chapter 7

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~Molly's View~

It was so quite in the hospital room, apart from the constant beeping of the machines and the light snoring noice zayn was making. Everybody bar me had fell asleep. Abbie was leaning forward, her head by nialls hand, resting on the bed. Fran was sitting on harry's knee in the chair next to abbie, zayn & meile and liam & megan were doing the same. Malain and louis were sat in the corner, he had his arm around her and she was leaning on him, they looked so cute. I was sat across harrison's lap, thank god he was here don't know what I'd do without him. Out of nowhere I heard this groaning sound I assumed it was zayn still sleeping but I looked at it wasn't, it was niall!

~Abbie's View~

I got woken up by molly shaking my arm slightly.

"Molly? What's wrong?" I asked her.

"He's waking up abbie, nialls waking up!" She said before running out of the room to get a nurse. I sprung up and grabbed hold of his hand telling him I was here and it'd all be okay and that he was fine. By the time molly had came back in with a nurse everybody else had got woken up by the commotion and were stood on the other side of the bed.

~Louis' View~

Oh my god it was great! He was waking up! The nurse said that it might be a hour or so till he can completely speak but wow! Then we heard him mumble something. At first it was very unclear but he started getting clearer. He was saying 'abbie'. That made her so happy! The smile on her face was unreal as she stood up and kissed his forehead, she had been so worried!

~Fran's View~

"Oh abbie!" i cried at her, flinging my arms around her. "He's going to be alright"

"I know" she sniffled into my shoulder.

"Hey, let us in" malain giggled, next thing we knew all of the girls were all hugging abbie. It was lovely.

~Molly's View~

I am so glad he's going to be fine, we all were. Then out of complete nowhere he mumbled 'i really need some food' and we all burst into fits of hysterics!

"Your the only person I know who can go through what you did and all they can think of is food!" Harry laughed

"I'm sorry lad, don't think they have nando's here" louis teased him. Everyone was back to normal. He placed his hand on abbie's cheek and stocked it with his thumb, that cheered her up a lot.

~Abbie's View~

Zayn, meile, malain and louis had gone home to clean up a bit. Harry had gone home to look at the damage and try and clean up abit. Fran, megan, molly and liam were in the canteen getting something to eat and I think harrison had popped out to ring his parents, I was alone with last.

"Babe what are you thinking?" He asked me, I must of zoned out again.

"Oh nothing babe, just thinking how lucky you are to still be here" I said tears welling up in my eyes.

"Hey, don't think about that darling. I'm here aren't I? I'm not going anywhere so stop worrying and come and give me a hug" he replied, he always knew how to put me at ease.

~Niall's View~

Abbie hobbled up onto the bed and cuddled into my side. I was so lucky to have her. We lay there in silence for a while as I was thinking.. I loved her right, so why not make it really official. Hmm, yeah, I needed to talk to one of the lads! Just then a nurse came in.

~Malain's View~

"Bye mum!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs after having a shower and getting changed, heading for the door.

"What? Where are you going?" She asked me.

"I'm going back to hospital, louis is outside waiting to pick me up" I told her looking for my keys on the side.

"Okay sweetheart. give abbie and niall my love" she said to me, that was weird. She didn't evan know niall but I suppose she did like my friends. Oh well.

~Abbie's View~

"Hello mr horan, I'm here to change your dressing" the nurse said, her name badge said orla. I like that name. She was nicer then the other nurses, the others seemed to hurt him a bit when changing the dressing on the wound in his belly. After she was done I followed her out of the room to talk to her.

"Hi, excuse me?" I asked her.

"Yes?" She replied with a smiled on her face, she seemed really nice.

"Yes, well, nialls said to me that when the other nurses change the dressing it hurts him. I noticed today that you didn't hurt him, Is there anyway we could make sure it would be you to do it while he's here?" I asked without trying to sound awkward.

"Yes, I will try. Seen as we'll be spending a lot of time together, my name is orla." She said, she was so lovely.

"My names abbie, and yes I suppose we will see a lot of you, haha. Thank you" I said to her before walking back to sit with niall.

~Harry's View~

"Its okay, no need to worry, I'm here now" I laughed as I walked back into nialls room. Everybody was there and they all laughed at me, including niall. This was good, back to normal..laughter!

Your The Sugar In My Tea (one direction fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon