chapter 3

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~Abbie's View~

As much as you were loving being alone with niall you were pretty excited for this party!

"So babe, you up for it?" You asked him with a smile on your face as you looked up at him.

"By the look on your face, you really want to go. So of course I'm up for it, if it makes my girl happy. But I'd like to go home and get changed first. So how about ill go get ready at home then come pick you up?" He seemed pretty excited himself. You both agreed and he toddled off down stairs and out the door, but not without leaving you with a mesmerising kiss that made you go weak at the knee's.

~Molly's View~

You were sat at home doing you maths homework, such a bore! when you heard your phone going off, it was niall your best friend ringing you.

"Hey BuggaLugs, how's things?" i asked him, I'd called him that since infant school when we met.

"I'm alright" he replied, sounding quite breathy, like he'd ran or something.

"Was there any particular reason you rang me or..." You asked, quite confused by the random phone call.

"Oh yeah, I nearly forgot haha! Harry and fran are throwing a party and wondered if you and Harrison wanted to come along too? About 8ish at harry's?" He told me.

"Yeah, sure! Ill just ring harrison and let him know. See you there" I said before we both put the phone down.

I must say I was really looking forward to this. My set of friends don't really do party's and I know from past experience harry throws amazing party's. You thought while rushing round the house to get ready.

~Meile's View~

When I got the text off fran I was really looking forward to it. To the extent I was counting down the time! I hadn't seen the girls in so long and for all of one direction to be there to was a massive bonus! With abbie and fran going out with one of them it ment we got to spend a bit of time with them. Although I haven't seen them since the tour a couple months ago, I wonder if they'll recognise me. Cause to be honest they do see a lot of girls every day, but oh well. Best get ready!

~Abbie's View~

I was stood there looking through my entire wardrobe contents when I saw at the back of it a box. It was then I remembered about the dress niall bought me to wear the other week for our date but I fell ill so I couldn't go. I forgot how beautiful it was until I got it out of the box. It was a knee length white flowing grecian dress. It had golden straps and a embroidered golden waist line. It was gorgeous. I decided i was going to wear that, with roman sandles and my hair down but with a wave going through it and natural make up.

~Malain's View~

I was sat with megan at her house when we both got the same text message off fran. She said she was throwing a party and wanted to know if we'd come. She said the one direction boys were going so there was no doubt about it, we were going! We sat there fangirling for about 10 minuets.

"Right, we should get ready now!" She told me.

"Your totally right! With the one direction boys being there we need to look extra fine" I said to her with a wink, she new what I ment. We've wanted to hook up with one of the boys since abbie started dating niall and now was our perfect chance, nothing would get in our way!

~Megan's View~

"Fran's just text me, meeting at the clock at half 7 to get to harry's at 8ish" I told malain as she ran round the room trying to find her mascara.

"Okay then I should be ready by then, but it does take a while to look this beautiful" she said taking the mick again!

"Well I'm gonna pop home and get ready. See you at the clock, love ya. Bye" I yelled at her running out of the house.

~Fran's View~

Harry had gone home about half hour ago, he wanted to make sure every thing including himself was sorted for tonight. Everybody else had text and said they could come which was great! I was meeting up with the girls, well not abbie she was going with niall, but meile, megan and malain. We were meeting at the clock in the middle of town so we could walk up to harry's together.

I found what I was going to wear. It was a one strap knee length red satin dress my mum bought me for my birthday. It had a sort of floral thing on the strap made out of some red material I guess. It had a darker red band around the waist. I put my hair down and straightened it. I looked pretty good I thought, as long as harry thought so all would be good! Now I just have to sit and wait for half 7...

~Harry's View~

I'd bought the drinks, I'd bought the food and lots of it seen as niall was coming I thought I should buy a lot more then normal and louis just rang the DJ and he was coming at 9. Fran and her friends were coming at 8-ish, knowing them they'll be a little bit late. Niall was coming around 8 with abbie, of course they were inseparable these days! Zayn and Liam were coming round whenever they were ready which won't take long.

~Malain' View~

I walked down the road and as I saw the clock I saw to girls already there. Damn I was late! I sped up and when I got to the clock I saw megan and fran.

~Megan's View~

Malain was wearing this gorgeous grey dress, not to short and not to long. She looked great! And I know she did it purposely trying to bag herself a one direction lad! I decided to go for the floral light pink dress I bought the other weekend with my hair in a loose bun.

~Malain's View~

Turns out I wasn't too late, meile ran down the road after I got there. In a lovely baby pink dress, with a bow on the waist line.

"Come on girls! Let go to the party" I said to them all, we linked up and walked to harry's in fits of laughter taking pictures and talking about the boys!

~Abbie's View~

I herd the door go down stairs and I assumed it was niall coming to pick me up. I finished my makeup and walked down the stairs.

~Niall's View~

When I saw her walk down them stairs oh my days. She looked stunning! As she got to the bottom of the stairs I asked "are you ready then babe?" She nodded and I took her hand in mine and we walked out of the door.

~Harrison's View~

"Come on molly were going to be late!" I shouted up to her.

"I'm coming now carm down!"

She walked out in this light blue dress, jeez I was a lucky lad!

~Zayn's View~

"What time are the girls getting here?" I asked harry.

"Any time around now I expect, don't worry you'll get to see meile soon" he said winking at me, idiot.

"Shut up harry!" I yelled at him before going to get something to eat, I swear nialls eating habits are rubbing off onto me!

~Liam's View~

"Harry, have you got any drinks that aren't alcoholic in this house?" I asked, seen as I won't be drinking.

"He's got tap water" louis said being sarcastic as usual!

"Very funny lou! No I'm being serious." I said

"Yeah sure, there's some coke in the fridge" harry said while sorting out the food. I'm guessing he bought more just to keep niall at bay for a little while. But I'm sure he'll be too bizzy eating abbie.

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