I can feel the pain and sadness of Shawols from all around the world. News came in this morning(19/12/17)that an Indonesian Shawol attempted suicide because of Jonghyun's passing, but fortunately she's in the hospital and is showing signs of fast recovery. To whoever's reading this, I don't care what fandom you're from, but please, don't ever, ever, end your life like that. I understand that you treat your idols like family, so do I. However, Jonghyun did it to end his misery and suffering, and I believe he has the rights to. Jonghyun has suffered from depression a Long time ago, but he fought. He so bravely fought, he kept a smile on his face for his fans, his family, his friends. If Jonghyun fought, so should you. It's foolish to end your life because your idol ended hers/his. The pain is unbearable, but you must live your life to the fullest. Jonghyun did many wonderful things, he passed happily. Ask yourself, if you were to end your life, with it be a happy passing? No. Because the last thing to ever saw or heard was the passing of your idol. Depression is something serious, and rather hard to cure, but if you are under depression, feel free to talk to me through here, Wattpad's chatting service. Unfortunately the only digital possession I have is an Ipad, so it limits my chatting platforms, and the best I could think now is Wattpad. I don't know if I can help, but if you just feel like talking to somebody, you can always come and find me. I love you <3//

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