Soundwave's frame shook, the faintest of trembles traveling over his plating as he stared at his destroyed mask as if he couldn't believe it was gone. The silent 'con hated showing his face and the medic could tell that it was taking all of Soundwave's strength not to cover his faceplate with his servos.

Starscream stood next. Unlike Megatron and Soundwave's his distress was far more visible. The clawed digits kept flexing in their restraints, his wings were held low and pressed firmly against his back and his whole frame was hunched over, as if he wanted to make himself invisible. When the guard passed him so he could stand behind the restrained 'cons, the seeker flinched back causing the crowd to roar in laughter. The poor flier's field colored with shame.

Beside him Shockwave twitched, his E.M field withdrawing even more than it usually was. The only signs that the scientist was in any state of distress were the dimness of his single optic and the tense way he held himself. Nevertheless he watched the jeering crowd and even though he had no face the disdain he held for them was obvious.

Beside the scientist Airachnid hissed, silver fangs glinting in the light as she glowered at the crowd, her spidery appendages lifting in a threatening manner, or at least what was left of them. The blades had been cut off and the rest locked in a stasis cuff similar to the one locked over Starscream and Dreadwing's wings.

Knock Out couldn't help but wince at the sight. There was no ounce of pity for the femme in his entire frame, but he was first of all a medic and he could tell by first glance that the deed was done clumsily. Wires hung from the ends in a tangled mess, occasionally sparking and there were patches of dried energon where the lines had been crudely sealed.

Knowing the Autobots, they wouldn't give her any pain dampeners. It must've hurt.

As for Dreadwing, the seeker held himself stoically, much like his master, helm high and his optics bright with controlled anger and contempt, servos curled into fists where they were bound together by the stasis cuffs.

The movement in the crowd caught his attention as the Autobots shifted to the sides, creating a wide walkway. Knock Out felt his lines run cold as he realized that this was it.

Eight figures were walking towards them and he didn't have to look closely to realize who they were. Involuntarily he took a step backwards only to be shoved back by the guard to the great glee of the audience. He knew they were enjoying the decepticons' fear, but he couldn't bring himself to care, optics wildly seeking out his mate.

He didn't- couldn't notice that Starscream was now on the ground, tackled and successfully pinned by a guard, that Dreadwing stiffened beside him, that Shockwave's antennae abruptly canted back.

Minutes seemed to pass like ages and then they were standing there, in a line like their captives. The claiming was about to begin.

Suddenly Arcee stalked forward, her servo grasping the chain connected to Airachnid's collar. The black femme only just managed to keep her footing as she was roughly pulled toward her long time foe. Energon dripped from the corner of black lipplates.

Knock Out saw Arcee pull the femme closer, saw her whisper something to her captive, witnessed how Airachnid's helm lurched to the side from the heavy blow she was dealt.

With growing horror he noticed that not one member of Team Prime seemed to be even remotely bothered by the unwarranted violence.

Not waiting for Airachnid to recover, the two wheeler pulled her off the stage, disappearing into the crowd.

The next was the scout. The medic felt a small glimmer of hope as he saw hesitance in the yellow bot's movements, but the feeling was soon quenched as Bumblebee gently, but firmly took Soundwave's chain into his servo.

The TIC didn't even try to fight it as he was led off the platform.

Now there was six of them left. Knock Out dreaded the moment he would be chosen. That would be the end. From that moment he would never be free, he would never be able to race and he would never see Breakdown ever again. He would be imprisoned alone with a cruel master for eternity.

He studied the emotionless faces, the hard blue optics, wondering which one of these monsters would he be sentenced with.

After Bumblebee had successfully made his way off the stage with his chosen slave in tow, Ratchet stepped forward. He seemed to consider the mechs in front of him, before venting a heavy sigh and taking Shockwave's chain.

The deception scientist looked up, his dim optics meeting teal ones. During that single second an entire conversation seemed to pass between the new master and slave before the old medic signaled for them to leave the stage.

Ratchet hadn't even reached the last step before Smokescreen bounced forward, obviously more than excited at the prospect of a personal toy.

Knock Out kept his optics locked on his pedes and just waited for the rookie to pick and leave.

The shift in his collar and the jingling of a chain brought him back to reality and he looked up, shocked black and red optics fixating on blue ones that were alight with cruel anticipation. Even with the blocked bond he could feel the sudden spike of rage, more intense than ever before, in Breakdown.

He tried to resist as the rookie pulled him towards himself, too weak to put up much of a fight. The servo clasping his chain came up to caress his cheek plate and he felt an unwelcome shiver run down his spine as the other came up to paw at his waist.

"I'm going to have so much fun with you" Smokescreen purred, his voice almost drowned out by the collective wolf whistles and jeering of the crowd.

A sudden enraged yell tore the rookie's attention away from his prize. Breakdown had torn away from the line, golden optics alight with the desire to kill as he lunged for the mech assaulting his bonded.

But before he could reach them, a giant green wrecking ball came crashing down on the blue mech and sending him to the ground.

"Breakdown!" Knock Out yelled, cold horror seizing his spark as he tried to run to his spark mate, only to be held back by Smokescreen. "BREAKDOWN!!"

He watched and could do nothing as Breakdown coughed up energon before being roughly hauled up by Bulkhead.

The collar clamping tightly around his throat and he gagged, turning to see Smokescreen already leaving and pulling him along.

Knock Out tried to fight, but he was fighting a losing battle. The last thing he saw of his mate was the Autobot wrecker holding him elevated in some kind of hold and then the crowd closed in around him.

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