(2) Intro

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Alternate Universe
"Appa! I seriously can't believe you." Jimin, adopted Son of single Dad Namjoon, groaned in frustration. Namjoon has yet again managed to sprain his ankle while WALKING DOWN STAIRS. Like, how?! Taehyung, twins with Jimin, overheard this and sighed, "Again Appa? Really, you've visited Doctor Kim so many times this month, anyone would've thought you were hurting yourself on purpose just to see his handsome face." Namjoon shot a glare at him, but Taehyung was oblivious and grinned. Doctor Kim, known as Seokjin, is a local clinic doctor, and Namjoon had visited him a grand total of 10 times for the past 2 months already, well, 11 including now. Namjoon looked sheepishly at his 7 year olds, and winced when Jimin experimentally poked his hurt ankle.
"Ow, Jiminie!"
"Ehe, sorry Appa. Is it really bad? Do you think you can walk? Or do we have to call Doctor Kim up?"
Taehyung was already at stand-by near the telephone.
"Call him up please..." Namjoon moaned as he tried to move his ankle.
"Hello? Doctor Kim? Sigh, yes. He's fallen down the stairs and twisted his ankle this time. Haha yeah. Ok! I'll leave the front door unlocked for you. Thank you!" Then Taehyung hung up.
"He said he's going to be up here in about 10 minutes. Just hang tight, alrite?" Taehyung informed, unlocking the front door before sitting beside Namjoon, offering comfort along with Jimin.
"Do you think I can do anything but 'hang tight'?" Namjoon joked, before scrunching his face up in pain as another shock of pain coursed through his body.
~short time skip~
"You're a 26 year old grown man with 2 young children Joon, you can't afford to get yourself hurt anymore!" Seokjin reprimanded him with securing the bandage, "seriously, I think you'd need a babysitter to look after you."
Apparently, the twins didn't think that the last line was a joke.
"What about you Mr Kim?" Jimin asked.
"Pardon?" Seokjin asked, confused by the sudden question.
"Why don't you take care of Appa? Come live with us!" Taehyung replied.
There was awkward silence as Seokjin digested the twins' words.
"I wish I could, but I have a clinic to run you know, I can't just devote my work to one patient!" Seokjin joked.
The twins thought about this.
"Then could you come over during the weekends? Pretty please? We are fearful for our Appa's life constantly Everyday." Taehyung said it with such a grave tone that the 2 grown-ups almost burst out laughing.
"I'll see to it. Alright Mr Kim, you have to lay off your ankle for about 3 weeks. And please, please try not to hurt yourself anymore OK?" Seokjin warned. Namjoon gave him a warm smile and thanked him, and paid him the money. Seokjin fondly ruffled the twins' hair before being escorted from their apartment.
Namjoon being a frequent customer, Seokjin and his little family had became the best of friends, and Seokjin was really fond of the twins, as well as Namjoon himself. While walking back to his clinic, Seokjin actually considered if he should come over to their apartment over the weekends. The twins were supportive of that idea, and Namjoon didn't object to it, heck, Seokjin swore that he even saw Namjoon smile when they mentioned it.
~the following Saturday~
A knock sounded at the door when the twins were having breakfast(it was cereal mind you, Namjoon would have a 68.9% chance of burning down the kitchen if he tried to cook), and Namjoon limped to answer the door. He was surprised when standing at the door was Seokjin, dressed in causal clothes and a pretty smile on his face.
"Hi Seokjin-Hyung! Er, why are you here? We didn't call for you or anything," Namjoon asked.
"I'm here to babysit you Joon. Take it as a friendly visit," Seokjin laughed.
The twins heard Seokjin's voice, and like a moth attracted to light, they ran up to the front door.
"Doctor Kim! You did come! We're so happy you did!" Taehyung exclaimed in delight, and hugged one of Seokjin's legs, while Jimin hugged the other.
"Hey little rascals! How's your Appa doing, no injuries so far right?" Seokjin asked, returning the hug.
"Nope! Although he almost did. Luckily Jimin and I were strong enough to hold him up," Taehyung replied. Jin looked at Namjoon, and got a sheepish chuckle.
"Look! I've already started to develop my muscles!" Jimin boasted, flexing his arm to prove his point. Seokjin laughed, and patted both of them on the head.
"Come in Hyung, make yourself at home. The kids were just eating breakfast. I promised them a day out in the park, you'll come along and help me take care of them," Namjoon said. Seokjin hummed as a response and followed the twins to the dining table.
"Is this what you guys eat Everyday? Cereal?" Seokjin asked unbelievingly, and the children nodded.
"You poor things! Tell you what, we'll go grocery shopping after we visit the park, so I can cook you guys something to eat for lunch, OK?" Seokjin offered. The twins nodded enthusiastically and Namjoon laughed.
"Thanks Hyung," Namjoon said when the kids have gone to change clothes. "You've done a lot for us."
"As a doctor and your Friend, keeping you guys safe would be my priority, and honestly, I enjoy your company," Seokjin smiled.
Since then, it has became a routine for Seokjin to visit them every Saturday and Sunday.
//the intro for the 2nd fanfic! I'm not really content, I feel like I've used too much dialogue...oh well.//

Oh My NamjinOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora