chapter 6

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~Megan's View~

After ringing the police reporting there was a break in and telling them were. Fran said "Right in the mean time girls, we can't just let the boys try and defend us and just sit up here like a bunch of wimps!"

"Yeah, to be fair I was thinking the same thing" malain said, was I the only one scared?

"I dunno guys, the lads will be okay" I said without trying to sound very nervous.

"I dunno megs" molly told me, directly.

"I'm sort of with the girls" abbie whispered, I could tell she was still scared but she was more scared for niall then herself I think.

~Malain's View~

"Well its settled then, were going down stairs" I told the girls. Megan looked so scared and meile was still crying and muttering things about zayn. I must admit I was terrified, louis wasn't the bravest of people.

"girls come on they'll be fine, louis is probably throwing carrots at them as we speak" they all giggled a little bit sniffled and stood up. Fran was the first to walk out of the door, she was brave.

~Liam's View~

I was the only one of us who hadn't been drinking, this was going to end so badly.

"Ill call the police!" Harry yelled towards them as they rooted round the room picking up things then breaking them. I was so scared! I just hoped they didn't go upstairs, we all did!

~Niall's View~

We all just stood there helpless, not knowing what to do or say. Zayn walked up to the one and said "OI! If you don't mind, what the hell are you doing here!?" I can't believe he said that! The person in black just looked at him, looked at the rest of us and punched zayn square in the face. That's when we heard the screams from upstairs!

~Louis' View~

Soon as we heard that scream we all ran up the stairs! Someone must have gotten up there without noticing! How could we have been so stupid! When we got up there we saw it..

~Fran's View~

"Harry!" I yelped as the person in black kicked me again! They must of heard me scream the first time. The girls were all sitting next to me on the floor. When harry saw me he chucked himself on the floor and leaned me against him. I was so glad he was there! the rest of the boys came and sat with us, hugging each other all in tears.

~Molly's View~

I was so scared, especially when they hurt fran! I was so glad harrison had came upstairs! Next thing I knew the person in black pulled out a sharp knife and pointed it at abbie.

"You, get down stairs, NOW!" He yelled at her.

"She is going nowhere without me!" Niall yelled at him standing up and getting in his face. That's when he did it, within the blink of a eye. He's stabbed niall. Abbie screamed and held him in her arms.

~Abbie's View~

"Someone help him? Someone do something" I screamed at them. Holding niall in my arms, he was bleeding. He couldn't die! He just couldn't! Then I heard sirens, then I remembered the girls rang the police before. They barged in and arrested the people in black. The ambulance came shortly after and took niall away, I went in the ambulance with him. Holding his hand telling him it'd all be okay. But inside I was thinking this would never of happened if we just stayed at my house like we were ment to, I couldn't stop crying.

~Fran's View~

I couldn't believe what had just happened! He stabbed niall, abbie was distraught! I wanted to go and hug her but harry held me back so I just sobbed into his shoulder while he held me there. After the ambulance came and went we all finally stood up. None if us could drive, we'd been drinking we couldn't go to the hospital.

"How can we get there!? We've been drinking!?" I exclaimed at them all, still in floods of tears.

"Ill phone for a taxi" liam said as he got up and walked into the other room, megan still at his side.

~Molly's View~

When liam walked back into the room we all looked at him.

"It'll be here in 5" he said before walking down the stairs with megan. we were all still in shock, sat in silence all you could hear was the sobs until we heard liam yell up saying the taxi was here, 5 minuets went fast.

~Malain's View~

When we got to the hospital it was horrible. Niall was lying in the bed, so still. Abbie was sat by the side of the bed just looking at him while holding his hand with tears pouring down her face, this didn't look good!

~Harry's View~

When we walked into the room it was horrible seeing him lie there, poor abbie! Fran ran straight up to her and hugged her so tight, I think abbie needed it. I stood with the others and the other side of the bed. The doctor walked in and asked to speak to abbie outside, she kissed him hand before reluctantly letting it go and following the doctor outside shutting the door behind them.

~Abbie's View~

"So, is he going to be alright?" I demanded.

"Well we need to wait until the anaesthetic wares off, then when he wakes up we'll know how he's going to be. I'm sorry that I can't give you any definite's yet" he said, I didn't say anything back I simply walked back into his room. They all looked so worried. I sat back at him bedside and held his hand once again.

~Molly's View~

"So, how is he?" I asked abbie, I didn't mean to sound so rude I was just worried, I known niall nearly all my life.

We grew up together, I couldn't loose him I really couldn't!

"we have to wait till the anaesthetic wares off to see" she mumbled, I felt so sorry for her.

"Can I get you anything?" Harry asked as he walked up to her, he placed his hand on her shoulder and she flung herself into his arms. I guess seen as her best friend was dating him shed know him well. She finally let go trying to get a hold on herself. "No dear, I'll be fine thank you" she told him.

~Meile's View~

We all sat there, occasionally speaking to one another. Abbie never joined in, you could tell how worried she was. It was horrible to witness.

~Abbie's View~

"you guys do know you can go home if you want to? You don't have to stay, we'll be fine" I told the others, I don't think they expected me to speak because they all looked so shocked.

"No abbie, were staying right here" Malain said coming and putting her hand on my shoulder. Zayn followed her agreeing.

"I'm not leaving until you both do!" Fran said, god I loved that girl! She was always so strong.

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