(4) How Would You Like To Pay?

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"Jiminie~~~AGAIN?!" Seokjin whined. His roommate, Jimin, has yet again broke another pair of his earbuds.
"I'm sorry Hyung...please go to Target and get me new ones? We're running out of milk too...you know how irritable I get if I don't drink milk in the morning...Banana flavour Hyung!" Seokjin just folded his arms and gave Jimin that "I'm so done with all your shit I didn't room with y'all to become your damn Mom" look, but Jimin just had to pull the most adorable, sweetest puppy face ever, and it's VERY hard to say no to that. Seokjin gives up in the end and walks towards Taehyung's room. He doesn't knock and steps into the room to be greeted with a "Go away Hyung I'm playing Overwatch!". Seokjin sighs and asks, "I'm heading to Target, do you need anything?" Taehyung replies with "Nah I'm good, but please get me some ice-cream? Thanks Hyung, you're the best!" Seokjin nods, making a note of that and heads out of his room. It's cold outside, so he slips on his Favourite pink hoodie, grabs the essentials and heads for Target.
Yoongi gives Namjoon that knowing glance when that familiar pink hoodie comes into sight. Namjoon sighs and walks towards Seokjin, pretending to arrange the headphone boxes beside him.
"It's cold out huh."
"Excuse me?"
"U-um...I mean, I saw you wearing your pink sweater and assumed it's cold outside."
"Haha, are you kidding me? It's freezing outside! Have you never gone out for the past few weeks?"
"Ooh y-yeah...right..."
Both were silent for a while as Seokjin picks out a pair of earbuds.
"So...um-" Namjoon started, but when he looked to his side the guy in the pink sweater wasn't there anymore. Namjoon peeked around the aisle, seeing him walking towards the drinks section.
Seokjin peeked at the small post-it note in his hand. Earbuds, check. Next, Jimin's banana milk. He shuddered a little when he opened the fridge, and picked out Jimin's banana milk. It was quite a big carton, and he regretted not taking a basket on the way in. As he walked off towards the dairy section, he tripped over the corner of a box apparently sitting in the middle of fucking nowhere. He fell hard, and the carton of milk in his hand bursted. Seokjin's expression was one of terror as he stared at the mess on the floor and his milk covered clothes. The guy from earlier ran up to him, concerned, and helped him up.
"I-I-I'm so sorry..." was all Seokjin managed to stutter out. Embarrassment swallowing him. The guy from earlier-Kim Namjoon, as his name tag read, gave him a little smile and handed him some tissues from his back pocket to dry up his face and hands. His hair was a goner. 2 other staff members cleaned up the mess, grumbling and sending pointed glares Seokjin's way. Seokjin only felt even more humiliated and embarrassed. But there was something about the man in front of him, with that cute dimpled smile and caring heart, that just calmed him down a little.
"As Long as you pay for it it's fine. Are you OK? You fell pretty hard..." Namjoon asked.
"I'm fine thank you...there's for sure gonna be a nasty bruise on my butt for all I know," Seokjin replied, wincing a little as his moved his hips experimentally. Namjoon let out a soft chuckle. As more and more stares were directed at him from people in the shop, Seokjin said a quick "bye" and sped off to an empty counter, paid for the earbuds and milk, and went straight home.
"Hyung what on earth happened to you?!" Was what greeted Seokjin first when he entered the house. Taehyung ran up to him and the strong scent of banana hit him instantly. He also noticed how Seokjin's hair were in clumps, and that he had a very defeated look on his face.
"I'm sorry Tae, something happened so I couldn't get your ice-cream," Seokjin apologised. Taehyung waved him off with a hand saying,"it's ok Hyung, it's not important. But what happened to you?" Seokjin sighed and handed Jimin's earbuds to him, saying he'll explain everything once he showered.
"...and yeah, that's basically what happened," Seokjin finished the story, Jimin and Taehyung feeling sympathetic but burst out in laughter soon enough. Seokjin was not amused and smacked them each on their heads.
"I'm sorry Hyung..." Jimin apologised in between giggles,"anyway, that Namjoon guy sounds nice."
"He is...he's the only one who didn't laugh at me or stare..." Seokjin said, remembering that beautiful dimpled smile, and his warm(and quite large)hands. Taehyung noticed Seokjin's dazed state and took the opportunity to tease him.
"Sounds Like you have a crush~~" he teased in a sing-song voice. Seokjin snapped out of his daydream and hit his head again.
"No I don't! He's just a really nice guy that's all," Seokjin protested. All of a sudden, the doorbell rang.
Namjoon was quite surprised at Pink Hoodie's(that's the nickname Jungguk gave him)sudden departure, and stood there staring at nothing for a few seconds. Namjoon then blushed because holy shit they finally talked for once and Namjoon even held his hand. Not to mention that he looked even more handsome up close(even if there's milk spilled all over his body). The milk spillage was cleaned up and everybody returned to what they were doing. Namjoon noticed the brown box in the middle of the aisle, and figured out that Pink Hoodie must've tripped over it. Namjoon let out a small disapproving sound, and was about to pick it up and put it away when a yellow piece of paper caught his attention. He picked up the post-it note and it read: Earbuds(Chim) Banana Milk(Chim) and Cookies n Cream Ice-cream(Tae). There was a check mark beside 'Earbuds' only. Namjoon figured that it must belong to Pink Hoodie, since he saw him picking out a pair of earbuds, and a carton of banana milk(only to have it spill all over him). Namjoon stuffed the piece of paper into his pocket, continuing with the rest of his shift(which only had 10 minutes left thank god).
10 minutes passed and Namjoon went to retrieve his bag, getting ready to head back home and take a well deserved rest.
"Hey Joon!" Came a familiar shout. Namjoon whipped his head around to spot his Best Friend and co-worker, Hoseok, who starts his 6 hour shift right after Namjoon's. Hoseok ran up to him smiling(as always). Before Namjoon could greet him or anything, Hoseok started babbling.
"You know that guy in the pink hoodie whom you have a crush on? You won't believe this but, turns out, he's my Neighbour," Hoseok said. Namjoon just stared at him wide-eyed, and Hoseok laughed.
"I saw him rush into his house when I got out of mine," Hoseok explained.
"Oh," was all Namjoon managed to say. He then remembers the post-it note in his pocket, and made a decision.
"Have a good day a work Hyung, see you later!" Namjoon said, and sped off to grab a carton of banana milk, and a tub of Cookies 'n' Cream. He quickly paid for the items and left, thoughts about speeding home first almost gone as he made his way towards Hoseok's house. It was a short walk, and in no time Namjoon was standing at the front porch of presumably Seokjin's house. He heard laughter and the echoes of smacks, and smiled a little to himself. He left the plastic bag on the floor and rang the doorbell. Once he did, he had to make a fast decision of whether to stay or hide.
Seokjin got up from his seat and opened the door, to see no one but a plastic bag containing a carton or banana milk and a tub of Cookies 'n' Cream. He stared at the plastic bag in amazement and confusion, before heading out and checking again to see if anyone was there. There was no one, so Seokjin took the bag inside and shut the door.
"Guys the weirdest shit just happened," Seokjin said, placing the items on the table.
"Banana milk and ice-cream? Who gave it to you?" Jimin asked in amazement, taking out his beloved banana milk.
"No one! What makes it even weirder is that how did this mystery person knew what I wanted? I didn't tell anyone..." Seokjin thought about it for a while, before his head shot up to look at the 95 liners.
"Are you guys playing some prank on me? Seriously. If you were gonna buy the items in the first place why did you send me on a worthless errand?" Seokjin asked, irritated.
"We didn't! We swear Hyung! We are just as surprised as you are," Jimin said in his and Taehyung's defence. Seokjin stared hard at them for a moment before deciding to let them go, their lazy asses wouldn't even think of such a prank in the first place. By now it started to creep everyone out a little, because this mystery sender apparently knows where they stay and their conversations. Maybe it was a secret admirer? They are 3 good looking men after all. But still, a little creepy.
Seokjin couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned around in his bed, waiting for fatigue to overcome him but it never did. There were two reasons to why Seokjin was still awake. One, he's still really creeped out about the whole banana milk and ice-cream ordeal. Two, he can't stop thinking about that handsome and caring Target employee, Kim Namjoon. Seokjin blames it on the fact that he hasn't had a Boyfriend or any romantic contact with anyone for years. But, there was just something so different and special about Namjoon, he can't really blame himself for falling for him. Seokjin finds it weird how he's never noticed a beauty like Namjoon before.
-next day-
Seokjin slips on his Favourite pink sweater and grabs his wallet, phone, and keys.
"Where are you going Hyung? To Target again? We're well stocked already," Jimin asked, surprised that Seokjin would take the initiative to go to Target when there's absolutely no need to.
