Imagine 23# - Oops

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Imagine an accident happening to you whilst you're at Austin's party:

Your Friend texts you about some party and she literally begs you to go with her. You finally decide to go yay! (sarcasm) You get dressed in some black jeans and a white Starbucks shirt. Then you phone your friend. "hey {friends name} I'm ready. When are you coming to pick me up?" you asked through the phone. "I'm already outside your house" your friend replied. You hanged up and went downstairs to meet your friend. You opened the door and left but closed the door before.

"Heyyy {y/n} you ready for this party?!?" your friend asked you while greeting you with a hug. "yeah" you replied with a forced smile. "oh come on be positive and give me your real smile" your friend said while crossing her arms. "fine" you replied while giving her a true smile. "that's what I like to see" your friend said while grabbing your arm and dragging you to her car.

Your Friend drove you to a normal looking house but as you came closer to it you could hear loud music and you could see people dancing through the window and bright lights flashing about in red and green.

Your Friend parked the car in front of the house and you got out and closed the door as your friend joined you. "nervous?" your friend asked. "a bit since I don't know who's party it is or anyone in it." you replied while playing with your fingers.Your friend put her hands on your hands "seriously {y/n} stop worrying its going to be great and this is Austin Mahone's party and he told me to invite you" your friend said and nudged you when she mentioned Austin Mahone wanting to invite you.

Austin wanted you to go to the party?!?! Why?????

You both walked up to the front door and you smiled thinking about Austin Mahone.... "cooocuuu earth to {y/n} " your friend said while waving her hand pass your face various of times. "huh? what?" you asked clearly confused. "I asked if you wanted to knock or should I do it" your friend replied. "oh no you do it" you replied while giving her a friendly smile. "ok" your friend replied.

Your friend loudly knocked on the door and then the door opened to reveal the one and only Austin Mahone. aka The coolest & sweetest guy from school.

"oh hello {your friends name} did you bring {y/n}??" Austin asked with a charming smile. "yup here she is all pretty" your friend replied while walking in and standing next to Austin while you were still outside in front of them. You gave them a smile and you blushed a bit. "Welcome to my home {y/n} I'm Austin" Austin said while guiding you inside and closing the door behind you. He then gave you a welcoming hug and you hugged him back. You both let go and smiled. "So let me introduce you to some of my friends" Austin said while grabbing your arm softly and taking you to the kitchen where there were 3 boys drinking coke.

"These are Alex,Robert and Zach" Austin introduced them to you. They were good looking but nothing compared to Austin. they greeted you and you greeted them back. "Well I'm gonna go upstairs for a while to get some more food but I'll be back." Austin said to you.

You nodded and he left. Alex,Robert and Zach were talking between themselves and you left. You saw a table with coke and you got a cup and filled it with coke.After a few minutes you saw Austin waving at you and smiling and you blushed and smiled back. There was a girl who was watching and as you made your way to Austin the girl 'accidentally' bumped into you and spilled the coke over your shirt. You gasped and she gave you a fake apology and left and then gave you a fake smile.

"oh {y/n} are you okay?!?!?" Austin asked trying to clean your shirt but failing. "yeah yeah its fine don't worry" you replied while giving him a weak smile."If you want I can lend you a shirt of mine" Austin suggested. "nononono its fine" you replied. "nope you are definitely using one of my shirts come" Austin said while grabbing your hand and taking you upstairs into his bedroom which was quiet nice.

"wait a second" Austin said.You nodded and he went to his wardrobe and searched for something. "here this is my hoodie you can change into it and if you want since the party is nearly over you can stay and I can make hot chocolate with marshmallows for you and me." Austin said. "um okay" you replied with a small shy smile. "I will just end the party right now and you can change your shirt and put my hoodie instead while I tidy the house a bit" Austin said. "okay I'll just change in the bathroom over there." you replied. Austin gave you a smile and left. You changed your shirt for his hoodie. It was cozy and nice.(picture of the hoodie on the side)

You looked at some pictures that he had around his bedroom of him and his friends.They looked as if they were enjoying themselves. You then heard a knock on the door. "hello?" you said. "hey its Austin can I come in?" he asked. "yeah" you replied and you could see Austins face slowly through the door."hey everyone's gone and I told your friend I would take you home so its fine and the only people left are Alex,Robert and Zach because they wanted to hang with us." Austin said while smiling at you. "oh that's fine" you replied.

Austin then grabbed your hand and took you downstairs to the living room and you sat on the sofa with Alex and Robert as Zach sat across on the other sofa with Austin and the hot chocolates were already set out for you all."so your name is {y/n}??" Alex asked "yeah" you replied. You all drank your hot chocolate's and then Alex,Zach and Robert had to leave and they said bye to you and Austin.

You sat next to Austin and he just smiled. "thank you for everything honestly I couldn't thank you anymore" you thanked Austin."its no problem really and anyways I've always secretly wanted to know you more but I was always too shy to introduce myself or even talk to you" Austin said shyly. You started to blush. "well I've always had a secret crush on you to be honest" you said while smiling."really?!?!" Austin asked you in hope and shock. "yeah you are really cute and I love the way you treat everyone equally" you replied happily.

"ahaha thanks I've always wondered if you would ever go out with me..would you?" Austin asked in hope you would say yes. "yes" you replied and Austin had a huge smile plastered on his face."can I kiss you?" Austin asked while blushing. "of course you are my boyfriend now anyways" you replied.

You both shared a special kiss which seemed to lighten up the whole house.Austin then drove you home and gave you a good bye kiss. You both exchanged phone numbers and you both had a successful relationship and after 10 years you both got married.

Hey hoped you enjoyed it.

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