Chapter 33 - Mr. and Mrs. Savage

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"Il tuo sedere sembra bello in quei pantaloni della tuta."

There was a pause, then Logan broke into a cheesy grin and shook his head, locks of hair bouncing around his forehead.

"WHAT DOES THAT MEEAAAN?" He turned towards Brendan, who shrugged.

Oliver gave him a smirk, folding her arms across her chest slowly as she looked him right in the eyes.

"Guess you'll have to google translate it."


"Guess you'll have to google translate it."

Oliver paused the video, barely believing what she was seeing on the screen.

...this—that was—that was just...just a dream...


She pressed the play button with shaking fingers, watching in horror as she proceeded to give Logan a wink...

Oh god...oh my god...did I really do that?

Logan burst out laughing, turning to Brendan and whispering something in his ear. After a moment, he stared straight into the camera, voice now audible.

"Brendan, quick sidebar, quick sidebar...." The camera panned away from Oliver as Brendan followed Logan into the hallway, blonde hair bouncing at the back of his head as he jogged farther down the corridor.


It was 2:16 the next afternoon, and Oliver had clicked on Logan's new vlog as soon as he uploaded it, nearly falling out of her chair.


The words jumped at her through the screen, causing her to double-take. Her eyes widened as the thumbnail enlarged, revealing a picture of Logan awkwardly bending to kiss Oliver on the cheek, face poised mid-laugh, lips ridiculously puckered. Both of them were front and center of the image, faces outlined with streaks of bright pink and yellow so that they popped vividly through the screen. It was undeniably her, and undeniably him, and she could hardly believe it. She remembered Brendan taking that shot, but of course—she thought it had all been a dream...

It had taken about 30 million attempts, and then some. Every time Logan got relatively close to her face, Oliver would squeal and jump back, and they'd had to start all over. It had been impossible to stay still every time he got that close, and come to think of it, she didn't know how Brendan had managed to get that one...

Seeing her face next to Logan's, on his thumbnail much less—on her laptop?!—was too much, and Oliver tugged at the neck of her sweatshirt, burying the fabric over her mouth and up to the top of her nose.

This could not be happening...

She covered her eyes with the sleeves of the hoodie, feeling as if her brain was about to explode—she envisioned fireworks, the burning embers erupting into neon bursts of light and dissolving as quickly as they shot in the air.

Just moments before, Logan had said the same words from her all of that was supposed to be a dream too!

And yet, here on her laptop was tangible proof that it wasn't. That the whole thing had happened. She nervously twisted the ends of her hair in her fingers, trying to sort it all out.

I'm losing my mind I'm losing my mind I'm losing my mind


Oliver groaned, pausing the video to scroll through the comments. One user had written:

damn, this chick is crazy

probably just a gold digger

Others were still scrambling for an explanation about the translation.

what did she say? I NEED answers

The next comment made Oliver physically laugh out loud.

Mr. and Mrs. Savage.

Could this even be real life?

She pressed play, and Logan's voice rang through her earphones once more, his radiant, ecstatic smile causing her cheeks to warm, even through the screen.

"If this video gets 1 million likes," he turned towards Oliver, smiling, "I'll take her out on a date."

Her breath caught in her throat.

As she watched it play out on the screen, her eyes shifted to the bottom right corner. When she read the number next to the 'thumbs up' button, she froze.

It had only been out an hour and there were already...

Oliver refreshed the page, gulping.


The number continued to rise as she refreshed it again.

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