"Um, I need to get something...I forgot it yesterday..." Seokjin lied. He didn't want to tell them that he's going back just to ogle at the handsome Target employee, they'll go absolutely nuts.
"Ok. Be safe Hyung, and come back fast," both Jimin and Taehyung shouted in unison. Seokjin chuckled and left.
"I bet that he's going back to see that Namjoon guy," Taehyung said with a sly smirk.
"Exactly," Jimin replied, causally sipping on his banana milk.
"Kim Namjoon you are such an idiot," Yoongi grumbled, smacking Namjoon on the head.
"Wouldn't it be weird and shit? Like "hi I found your post-it note and decided to but the rest of the items for you because I have the most stupid, biggest crush on you". Besides, I heard another voice inside the house...I didn't even consider the fact that he has a Boyfriend," Namjoon said, rubbing his abused head. Yoongi simply shrugged and left Namjoon alone to sulk. Namjoon's bad mood didn't last Long, because a pretty brunette wearing a pink sweater has once again entered the store.
'Ok, just act cool and don't make shit weird. Causally walk over to him and pretend to ask about an item...' Seokjin told himself. Seokjin realised that Namjoon was aware of his presence, and it started to feel a little awkward as Seokjin walked towards him while they both stared at each other.
"Hello, um, can I ask of you guys sell any...any fish?" Seokjin asked. 'Fish?! Kim Seokjin you absolute fucking walnut.' Seokjin cussed himself. Fish was already not a good question, but both of them are literally standing right in front of those goddamn fish.
"Um, we do! They're here," Namjoon pointed to the fish beside them, "we have many kinds of fish, bass, carps, tilapias and so on."
Seokjin felt humiliated and thanked him, pretending to pick out the fish he wants. He could really just slap himself right now. Seokjin couldn't be more grateful when a bunch of kids knocked over some candy nearby and Namjoon has to go over to reshelve them. Seokjin took this opportunity to slip away, and all of a sudden he was craving the same candy that the children knocked over. Namjoon apparently was nowhere to be seen, Seokjin thanks the lord for that. He picked out 3 of them, and headed over the counter to pay. There was a line of 7 people in front of him, and when it was finally his turn, he rejoices but when he saw who the cashier was, his heart started beating at light speed. It was none other than Kim Namjoon, the person who he has humiliated himself in front of. Namjoon wasn't supposed to work as a cashier, it was supposed to be Jackson. They were friends as Seokjin was a frequent customer. But Seokjin didn't question it, and placed his items down on the table. Once Namjoon has scanned them and tapped some buttons on the register, he asked, "how would you like to pay?"
Seokjin has no idea what kind of fucking demon possessed him, but he replied with, "with my handsome looks if possible." Seokjin regrets it after a millisecond of saying it, both him and Namjoon going bright red. Seokjin was so embarrassed, he just left the candy there and ran back home.
"What happened to you Hyung?" Taehyung asked when Seokjin charged into the house and slammed the door shut.
"I'm such a fucking ididot..." Seokjin mumbled out, cringing away and hiding himself under a blanket placed conveniently on the couch.
"What could've possibly happened? You just went there to stare at the guy," Jimin pointed out, earning a glare from Taehyung which said: "not helping." Jimin sat beside Seokjin and patted his back.
"It couldn't have been that bad, at least not worse than the time Taehyungie was drunk and went out with a piece of cloth to just cover his dick, going around the Neighbourhood shouting "I am Tarzan" like a lunatic," that made Seokjin feel a bit better, because absolutely nothing can be even worse than that. Taehyung is shot Jimin a deadly glare, muttering something about killing him in his sleep. Jimin ignored him and focused his attention back to Seokjin. "It couldn't be that bad, he may even find you funny!" Jimin tried to console Seokjin. They sat in silence for a few seconds, when the doorbell rang. Seokjin immediately shot up. Was it the "secret admirer"? He's going to find out who he or she is once and for all.
"Thanks buddy, you can go back now," Jackson told a still red-faced Namjoon, patting him on the back. Namjoon walked around the shop, feeling dazed. 'Did he seriously tried to flirt with me? Or am I overthinking things...' Namjoon thought to himself. He was so busy trying to analyse the situation he didn't notice the blue haired boy in front of him. Yoongi grabbed him by the shoulders, startling Namjoon.
"Dude what's wrong with you?"
"Did something happen between you and Pink Hoodie again."
Namjoon curses Yoongi's ability to see through him like he's made out of glass. Namjoon shrugs, and told Yoongi what happened.
