Imagine 24# - Problems

Start from the beginning

You could see Austin. He looked beautiful. You could notice he cared for all of his fans. A girl that met him already gave you a dirty look as it was your turn to meet Austin. You couldn't take it but tried to put up with it and not cry."Hey what's your name?" Austin asked you. You saw the girl again and noticed that she gave you another dirty look and mouthed the word ugly.

That's it you couldn't hold it in. You hugged Austin all of a sudden and cried."wow hey what's wrong? " Austin whispered in your ear. " I can't t-take it anymore" you said while sobbing. Austin hugged you tightly. Austin took hold of your hands and then noticed the cuts on your wrists.

Austin looked at you and there was sadness in his face. He hugged you tightly. "you're the only person that makes me feel better" you cried. " but why do you do this to yourself?" Austin whispered to you. " I can't ..... I can't" you sobbed. "everything will be alright don't worry.Here wait for me until I finish this meet and greet and you can hang with me and tell me what's happened" Austin said while wiping your tears away with his thumb. He called his friends Alex,Robert and Zach to take you out and get you something to eat.

" Hey I'm Alex thats Robert and Zach but since you are a Mahomie you probably know" Alex said while smiling. " yeah I know you all" you said while wiping the final tears that left your eyes and giving them a small smile.

" You seem to be very special to Austin since he never really told us to hang out with a Mahomie before just to get extra time with her at the end" Robert says whilst smiling.

" Did you guys see what happened when I met Austin?" you asked nervously hoping they'd say no. "no..... should we have seen it??" Zach asked in confusion. " nononono it's fine" you replied avoiding any further questions. "so wanna go Subway and eat something?" Robert asked breaking the awkwardness. "sure" you replied.

You all went to Subway and ordered your food. Then when you all got your food you guys sat at a round table.You sat in between Alex and Robert and opposite Zach who was already eating just like the other two so you did the same. There was not much of a conversation as you all ate.

" so did you come alone?" Alex asked. " nope I came with my parents " you replied. " I used to get embarrassed in front of my friends thanks to my parents...." Robert comented as he sighed.

You laughed and Robert smiled and Alex joined you and laughed aswell. Zach was confused and couldn't help but let out a chuckle as Alex was dying of laughter like you.

" we should head back to Austin since he just texted me that he's finished this meet and greet. " Alex said as he calmed himself down. You gave him a smile and got up.

The three boys walked you towards where the meet and greet was held and you could see Austin packing up. "ayye Austin!!!" Robert exclaimed whilst giving Austin a bro hug and Zach did the same as well as Alex and you just stood there. "hey I didn't get your name" Austin said while looking at you. "my name is {y/n}" you replied shyly. " hmm what a beautiful name" Austin said while smiling. You gave him a small smile back. "so you came alone?" Austin asked. "nope she came with her parents" Robert bumped in and answered for you.

"so where are your parents? " Austin asked you. " they said to meet them in that restaurant after the meet and greet had finished" you replied shyly. "okay then let's go see them shall we?" Austin said while putting his arm around you as friends do. Zach,Robert and Alex decided to wait for you both in the car. "please don't tell them about me cutting please." you whispered to Austin begging him not to. Just the the thought of your parents knowing made a tear fall out of your eyes. Austin wiped the tear off with his thumb. "dont worry this will be between us only" Austin whispered to you while giving you a heartwarming hug.

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