chapter 8

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~Megan's View~

Its nice to see everyone back to normal, well ish, just got to get niall healed up and we'll be properly back to normal. I was stood next to liam, his arms were holding my waist and he kept kissing my cheek randomly. He was lovely. it felt like I'd know in forever when in reality its not been that long.

~Molly's View~

"I'm so glad your alright niall" I told him.

"You know what mol? I am too" he chuckled, but winced as well, it must of hurt him. I felt horrible, I hated seeing him in pain.

~Fran's View~

"Girls, do you fancy coming to get something to eat? I'm starving!" Meile said to the rest of us, before kissing zayn on the cheek and skipping over to door.

"Yeah ill come!" I told her, I hadn't noticed but I was pretty hungry too.

"I will, I must admit I'm a bit hungry" megan said just as her belly rumbled.

"I'm defiantly coming!" Molly said, its weird. She was more nialls friend then our group of girl mates but after this it felt like he was one of our friends that we'd grown up with.

"Abbie? You want to come?" I asked her, she was staring into space again. I'm starting to get worried.

"I don't know..." She said as she looked at niall.

"Go on babe, you need to eat" he said gripping onto her hand a little tighter.

"Alright then" she told us. As she got up she kissed the tip of nialls nose and walked over to us. Niall was right, she needed to eat!

~Niall's View~

Abbie, fran, malain, megan, meile and molly had gone to the canteen so I was finally alone with the lads. We were just engaged in random conversations about random things, they were mostly going on about the girls.

"Right lads, can you do me a favour?" I asked them, I needed there help with something.

"Yeah sure lad, what you need?" Zayn asked looking a little bit confused.

"Craving nandos are ya mate?" Louis asked winking at me, to be quite honest I was.

~Liam's View~

I was quite intrigued into what niall wanted and if It wasn't food I honestly had no clue!

"Well I'm thinking of, well, proposing to abbie. But I can't do it without a ring..." He told us, wow. I did not expect that!

"Congrats mate!" Harry and lou yelled at the same time.

"SHUSHH!" He told us "I don't want the girls to know"

"Well its about time, you've been together forever!" Harrison said.

"Yeah, so you all approve yeah? You don't think I'm being stupid?" He asked us.

"Course your not being stupid!" Zayn said soon as niall finished his sentence.

"We think its great!" I told him, I was truly happy for him!

~Malain's View~

"Come on abbie, you need to eat even if its just a yogurt" megan told her.

"Niall needs you to be well babe, if you don't eat then you'll be ill" fran told her, she was right. She needed to eat sooner or later.

"Abbie..come on, have a carrot for lou" I said winking at her. She laughed, well everybody did, the people at the other tables just stared at us. But she took the carrot and sarcastically started to nibble on it. At least she was eating something.

~Niall's View~

"So I need you to get the ring for me" I said to them.

"Ill do it" zayn said, yeah I knew he would, he's a romantic at heart.

"Thanks lad, I know the type or design shed like" I told him "pass me some paper and a pen and I'll draw it" they found some scrap paper in the cupboard and a pen. I started to scribble down the basic idea of the ring. It was very plain, but I knew that was what she liked. A plain silver band and a square diamond on the top, and I asked zayn if he could to get 'love forever' engraved on the insides of the ring. I hope shed like it. The lads did anyway, plus I did. It was beautiful.

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