Preference 2# Your Names In Eachother's Phones

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Austin's name in your phone would be like:

Babe <3

Because you love calling him that as it always makes you smile knowing that you are with the boy you've always loved.

And your name in his phone would be like:

My Lady <3

Because he loves the fact that you are all his and since he's a gentlemen, you are his lady.

You two would be the cutest as those would also be the names you would call eachother in public making the girls jealous of your relationship and the guys wish they'd met you before Austin did.

Alex's name in your phone would be like: 

Mr Know It All (AC) :D

Because Alex would always correct you, every time you made a spelling error via text or he would always prove your points wrong by using science against you just to beat you.

Your name in Alex's phone would be like:

[y/n] :)

Because he just likes his contacts to be neat so then he would know who he's texting and he put a smiley face because you are always smiling and he loves that about you.

You two would have your fair amount of laughs and small arguments like a brother and sister, you would also tease each other from time to time.

Robert's name in your phone would be like:

Wannabe Robert :p

Because Robert would always try to be more manly and gangster like by rapping at random moments, showing off which made you laugh.

Your name in Robert's phone would be like:

AM's girl ;)

Because he believes you're gorgeous, he has to remind himself that you're taken by Austin but he does like you a lot in a best friend kind of way.

You two would be like best friends even though sometimes Robert would try to flirt with you but you would just laugh and say that Austin is the only one you love.

Zach's name in your phone would be like:

Golden Zachary ;)

Because Zach would always wear gold necklaces/chains with every outfit he wore as he believes it would make him have more 'swag'.

Your name in Zach's phone would be like:

The Goofy [y/n] :p

Because Zach always enjoyed seeing you do stupid things as it would always make him burst into fits of laughter.

You two would always laugh together and play pranks on the other boys. Well, mostly Robert since his reactions were always the funniest.

What a group of crazy people you hang out with.

Hey :)

Hope you liked it. xxx

Next update will be an Imagine (hopefully) :D

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Love you all xxx - CookieMonster101010

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