"He might be trying to flirt, but that's the worst pickup line I've ever heard," Yoongi managed to say after laughing so hard. Now it was Namjoon's turn to smack him on the head, which Yoongi replied to with a glare.
"Oh well, there's really nothing we could do now, he may be so embarrassed that he will never come back," Yoongi said nonchalantly. The thought of never being able to see that pretty, and rather humorously awkward boy again filled Namjoon with panic and dread, and he finally decided to grow some balls to meet him personally.
Once Namjoon's shift was over, he went to the counter to pay for the 3 abandoned bottles of candy, and headed towards Seokjin's once again.
When Seokjin opened the door, the last person he expected to be standing there was Kim Namjoon, an employee from Target, yet there he was in the flesh, smiling that adorable dimpled smile with 3 bottles of candy in one hand.
"You left these on the counter, thought you may want them," Namjoon said, placing the bottles of candy in Seokjin's hands, and Namjoon tries hard to ignore the blush creeping up his face when their hands accidentally touched. Taehyung peeked from behind Seokjin, and his eyes widened when he saw Namjoon's name tag.
"Hold up, you're Kim Namjoon? A.K.A the person that left us banana milk and ice-cream on our front porch yesterday?!" Taehyung asked in surprise. Seokjin was about to shut Taehyung up when Namjoon gave an unexpected answer.
"Yeah...I'm sorry if it seemed creepy to you," Namjoon admitted, directing his attention to Seokjin, "I found your post-it note on the floor yesterday after you fell, and you didn't check off "banana milk" and "ice-cream" so I'd thought it'll be a nice gesture to get them for you. Sorry..."
Seokjin was shocked and (delightfully) surprised, and gave Namjoon a warm smile. Seokjin wants to find an excuse to invite him into the house, and his answer came when Namjoon let out a sneeze.
"You must be freezing! Wanna come inside for a cup of hot chocolate? I mean, if it's convenient for you..." Seokjin asked, staring at his now rather interesting shoes as he invited Namjoon in. Seokjin and hot chocolate are 2 things Namjoon can't say "no" to, so he happily agreed.
The four of them chatted happily, Namjoon knowing everyone's names, explaining how he knew where they lived, and eventually becoming a Friend of theirs. The atmosphere was warm and cozy, sorta romantic if you asked Jimin and Taehyung, so they both made excuses to to exit the living room, leaving both Seokjin and Namjoon alone. There was a comfortable silence between the two, only the sounds of their breathing (and beating hearts) could be heard. After a few more minutes, Namjoon felt like he overstayed his welcome so he got up.
"I should get going now...see you later?" He added the last part hesitantly, unsure of how Seokjin would react to that. Seokjin smiled and got up as well, and said, "Sure! Let's exchange numbers so we can meet up again sometime." Seokjin was borderline proud of how smooth he was in getting Namjoon's number. They exchanged numbers with smiles on their faces, and Seokjin bid Namjoon goodbye. Before Namjoon could leave though, he felt a soft tug at his shirt, and saw Seokjin pointing to something above them.
A mistletoe.
Before Namjoon could properly react to the situation, Seokjin planted a quick kiss on Namjoon's cheek, both of them blushing furiously afterwards.
"See you," Seokjin said smiling, a nice shade of pink tinting his cheeks and Namjoon swore that was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen.
"See you soon too," Namjoon replied, throwing him a flirtatious wink before closing the door. Seokjin could jump and scream in joy, and flung himself onto the couch, giggling away. As if on cue, Taehyung and Jimin came out of the room they were hiding in and grinned. Seokjin returned the grin, hugging them both.
"Which ever one of you thought it's a good idea to hang that mistletoe up there just now, can I please fucking marry you?" Seokjin said in excitement.
"Oh Hyung, I'm afraid that that's Namjoon Hyung's job, not ours," Jimin replied cheekily, and all of them burst out in laughter.
It's going to be a good Christmas this year.

//KEEEEEEEYYAAAAAAAAA IT'S DONE!! IDK if you can call this a crack fic because crack fics are usually so much wilder, but oh well, I tried to make it humorous. The mistletoe part was a added bonus because IT'S THE CHRISTMAS WEEK!! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! /(>^<)/ I just finished watching BTS Run! Ep32 and it was hilarious, and Vhope's little alliance was just so cute idek why. V is such a traitor lmao//
Word count: 3341 words
PS: Thank you all so much for 50 views! I didn't know such fetus writing would catch your attention but I'm Glad it did! *hugs*

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