Imagine 34# - Proposal

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Imagine when Austin proposes to you:

You were both currently trying to make a chocolate cake.

"Austin stop messing about!" you yelled annoyed that Austin had thrown flour at you.

He just stood there and kept laughing until an idea popped into your head and a smirk played on your lips.

You got two whole hand-fulls of flour and threw them directly at Austin.

His face was priceless and his jaw was wide open, probably in shock at your sudden attack.

"Karmas a bitch" you said with a sorry not sorry face and your hands up in surrender.

You both cleaned up the flour that was thrown and continued to make the mixture for the cake.

"Right let's get this cake in the oven and then we can have a shower" you said with a huge smile as you wiped your hands off on your apron.

"We should shower together, you know to waste less water" Austin suggested as he sent you a quick cheeky wink.

You rolled your eyes and put the cake in the oven.

"Looks like the cake will take about an hour and a half to be baked soo..." the words slowly rolled off your tongue.

"Shower time baby! Race you upstairs and the loser will shower last!" Austin yelled, his voice echoing around the house as he ran up the stairs.

"Hey! That's not fair you had a head start!" You complained but quickly ran closely behind Austin.

"There was no rule stating we were gonna start at the same time" Austin cockily responded whilst running in the direction of the bedroom you both shared.

You followed behind him, huffing at his reply and before he could enter the bedroom, you pushed him out of the way.

As you pushed him away, you speeded inside and into the bathroom making you pump your fist in the air as you had won the race.

"Hahaha that's what you get Austin when you get too ahead of yourself" you teased him as he sat on the bed shaking his head from right to left.

"Well.. since I won, I'm gonna go take a relaxing shower " you stated with a huge smile showing off your beautiful teeth.

"Are you sure you don't want me to join you?" Austin tried to convince you but you just shook your head in disapproval.

"Austin you're being quiet a cheeky guy today but you won't win me over with all that" you made a smart comment before stepping into the bathroom and locking the door behind you.

You could hear Austin chuckle and you automatically smiled.

You undressed and got in the shower, turning the hot water on.

Meanwhile, Austin was pacing back and forth in the bedroom with a worried expression written across his face.

"Shit this needs to be perfect" Austin muttered to himself still walking around the room.

"What if one of the notes gets messed up?" Austin thought to himself, already doubting his plan.

Austin sat down on the bed while rubbing his eyes with his knuckles clearly frustrated. Then he ran his hands through his hair, tugging slightly at the ends in annoyance due to all the thoughs running through his mind.

"It'll all be alright so let's get started" Austin comforted himself and stood up, ready to turn his plan into action.


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