chapter 2

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~Niall's View~

Its understandable for her mum to be protective I thought as abbie left the room. With her dad living abroad it was her job to step up and give the 'boyfriend' speech. But somehow I thought this would be more then just the normal 'stay away from my daughter' sort of speech.

I waited for her to speak. "Right, I think you know where I'm going to go with this but anyway. She has been out with some really horrible people in the past who have broken her heart, evan the nice lads have broke her heart. I don't want to find out that you have done the same" i just nodded so signal she should carry on "from what she's told me you seem a really nice boy and she seems to really like you. So just treat her right, yeah? Now we best let her back in before she gets worried" i smiled and nodded as she called abbie back into the room. I smiled soon as I saw her bob back into the room, her beautiful brown hair bouncing while she walked and plonked herself down onto the sofa next to me.

~Abbie's View~

I herd mum say "you can come in now love" so i quite happily walked back in bringing the tea and biscuits. Nialls face lit up when he saw I'd brought him some biscuits, bless him.

After we'd finished our tea i asked niall "hey, babe fancy going upstairs for abit?" For some reason he seemed to have a sparkle in his eye when I said that. I lead him upstairs to my room and as I sat on my bed cross legged while he shut the door, grabbed my guitar and sat opposite me on the bed

~Niall's View~

God she looked beautiful, soon as I sat down she blushed and looked down. I loved the way her checks turned red whenever I was close to her.

~Abbie's View~

He started playing the guitar and singing, I recognised the tune. It was 'gotta be you'. I know the songs over a year old now but for some reason every time he sung it to me it felt like I was hearing it for the first time.

"Ill be here, by your side, no more fears, no more crying, but if you walk away, I know ill fade, cause there's nobody else" he sang, sounding truly amazing. He has such an amazing tone to his voice.

After he finished that line I moved forward and kissed him quite strongly on the lips. I think he knew what I was going for as he put the guitar on the floor still not pulling away from the kiss. he put his hand on my lower back and lay me on my back, him lying by my side but still half on top of me. I loved kissing him, his arm around me were so strong!

~Niall's View~

I really am the luckiest lad alive right now. I have the most gorgeous girl in my arms and nothing could wreck that, I wouldn't let it.

Al that moment abbie's phone buzzed on the side, she was wriggling to try and get it but I tried to keep her in my arms while but she wriggled and giggled to much and I had to let her go.

~Abbie's View~

I heard my phone go off so I was wriggling to try and get it. I liked that niall was trying to keep me for himself. But I wanted to see who text me.

~Fran's View~

"I doubt she'll answer" i said to harry as he was playing with my hair "she's probably be to bizzy with niall"

"And if she is gorgeous, i shall keep ringing him until they have to answer" he replied. Coorr, when he smiled at me like that i truly turned to goo!

~Abbie's View~

The text read; hey abz, me and harry are throwing a party. We wondered if you and niall wanted to come? We've invited the rest of the boys, malain, meilo, megan and harry said something about niall would want molly and harrison round? anyway text me back the deets and we'll get this party going!x

Me and fran had been best friend since I can remember, we did everything together. Which came in handy when we both fell in love with members one direction, the most successful boy band in the country at the moment. It happened at a concert we went to, we went to go see coldplay and we noticed this group of really hot looking lads looking at us. Then next thing we knew they'd walked over started a convo and we'd then realised who they were. Harry couldn't stop looking at fran and niall well we didn't stop talking until the show ended. It was perfect. They gave us there numbers and we went home, in fits of giggle's. And it all went on from there..


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